How much longer can Everett last

It’s always amusing to watch low level underlings attempt to critique their superiors for jobs they are hopelessly unqualified for, completely ignorant of and wouldn’t even know where to begin if they had a free pass to try. Hey junior, how about at least trying to perform the tasks we hired and trained you for? And if you get confused and off track again, refer to the job description we provided for you or ask the manager that we hired to supervise your daily activities. Hope this helps.
Does your job description include harassing everyone? Your such a dick! So much so that everyone ignores your useless posts. So why don’t you just fuck off? Oh yeah, you don’t work either and you just sit there with this thread. LOL. Your pathetic, not the son and junior that you keep speaking of. If you call me son to my face, I’d rearrange it for you so even your Mother wouldn’t recognize you. You deserve to be beat to a pulp for how you talk to these people.