How many of the legacy KG reps are ready to sell on May 2nd?


I'm sitting here on sunday night, thinking about the training we just had. Is anyone out there confident in their ability to talk about Lyrica or Celebrex? Are you confident you can handle specific questions or objections, or are all of us merely spinning our wheels, fooling ourselves that this was an effective training process?

I can point to a slide and talk about the info on the slide, but this isn't selling. The reality of where we are is hitting me like a ton of bricks. Big pharma drones, devoid of any individuality- regurgitating the company line, instead of selling the product the way we know that works.

Welcome to big Pharma. Check your selling skills at the door, and just read the damn cue cards.


Wyeth legacy here. It's been over a year and I still can't grasp all of the information, backgrounders, reprints, initiatives, package inserts, hundreds of slides and hundreds of changes, 5 to 6 drugs, and compliance rules and laws as thick as dictionaries.

You can call me stupid but I bet I could consistently stump almost any Pfizer legacy on any of the drugs I sell. They have mainly just mastered the regurge on a few slides and some old slick out of compliance selling statements. They are also masters of managing their managers. Kudos for that, I suck at it, and it just takes away your energy from growing scripts.

Too much info, too little time, and too little time with each doctor. If anyone in primary care doesn't feel overwhelmed, they're lying.

Wyeth legacy here. It's been over a year and I still can't grasp all of the information, backgrounders, reprints, initiatives, package inserts, hundreds of slides and hundreds of changes, 5 to 6 drugs, and compliance rules and laws as thick as dictionaries.

You can call me stupid but I bet I could consistently stump almost any Pfizer legacy on any of the drugs I sell. They have mainly just mastered the regurge on a few slides and some old slick out of compliance selling statements. They are also masters of managing their managers. Kudos for that, I suck at it, and it just takes away your energy from growing scripts.

Too much info, too little time, and too little time with each doctor. If anyone in primary care doesn't feel overwhelmed, they're lying.

the best products are sold on 2-3 main points to a physician that they'll remember and use. All the rest is bullshit.

I'm sitting here on sunday night, thinking about the training we just had. Is anyone out there confident in their ability to talk about Lyrica or Celebrex? Are you confident you can handle specific questions or objections, or are all of us merely spinning our wheels, fooling ourselves that this was an effective training process?

I can point to a slide and talk about the info on the slide, but this isn't selling. The reality of where we are is hitting me like a ton of bricks. Big pharma drones, devoid of any individuality- regurgitating the company line, instead of selling the product the way we know that works.

Welcome to big Pharma. Check your selling skills at the door, and just read the damn cue cards.

So what products do you have in your bag now? Did all the King reps get trained on Celebrex and Lyrica?

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