How many Pernix Reps were laid off today without a clue??

Not surprised by this Left awhile ago as I saw writing on the wall when they bought Sedor in. Hopefully, they have the $ expenses to date. Keep the Ipad & printer...U are not getting severance or bonus, is what they should say. Oh well-everyone was warned with previous layoffs & stock price. Not to mention they cancelled Presidents trip

Not surprised by this Left awhile ago as I saw writing on the wall when they bought Sedor in. Hopefully, they have the $ expenses to date. Keep the Ipad & printer...U are not getting severance or bonus, is what they should say. Oh well-everyone was warned with previous layoffs & stock price. Not to mention they cancelled Presidents trip
You can find my iPad and printer where my bonus check is... fyi. Pitiful awful unhumane Unprofessionals. Drive two companies, Depomed and Pernix, into the ground. Bravo. Karma is a...

Not surprised by this Left awhile ago as I saw writing on the wall when they bought Sedor in. Hopefully, they have the $ expenses to date. Keep the Ipad & printer...U are not getting severance or bonus, is what they should say. Oh well-everyone was warned with previous layoffs & stock price. Not to mention they cancelled Presidents trip
You can find my iPad and laptop with my bonus check ... fyi. Pitiful awful unhumane Unprofessionals. Drove two companies, Depomed and Pernix, into the ground. Bravo. Karma is a...

Wow, today was surreal. The call was horrible, but I must say, GJ actually sounded so much more upbeat than he was on Chairman’s Club call! I had to shake my head at the end of the call this morning and ask myself “did that just happen?” I knew something was coming but had no idea they would screw us as bad as they did ! Loved the last part of the call....... and by the way ..... no severance, no Q4 bonus, end of call... click!!!!

So horrible. Feel so bad now. Completely stressed out. And we have no idea what a reason why laid off. Did they file BK already or what?

So horrible. Feel so bad now. Completely stressed out. And we have no idea what a reason why laid off. Did they file BK already or what?
Because there’s no money to pay us and the treximet debt. It’s pretty clear.

The WAY this was handled is shameful. Thanks for the letter telling us not to talk about how you put everyone in the street with no money or car. We don’t work for you anymore. Our shares are worth nothing.

Sounds like a contract sales layoff. But we would get are 30 days Warn (thats your severance) and bonus. So enjoy your unemployment. Start sending out resumes NOW don't wait. Cobra's should be offered (so expensive if you have a family) Keep in touch with your Manager he or she most likely will end up in a contract sales role. If he likes you you could join him on that contract. You had a great job but you may not land a job in Pharma again. So be flexible.

You DO qualify for WARN. See judicial rulings. Geographically dispersed sales forces are not a loophole for WARN compliance. All other exemptions do NOT apply to this situation.

HO was down to bare bones. They didn’t get rid of “a lot” of people. It’s JH BP RB FH K and LC - not paying severance and yanking cars without even a day to make arrangements is disgusting.
They got rid of JH, BP, FH, KM, KB, and RB. They kept others for short term extended work to clean up things then they are getting my go. LC and MS I believe are still there on extended work. All of finance are there of course . IT down to 2 worthless people (JT and MH). Others will get jobs at NAL.

Sounds like a contract sales layoff. But we would get are 30 days Warn (thats your severance) and bonus. So enjoy your unemployment. Start sending out resumes NOW don't wait. Cobra's should be offered (so expensive if you have a family) Keep in touch with your Manager he or she most likely will end up in a contract sales role. If he likes you you could join him on that contract. You had a great job but you may not land a job in Pharma again. So be flexible.
Great observations and advice! I was laid off from my company in the fall of '17 when my entire sales force was suddenly eliminated. They paid us to the end of the year and paid out our Q4 bonuses, which was fair, and we were grateful for this. However, the job search was a nightmare! Pharma is shrinking - an industry in decline. The competition for jobs is fierce! It took me a year to get back into the industry. After 6 months of being unemployed, I was forced to return to my old field, a field I last worked in 15 years ago before I entered Pharma. The job in my former career field paid half what I made in Pharma, but I had consistent work, overtime hours, and was able to pay my bills. As mentioned, I finally secured another Pharma gig after a year of being out of the industry. I had an employee referral and I knew the manager. I keep the job in my old field as a part-time side gig (some evening and weekend work) as a hedge against unemployment due to possible future pharma layoff. Good luck to everyone! I have been laid off 3 times in my 15-year Pharma career. Unemployment sucks, and the job search sucks even more these days. My advice is to secure something outside Pharma, even if it's in a low-paid field, that can provide consistent work or at least some income. And/or have passive income through investments, etc. Point is to be diversified and have more than one income stream so as not to have all your eggs in one basket. Pharma has become too volatile and there is no security in the industry.

I’m so sorry that was your experience. Luckily several here have been able to secure Pharma jobs.

Unfortunately the rest of the company was dropped with no warning and no severance. No earned Q4 bonus. It was a bloodbath. Several employees have been here for many years. I hope the crappy reputation follows JS GJ and JV for eternity.

What about the shares everyone got? Don't they convert in a Buyout?
Shares??? they are worth less than nothing after the split a few years ago. Thanks again for the total bullshit way you left everyone with nothing. Why did you keep people working. Clearly this was in the works long before September. You needed the sales force to look productive? Squeeze as much sales as possible and then cut us without even a week severance? Stop the car insurance that morning without warning? You are real pieces of work.

They got rid of a lot of people in HO. GW kept all of his finance people of course. SC only one they kept from sales OPS, all other depts have been cut and some will be staying to clean up this mess then they will be let go.

Dear GJ: SC talked more shit about you than almost anyone in the company - and that’s saying something.

A big thanks to Mike Pierce, Doug Drysdale and Rick Shalaby for getting this pile of shit rolling down the hill. It has found it’s resting point. Sorry to hear about the inevitable finally happening. Pernix was such a great place to work before those jerk offs drove it into the ground. John Seder, Jim Johnson and George Jones kept downward alive. Congrats guys. You have successful put the final bullet into a once thriving company. Time to song Kumbaya.

A big thanks to Mike Pierce, Doug Drysdale and Rick Shalaby for getting this pile of shit rolling down the hill. It has found it’s resting point. Sorry to hear about the inevitable finally happening. Pernix was such a great place to work before those jerk offs drove it into the ground. John Seder, Jim Johnson and George Jones kept downward alive. Congrats guys. You have successful put the final bullet into a once thriving company. Time to song Kumbaya.
Listen George, if you’re going to post this kind of stuff, be less obvious.

No mention in your press release about you using the sales force to show gains and activity and then dumping them all with no notice, severance and revoking their earned bonus. You are all giant pieces of s%#!

JS and GJ are not to be lauded for anything. Get real.