How Many Left Chicago POA Early?


Heard an RSD bailed out of today's POA in a race to beat the inclement weather why everyone else stayed behind. What a leader!

Good thing "Tommy" isn't the Captain of a Luxury Cruise Ship. If it was sinking, he would be first on the lifeboat waving to the guests as it goes down.

Here's a tip for professional development: Leadership books are no good if you never open one and learn about perception and absence of self-awareness.


Heard an RSD bailed out of today's POA in a race to beat the inclement weather why everyone else stayed behind. What a leader!

Good thing "Tommy" isn't the Captain of a Luxury Cruise Ship. If it was sinking, he would be first on the lifeboat waving to the guests as it goes down.

Here's a tip for professional development: Leadership books are no good if you never open one and learn about perception and absence of self-awareness.

He probably left early because he had work to do. Unlike you who just wanted to get home so you could waste your time on Cafe Pharma

He probably left early because he had work to do. Unlike you who just wanted to get home so you could waste your time on Cafe Pharma

What an ignorant response - or do you just enjoy being outrageous?

It DOES show POOR leadership to have a director leave early and not give others the same option, considering the pending weather conditions.
Why do people like yourself insist on making statements to suggest that the poster does not have a VALID concern? It takes too much effort to be rude for "rudeness" sakes!

What an ignorant response - or do you just enjoy being outrageous?

It DOES show POOR leadership to have a director leave early and not give others the same option, considering the pending weather conditions.
Why do people like yourself insist on making statements to suggest that the poster does not have a VALID concern? It takes too much effort to be rude for "rudeness" sakes!
I make such comments to make a point about the idiocy of people who post here. Someone disarranges another without knowing anything of the situation. Hopefully they were in a hurry to get back to interview a candidate for the original poster's position.

I make such comments to make a point about the idiocy of people who post here. Someone disarranges another without knowing anything of the situation. Hopefully they were in a hurry to get back to interview a candidate for the original poster's position.

What makes the person who posted an "idiot"? Tommy, you're being called-out b/c your region and I mean all in the region are sick of your arrogance. The only idiocy is you coming on here attempting to project there were "circumstances" we're unaware of that necessitated you skipping the final day of the POA.

You offer no praise to anyone in your region (b/c you can't commend what you don't see) and when you're present, you act like you invented pharmaceutical sales. Grow up, take some accountability, dedicate 2012 to rehabbing your failed leadership style (that's putting it nicely) and get engaged with your might be surprised what you learn...and you might find you enjoy your job.

It's criminal what you're pulling down in compensation compared to your effort.