How much longer will PC be around?

hope they put us out of our misery sooner vs. later.
Just offer a decent severance and pension buyout and I'd bet 75% would leave by running...not walking the door.

Yep, sure am partner. And I've got all my PC customers in the palm of my hands. I get in whenever I want to.

So don't be such an arse about it

shut the fuck up Utard. I know who you are. Its fucking amazing you're still employed-but only because you're e a fucking wizard at misdirection you prick. And everybody knows it. Your own family doesn't even like you. Keep packing your CTL in the ass. Run those reports. Keep 'em off guard. You can fool him-he's easy to fool, but you don't fool any of us. Now go give your shitbag handshakes to all your buddies you call on