How many Suicides, Bankruptcys, Forclosures, Divorces will Novartis cause ?


Because you know , They are a "healthcare" company
Think what's possible

When our parents and grandparents lived through holocausts and World Wars, it puts in to perspective just how self centered and juvenile you are. Its a job! Get over yourself and find another one. I'm a rep with four kids 9yrs old to college aged, not HR or a Mgr or corporate. Because, that is the first thing victims like point out. Put you big boy pants on!

NVS is no different than any other big business over the last 15 years or so. Our society has turned to the investor as the most important person in the chain - meaning cutting costs and boosting profits at all opportunities. The only ones that make out is the executives that can make it look like they are in the shareholders court and retain their mega$$ jobs.

There will be many unhappy and desperate people following these announcements, but the truly talented and strong will come out of this much happier and in a better place.

I have been downsized twice and came out better off each time. It is important to remember 3 things when job hunting:

1) Your new job is finding a job. That means 8 hours a day (OK maybe 5 for some of you). Stop feeling sorry for yourself and being pissed off at everyone - get out there and network.
2) Speaking of networking, this is the only way to find a new gig. Don't waste time on want ads, get in touch with everyone you know, tell them you are looking and FOLLOW UP on all leads.
3) Always present yourself in the most positive light. Dress up, polish the resume (please have somebody spell check it for you), and NEVER badmouth NVS (or other company) in an interview - employers want POSITIVE employees, bitchers are a dime a dozen....

Good luck everyone!!

When our parents and grandparents lived through holocausts and World Wars, it puts in to perspective just how self centered and juvenile you are. Its a job! Get over yourself and find another one. I'm a rep with four kids 9yrs old to college aged, not HR or a Mgr or corporate. Because, that is the first thing victims like point out. Put you big boy pants on!

AMEN! Losing your job is NOT the worst thing that could happen to you.
Try walking in someones shoes who has lost a child or had a child diagnosed with a chronic, debilitating medical condition.
Losing your job pales in comparison. Get a grip people and get your priorities straight!

When our parents and grandparents lived through holocausts and World Wars, it puts in to perspective just how self centered and juvenile you are. Its a job! Get over yourself and find another one. I'm a rep with four kids 9yrs old to college aged, not HR or a Mgr or corporate. Because, that is the first thing victims like point out. Put you big boy pants on!

You're a fucking tool . WTF does your idiot grandparents experience have to do with fucking people over ?
Jackass Jimenez unequivically stated no layoffs & a week later fucks over 1400 people.
Fuck you & your bootstraps jackass. The economy was booming back in those days because of the wars.
This is your moral equivalence ?
Hope you & your litter are homeless on a soup kitchen line.
Rep my ass. Fuck you ...again

Suggestions from prior layoffs:

1) kiss the wife and kids goodbye, then drive your car to the bottom of the lake.
2) find a pretty teacher in your subdivision a brutally murder her.
3) slit your throat in the trunk of your car so that they can find your rotting corpse three days later.

All Novartis has to do is read some of these postings to reassure them that they are doing the right thing. WOW! Who are you people?? One has to be out of college to be working at Novartis so that would put you around 22-25 +/- yrs old on up. What happened?! Amazing the morbid toughness you all have hiding behind an anonymous message board. And we wonder why the industry is imploding??? This industry "extermination" is the best thing that could happen. Look in the mirror now - can't hide behind the pharma group safety net. Will have to get a job and see how good/tough you really are. Consider a call to a counselor too - they could help with those insecurities. (I think COBRA will cover it)


Novartis does not owe us anything. I want my job but if you did not see this coming then you are not smart enough for this job. The writing is on the wall. If you believed Jimenez you deserve to leave because it shows your inability to see ahead. We should always plan for tomorrow. Good luck to everyone. If you have not been looking for a different career and you survive- start looking- how long and how many more times do you want to go through this.


Novartis does not owe us anything. I want my job but if you did not see this coming then you are not smart enough for this job. The writing is on the wall. If you believed Jimenez you deserve to leave because it shows your inability to see ahead. We should always plan for tomorrow. Good luck to everyone. If you have not been looking for a different career and you survive- start looking- how long and how many more times do you want to go through this.

Exactamundo. Spoken like a true veteran.....whenever they announce "there will not be reductions" there always are.

Oncology is next.

Good Luck


Novartis does not owe us anything..

Yeah legally they don't . Morally for anyone that spent
1 , 2 or 3 decades with this company to be tossed out
in this job market/economy during record profits
with bogus metrics in favor or some
mgrs pet or some recent hire is shameful & karma is a
Tenured reps have interesting documents from the
stories told.

Amen to the majority of these posts. Novartis isn't responsible for suicides, foreclosures, divorces etc. How ignorant of a statement. They are a corporation that employs us and we are responsible for our personal finances. Good God original post, grow up and PUT ON YOUR BIG BOY PANTS (that's the best one yet!!)

Because you know , They are a "healthcare" company
Think what's possible

The answer is ZERO.

Suicides - your choice

Bankruptcy - Your fault if you spent too much. Every hear of the concept of savings and an emergency account?

Foreclosure - Your fault for buying more of a house than you can afford

Divorce - Your fault if you married someone who will drop you the minute you lose a job. Tell your wife to stop eating bonbons, watching Oprah and then to get off the couch and get a job.

You're a fucking tool . WTF does your idiot grandparents experience have to do with fucking people over ?
Jackass Jimenez unequivically stated no layoffs & a week later fucks over 1400 people.
Fuck you & your bootstraps jackass. The economy was booming back in those days because of the wars.
This is your moral equivalence ?
Hope you & your litter are homeless on a soup kitchen line.
Rep my ass. Fuck you ...again

It is stupid fuckers like you that give pharm reps a bad name! Jimenez said there would not be anything like what Roche was doing. Learn to read and think on your own. Life is tough, grow up and move on!

You're a fucking tool . WTF does your idiot grandparents experience have to do with fucking people over ?
Jackass Jimenez unequivically stated no layoffs & a week later fucks over 1400 people.
Fuck you & your bootstraps jackass. The economy was booming back in those days because of the wars.
This is your moral equivalence ?
Hope you & your litter are homeless on a soup kitchen line.
Rep my ass. Fuck you ...again

Learn to read Jackass
as was pointed out on several threads here statemnets from corporate clearly said we dont plan a similar effort to Roche

Key word is similar as was pointed out on CP several times. 14oo US is not similar to 4400 worldwide get it?

You're a fucking tool . WTF does your idiot grandparents experience have to do with fucking people over ?
Jackass Jimenez unequivically stated no layoffs & a week later fucks over 1400 people.
Fuck you & your bootstraps jackass. The economy was booming back in those days because of the wars.
This is your moral equivalence ?
Hope you & your litter are homeless on a soup kitchen line.
Rep my ass. Fuck you ...again

You are the EPITOME of everything that is wrong in our industry. Your mother should be so proud.

As someone else said, this industry is dying. Sanofi is doing the same thing as Novartis on Thursday...laying off 1400 people. If you get severance, count it as a blessing.

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