How Zoll LV can improve in 2022


1) Improve the quota nonsense. If I fit 275 people in the year my quota should not jump by 30 Percent because I did well in certain segments. Everyone should get the same increase. This is why TM’s leave.
2) Major comfort revisions need to be made. Kestra will take our business over this issue. LV hadn’t changed much in many years. When is this happening?
3) Do something to reward performing reps and quit rewarding people who don’t make plan. Also if you have not made plan in 4 years no matter the excuse you should be put on a plan and let go. Recruit new talent.
4) Mangers need to bring value. My manager brings zero value. No solutions for any problems and is always late if we are to meet. If I tell him let’s meet at 9 am he shows up late every time. Always some excuse. Be on time managers.
5) Finally get rid of people that break the rules and embarrass the company. The Charlotte meeting for the SE was nothing but a drunk fest. The AD should have been let go right after that meeting for his actions. When you are in a position of power you should never act like he did. His RM’s that turned the other way should be gone also. It’s like an NFL coaching staff. JB is the head coach and he and all his assistants need to go.
If these actions are taken the end of 2022 will be much happier for reps then the end of 2021. We need to quit losing our good TM’s. If these things don’t change we will lose a large amount of our great TM’s. Every great rep we have here is looking elsewhere.
Happy New Year!

I agree it’s bad. It doesn’t have to be. Get rid of the SE AD and his mangers and you are moving in the right direction. If they don’t do that it will be more of the same.

1) Improve the quota nonsense. If I fit 275 people in the year my quota should not jump by 30 Percent because I did well in certain segments. Everyone should get the same increase. This is why TM’s leave.
2) Major comfort revisions need to be made. Kestra will take our business over this issue. LV hadn’t changed much in many years. When is this happening?
3) Do something to reward performing reps and quit rewarding people who don’t make plan. Also if you have not made plan in 4 years no matter the excuse you should be put on a plan and let go. Recruit new talent.
4) Mangers need to bring value. My manager brings zero value. No solutions for any problems and is always late if we are to meet. If I tell him let’s meet at 9 am he shows up late every time. Always some excuse. Be on time managers.
5) Finally get rid of people that break the rules and embarrass the company. The Charlotte meeting for the SE was nothing but a drunk fest. The AD should have been let go right after that meeting for his actions. When you are in a position of power you should never act like he did. His RM’s that turned the other way should be gone also. It’s like an NFL coaching staff. JB is the head coach and he and all his assistants need to go.
If these actions are taken the end of 2022 will be much happier for reps then the end of 2021. We need to quit losing our good TM’s. If these things don’t change we will lose a large amount of our great TM’s. Every great rep we have here is looking elsewhere.
Happy New Year!

seems pretty obvious

Start with the SE Area. Make those changes today. Show the company that what happened in Charlotte won’t ever be allowed again.

You can anonymously clamor for the removal of a great man from the comfort of your mommy’s
basement or you can build yourself into a Trump like winner. Your futile attempts at a mutiny are a waste of your time. Work on yourself in 2022 and work hard. One
Day you may be asked to sit at the round table.
I assume you want to be ready when that happens

You can anonymously clamor for the removal of a great man from the comfort of your mommy’s
basement or you can build yourself into a Trump like winner. Your futile attempts at a mutiny are a waste of your time. Work on yourself in 2022 and work hard. One
Day you may be asked to sit at the round table.
I assume you want to be ready when that happens

Take your own advice JB

Great Man???….Bully and poor ass Husband, save your praise for your next interview. I hear JB is double dipping with his friend at Shockwave….. but Zoll doesn’t care, many double dip daily!

He has treated people like they are dispensable for years. He has used his power to influence woman to hook up with him. He has overlooked disgusting things said by his reps that would make national news. What he has proven is that if you are in the good ole boys club anyone goes. As a female I feel his behavior and what I saw in Charlotte was the worst thing I had seen at a meeting. Go to Shock Wave no one here will throw a good bye party for you. Take your accommodating look the other way RM’s with you. We all need to pray for you. You really need help.

You are making the Charlotte gathering out to sound like the Charlottesville gathering of a few years ago. Relax with the drama and fall in line. JB is running things and you can’t do anything about it.

This whole situation reminds me of what happened to the former today show host who thought he was bigger than the system. Above the law. Could do anything to anyone and treat people whoever he wanted. Is he still on the Today show? Just wait and watch JB won’t be with Zoll in the near future.

Zoll needs more Trump and Less Cancel Culture. What a bunch of soft a$$ reps you have become. Blame JB for your terrible performance. The guy can throw a party. What is there to complain about. You should be thanking him. You could be reporting to Mr Congeniality SF in FlooRidaaaa!

Go get MO’s losers. It is the easiest product you will ever sell i. Your itty bitty 20 sq mile territory.

Yours Truly,

Zoll Has Been

The above post is kind of true. Mr I fly under the radar for how many years now because I’m too scared to push back on anything and just never speak! How does ZOLL allow clowns like floriduhhhh to stay and get away w what he gets away with. Look around. You need go getters there are so few there. There were some in the past that left. Wake up Pittsburgh, shake up this AD team (and wake up the RM team). Make some real moves. We know you aren’t scared to do it. We’ve seen what you can do and we believe in you.

The above post is kind of true. Mr I fly under the radar for how many years now because I’m too scared to push back on anything and just never speak! How does ZOLL allow clowns like floriduhhhh to stay and get away w what he gets away with. Look around. You need go getters there are so few there. There were some in the past that left. Wake up Pittsburgh, shake up this AD team (and wake up the RM team). Make some real moves. We know you aren’t scared to do it. We’ve seen what you can do and we believe in you.

Southeast and Northeast AD and RM teams are an utter fail. Good job mom jean Bob

Agreed with a lot of what is said here. Reps are not given the proper tools to do their main job roles. The company, in a poor logistical move, deactivated majority of our contracted employees that fit patients, with the device. Now reps are unable to make their numbers and put food on the tables of their families. And at the same time the company is asking why we haven’t recruited our own fitters, acting as HR is not the the job title reps are paid to preform. The time and effort that has taken out of our day is depressing! And the company won’t pay anyone to go through the training for fitter! Which makes it impossible to bring good people on board!

Number one rep at this company only has to get 3 orders every 2 weeks, when that territory was doing 7x that prior. He is unvaccinated and currently sitting his ass on a Cabo beach, probably didn’t even put in PTO.