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HS moves to Obesity - safe from Downsizing


How do you know this? And why wasn’t it done on firiday with the obesity calls. There are plenty of good DCS sales reps. The thrush is no one knows. Stop spreading rumors.

How do you know this? And why wasn’t it done on firiday with the obesity calls. There are plenty of good DCS sales reps. The thrush is no one knows. Stop spreading rumors.

Yes there are very good DCS reps and good reps at all levels. But let's be real. We are selling sema in two forms. I am not sure how many DCS territories there are and how many of them have or need three DCS reps in them. Do you really not think that is a obvious starting point to look at reductions? Do DCS call decks support three in the call cycle?

Will HS get the option to take a package? I don’t know many HS who would enjoy stepping down into primary care. And if they do stay and keep their higher salaries, guess who will be justifiably expendable next time. Only next year they will be PC reps looking for jobs instead of specialty reps looking this time.

A rep is a rep.
Where is your geography?
How do you fit in the new map?
No space?
Where else do you fit close to your address?

That is your placement.
It’s not about your relationships, performance in that territory, manager’s thoughts of you or your salary. It is a full reorganization and realignment.
New organization, New Maps, New alignment.

A rep is a rep.
Where is your geography?
How do you fit in the new map?
No space?
Where else do you fit close to your address?

That is your placement.
It’s not about your relationships, performance in that territory, manager’s thoughts of you or your salary. It is a full reorganization and realignment.
New organization, New Maps, New alignment.

you go ahead and believe that if it makes you feel better but you are wrong

Will HS get the option to take a package? I don’t know many HS who would enjoy stepping down into primary care. And if they do stay and keep their higher salaries, guess who will be justifiably expendable next time. Only next year they will be PC reps looking for jobs instead of specialty reps looking this time.
HS reps do the same thing as primary care reps. Call on HS owned primary care clinics. No GLP-1 on the Hospital inpatient side

HS reps have been getting away with basically doing nothing for years...and now they will be very high paid PC reps doing almost the same thing due to access...bottom line...completely expendable and NNI knows it.

HS reps have been getting away with basically doing nothing for years...and now they will be very high paid PC reps doing almost the same thing due to access...bottom line...completely expendable and NNI knows it.
But hear all the HS reps clamor to justify how important they are for the company. Novo GET IT RIGHT for once. Companies like Lilly won’t even hire tenured reps and we are paying crazy amounts to these arrogant jerkoffs who think calling on 5 pharmacists in a HS system is keeping the lights on at Novo

But hear all the HS reps clamor to justify how important they are for the company. Novo GET IT RIGHT for once. Companies like Lilly won’t even hire tenured reps and we are paying crazy amounts to these arrogant jerkoffs who think calling on 5 pharmacists in a HS system is keeping the lights on at Novo

Your fear is showing. The proof is in the growth of HS numbers. You’ll be okay little buddy.

HS reps do the same thing as primary care reps. Call on HS owned primary care clinics. No GLP-1 on the Hospital inpatient side

Bless your heart. You’re proving why we’re needed. Health System account managing/selling has nothing to do with Hospital inpatient business. Maybe you’re thinking of the old IDCS? Study up on Account management, if you survive your gonna need to know the difference.