How much time does Respiratory have left?


Well I’m pretty convinced that the end is closer than I originally thought. We were making some new head way with the PIF story. But now our marketing team, which is not very good by the way, is making a ver desperate attempt to have something different so they came up with these respiratory dolls.
I thought we’d have about 3 years left especially if we could keep making some positive momentum. These respiratory dolls are a desperate move by marketing. Did I say our marketing team isn’t very hood? Lol
We need marketing pieces for 2019 GOLD Guidelines since they are concerned about Trelegy growth and tell us to fight it but they don’t give us any tools to fight it, long do y’all honest,y believe respiratory has left? 1.5-2 years?


Well I’m pretty convinced that the end is closer than I originally thought. We were making some new head way with the PIF story. But now our marketing team, which is not very good by the way, is making a ver desperate attempt to have something different so they came up with these respiratory dolls.
I thought we’d have about 3 years left especially if we could keep making some positive momentum. These respiratory dolls are a desperate move by marketing. Did I say our marketing team isn’t very hood? Lol
We need marketing pieces for 2019 GOLD Guidelines since they are concerned about Trelegy growth and tell us to fight it but they don’t give us any tools to fight it, long do y’all honest,y believe respiratory has left? 1.5-2 years?
You should start planning the dolls funeral. That's how long.

Let’s face it whether you like Fleetwood Mac and go your own way with Anoro
Or you’re a Jackson 5 fan and find Trelegy easy as 123. Chances are your doctor’s not recommending a BIPI product. Maybe Striverdi - ? Combivent oh wait a minute it’s not covered

Give it till Thanksgiving- they will be looking for turkeys to cook

Get over to the Sugar Shop or Honeycomb crew now! Otherwise prepare to be dumped

It's hard to know the answer. HandiHaler goes generic sometime around the start of 22', but they wont wait until that late to start restructuring. We have been improving with the conversion of Rpmt, but there's still TONS of business out there with HH and lots of Dr.s who see no benefit with Rpmt anyway. Even if they did, what's going to happen when managed care plans force Dr.s to use HH when it's generic? They will use it. We have no superiority data of Rpmt vs. HH. We needed a triple, we didn't get it. Many people explained to management that we needed a triple, no one listened. Now we have:
Spirva Tudorza Incruse Seebri Anoro Stiolto Utibron Bevespi Trelegy (AZ's triple has also been filed).

Stiolto is a dead product, Spiriva has lost tons of coverage. Dr.s see no difference among the products, and even IF they did, it's all Managed care forced anyway. We are resting all our hopes on dolls in a boxes and inhalation ability (even though, there's no data to show better efficacy based on inhalation ability).

The larger question is the company as a whole. Pradaxa is going away soon, Spiriva not too far after. Now go see our pipeline, nothing. I do mean nothing, other than line extensions for existing products, is beyond Phase 2 (LOTS of drugs fail in phase 2). We can't all be selling Diabetes meds, some changes are going to have to happen. Companies do things in advance of patents expiring, so looking at the company as a whole is the question. Very hard to get a read on that unless you are actually in house, which I strongly doubt almost anyone on here actually is. Even if you're a DM, those decisions are way higher than a DM and you wouldn't be informed until 1 day before layoffs/restructuring. We are going to have to get very lean for a # of years, and then hope we can get some drugs to market in ~3-5 years and ramp back up. So your question, how lean, and what's the timing? No one on CP knows. It's estimates. Best estimate seem like anywhere from 1 to 2 years.

Again though, the bigger question seems even outside of Resp. what is going to happen. Things sometimes start at the top and move down over time. Randolph Legg just left, seems like they are consolidating down to 2 AVPs. A good # of CBDs have left, some regions have been combined. I would think these same things will eventually make it's way down to reps as well.

You are absolutely right. They bought an oncology company and are shoring up that portfolio. There could be an avenue with a biosimilar, but the one they picked has 5 biosimilar competitors. For all that development and legal money, they could have sunk it in the 3 pt Mace for Jardiance.

Marketing here stinks. There are no good marketing pieces and everything is supposed to be digital. Drs keep opting out so then what? The dolls seem desperate and everyone feels the desperation. The recycled employees here bring no new value and they are going outside of the company for a new SVP for met/CV. This tells you they are cleaning house and put the two people with the least ideas into one silo that can be whacked at any moment. It was a genius move to separate them now after the rep reorg so that the reps can jump ship and they won't have to pay severances.

There are not enough CBD spots for the current people in those roles so that means that a CBD would be a rep?? I'm sure they would stay because of the pension but some of these benefits just mean dead weight stays around and there is hardly any turnover to get fresh ideas and blood into the company. It will be interesting and of course, favoritism wins here over results. The bottom of the pack will land the better jobs because people like them.

Again though, the bigger question seems even outside of Resp. what is going to happen. Things sometimes start at the top and move down over time. Randolph Legg just left, seems like they are consolidating down to 2 AVPs. A good # of CBDs have left, some regions have been combined. I would think these same things will eventually make it's way down to reps as well.

RL gone? Good riddance. What a useless tool he was.

They are filling Randolphs position. Should be announced within a month. Someone was talking about a new opthamology product coming. Does anyone know what they are looking at with that one?

They are filling Randolphs position. Should be announced within a month. Someone was talking about a new opthamology product coming. Does anyone know what they are looking at with that one?

Very funny. ‘Ophthalmology product’ and ‘looking’. You’re quite the punster. I ‘see’ what you’re doing. Well played.

I feel like there’s maybe 4-5 years left. As long as SP HH isn’t copied which doesn’t look like it will be.
And it depends on how the Trelegy uptake continues. BI absolutely cannot lose any more formulary coverage. If they lose any more then the reps are defeated and will feel defeated. Doctors write whatever makes life easier for them abd their practice when efficacy and s/e are similar. Really they’ll write an inferior product if it goes through insurance easier.

So if BI will at least maintain formulary coverage for the next 5 years then we are ok.

I feel like there’s maybe 4-5 years left. As long as SP HH isn’t copied which doesn’t look like it will be.
And it depends on how the Trelegy uptake continues. BI absolutely cannot lose any more formulary coverage. If they lose any more then the reps are defeated and will feel defeated. Doctors write whatever makes life easier for them abd their practice when efficacy and s/e are similar. Really they’ll write an inferior product if it goes through insurance easier.

So if BI will at least maintain formulary coverage for the next 5 years then we are ok.

written like someone who has been through pyramid training.

I feel like there’s maybe 4-5 years left. As long as SP HH isn’t copied which doesn’t look like it will be.
And it depends on how the Trelegy uptake continues. BI absolutely cannot lose any more formulary coverage. If they lose any more then the reps are defeated and will feel defeated. Doctors write whatever makes life easier for them abd their practice when efficacy and s/e are similar. Really they’ll write an inferior product if it goes through insurance easier.

So if BI will at least maintain formulary coverage for the next 5 years then we are ok.

You are insane. There’s a reason it’s call respiratory and established brands. One to two years MAX. spv HH already exists in several countries. Stiolto just got hit with yet another blow with the Stiolto to Anoro trial. spv HH hits it’s game over. There’s no superiority data for Rsmpt over HH. Managed care will require generic Spiriva first. Game over.

You are insane. There’s a reason it’s call respiratory and established brands. One to two years MAX. spv HH already exists in several countries. Stiolto just got hit with yet another blow with the Stiolto to Anoro trial. spv HH hits it’s game over. There’s no superiority data for Rsmpt over HH. Managed care will require generic Spiriva first. Game over.

Ok first the Anoro vs Stiolto trial is not new and docs aren’t really phased by it.

Secondly, we have patent on SP HH until 2022. Even then the device is difficult to copy. Advair was generic for years until their device could be copied. Even then the original Advair is still written A LOT. The generic versions didn’t just take it all away. Advair gets written quite a bit. So that means BI can still make a significant amount of money off SP HH for a long long time and we will keep promoting our Respimat devices

Ok first the Anoro vs Stiolto trial is not new and docs aren’t really phased by it.

Secondly, we have patent on SP HH until 2022. Even then the device is difficult to copy. Advair was generic for years until their device could be copied. Even then the original Advair is still written A LOT. The generic versions didn’t just take it all away. Advair gets written quite a bit. So that means BI can still make a significant amount of money off SP HH for a long long time and we will keep promoting our Respimat devices


Don't worry folks. I remember reading on CP a few years ago that they would market RMT to veterinarians to Rx to goats with COPD from eating cigarettes. Everyone knows that goat PIF is so weak. This must be why RL left us, he goes before us to build the market. We are safe in Respiratory. It's Diabetes that needs to watch out. When Pokahauntas gets elected it will be Medicare for all and illegal to eat anything besides broccoli. Jardiance will die and goats will live!

you +1 yourself all over these forums. At least wait more than 20 mins to do it lol. Respiratory is dead in less than 2 years. 100% guaranteed. Saw many many hard working people leave over the years. Senior leadership messed up. Nothing anyone could have done. Best of luck to my former Resp. folk. You are most certainly good people.

you +1 yourself all over these forums. At least wait more than 20 mins to do it lol. Respiratory is dead in less than 2 years. 100% guaranteed. Saw many many hard working people leave over the years. Senior leadership messed up. Nothing anyone could have done. Best of luck to my former Resp. folk. You are most certainly good people.

Subtraction is not your strong suit is it. It’s okay little buddy, math is hard.

you +1 yourself all over these forums. At least wait more than 20 mins to do it lol. Respiratory is dead in less than 2 years. 100% guaranteed. Saw many many hard working people leave over the years. Senior leadership messed up. Nothing anyone could have done. Best of luck to my former Resp. folk. You are most certainly good people.
