It’s just so disappointing to know how hard we are working, believing in how good Veozah works, doing countless programs, lunches and making more calls and talking to entire staff. All these crazy comments that reps are just lazy is just not accurate. It’s just a toxic environment with the blame squarely focused on the field. At no point have any of the fields feedback has been acknowledged. Reps are labeled negative if we give honest feedback or concern. Asking questions about managed markets, the constant changes with the copay cards and being able to understand why some scripts go through while others do not. Take a look at the turnover? Why is the #1 rep for January iPerform gone. Countless others looking for jobs. Management wants to sing Kumbaya and play pickle-ball with their heads buried in the sand. Bayer is coming shopping for underpay talent. How can we possible have an expansion when training classes are FULL all the time!!! Honest question, how will new management address this? Can things get any better??