How many Pernix Reps were laid off today without a clue??

GJ listen up

what is sad is GJ once kept people from getting jobs at amgen and bragged about it to several people....he had an inside friend (who got fire at Amgen no surprise) that he would find out who at Pernix was interviewing and then have this friend tell the hiring manager the rep is terrible and not to hire them...then he would brag about it to many people at Pernix like he did a good thing to keep people at Pernix!!!! Honestly that kind of behavior is what you see on the chart of the BEST LEADER and the WORST LEADER
GJ is without a doubt the worst leader and a horrific person for ruining people’s chances to get out of a place that he knew for a year it would end like this!!!
I hope everyone here learns their lesson and never works for any of these people again!!! What is funny is so many went out to good companies and GJ and JV will never works at these companies because they all already know never to hire them!!! Their reputation is now public

This is true, I know a rep that was targeted and the Amgen manager told this person what happened. Not gossip. Also not legal. He has the emotional intelligence of a gnat.

agreed what GJ did is illegal...

Why are we all scared of these fools...why did everyone silent their voices when we all knew it was wrong!

Speak up you have a out what they did wrong and illegal
They deserve the results of the choices they made...they made the choice to be terrible that was a choice

They led by intimidation. You said one thing to JV about anything and poof: he starts disparaging you to other managers and employees, and suddenly you are pushed out or gone.

The above poster is right! Do not be afraid. Several of us have found in our networking that many high up individuals in Pharma do not have good experiences or respect for the two men that proclaim they are the princes of the industry.

JS is a corporate raider. The pockets he lines are his own, it’s inhumane. They had a lot of time to do right by people that worked here a long time. Someone who takes a 500k “retention” bonus while also the ceo (and paid) by Nal is awful. You could’ve given people some severance with that money. At least a buffer until unemployment kicks in.

Ive been doing this a long time and been through several of these. I've also heard of many more and I've never heard of anything like this before. Shameful and Pathetic lack of leadership.