How long to get fired?

Re: How long to get fired? Ask WE

You were one of my favorites at one point. When I dictate I don't type in the car. Do you understand how practitioners dictate? Ask one of the MDs you hold in such high esteem and they will tell you.

Go troll the PDI website because I responded to your post. Don't apologize to Dr. Dave as he was berated by multiple reps! He approach the webmaster and they cleaned up the thread he posted on. Enjoy your day and enjoy any other hobby then CP. How were my two posts "atrocious"? LMAO!
not the content, just the "gramma" heh heh.

Why are you trying to antagonize me? If you think I'm a "junior doctor" and not worthy of your time then why are you responding to my post? Go back to trolling PDI for your friend!

Run along junior you are not worthy of our time.

"Dr. Dave makes spelling mistakes all the time. He is very knowledgeable and from now on his board is the only one I'll be posting on."

My question: how did you get a 4 year degree and complete a 2 year PA program with such horrible grammar, writing and typing abilities??

LOL his language gets worse the more he posts! Maybe our tough dude practitioner is foreign born and English is his second language? Schools make accommodations for that you know

Why are you trying to antagonize me? If you think I'm a "junior doctor" and not worthy of your time then why are you responding to my post? Go back to trolling PDI for your friend!
PA has no sense of humor???
I truly value the PAs and RNPs in my area. I was only questioning your grammar and it sort of went downhill from there. Been a bad few months and my sense of humor has gained an edge that not all enjoy. Sorry I riled you.

Seriously ... if your job depends on how well some busy doctor or overworked receptionist can remember if Joe Fullback or Sally Cheerleader from Megadippitydoda Pharmaceuticals came by on October 13th, 2012 for Joe or Sally to keep his/her job, then you're job isn't worth it.

And honestly, if I were Dr. Bigshot getting that call or letter (1) I really wouldn't spend my time worrying about it, I got better things to do, like see those next seven patient lined up, return the six phone messages that arrived in the last half hour and the pile of paperwork or electronic equivalent piled up on my desk, or (2) tell you to stick it where the sun does not normally illuminate or (3) decide that I really don't need having drug reps in my office anymore.

All three are bad outcomes for the pharmaceutical companies or their reps.

Seriously ... if your job depends on how well some busy doctor or overworked receptionist can remember if Joe Fullback or Sally Cheerleader from Megadippitydoda Pharmaceuticals came by on October 13th, 2012 for Joe or Sally to keep his/her job, then you're job isn't worth it.

And honestly, if I were Dr. Bigshot getting that call or letter (1) I really wouldn't spend my time worrying about it, I got better things to do, like see those next seven patient lined up, return the six phone messages that arrived in the last half hour and the pile of paperwork or electronic equivalent piled up on my desk, or (2) tell you to stick it where the sun does not normally illuminate or (3) decide that I really don't need having drug reps in my office anymore. I

All three are bad outcomes for the pharmaceutical companies or their reps.

I agree. I do not even return surveys. If any doctor would take the time to bother or remember if some rep was in on XYZ, I would NOT want him or her taking care of my family. This industry is disgusting. (Both of them)

Seriously ... if your job depends on how well some busy doctor or overworked receptionist can remember if Joe Fullback or Sally Cheerleader from Megadippitydoda Pharmaceuticals came by on October 13th, 2012 for Joe or Sally to keep his/her job, then you're job isn't worth it.

And honestly, if I were Dr. Bigshot getting that call or letter (1) I really wouldn't spend my time worrying about it, I got better things to do, like see those next seven patient lined up, return the six phone messages that arrived in the last half hour and the pile of paperwork or electronic equivalent piled up on my desk, or (2) tell you to stick it where the sun does not normally illuminate or (3) decide that I really don't need having drug reps in my office anymore.

All three are bad outcomes for the pharmaceutical companies or their reps.

Unfortunately, Dr. Bigshot gets paid to fill out those surveys. Do you think they'd spend time filling those things out if they weren't paid to do them?

Unfortunately, Dr. Bigshot gets paid to fill out those surveys. Do you think they'd spend time filling those things out if they weren't paid to do them?

Maybe they're paying docs a lot more than they used to to fill those surveys.

I remember being in a docs office once years ago (maybe 10-12) and he got a call from a survey co asking when he was last called about some product (not mine). He turns to me and asks me when he heard about it.

In otherwords, I'm betting most docs don't spend much time worrying about the accuracy of their answers. But thanks for the check, which I'm guessing isn't really that much in the scheme of things. You can probably make more money seeing another patient.

You are an "at-will" employee. You can be fired for no cause, cause or lousy cause, provided that the reason for termination is not illegal, for example, based on race, gender, age, etc. If you believe you are fired and the real reason for the termination is due to some protected class status, you can claim that the reason you were given for your termination (if one is provided) is a pre-text, then you may have a cause of action.

Most responsble employers conduct an investion of some type before firing an employee. The fact that your employer wants to talk with you is part of the investigatory process. It is essential that you be truthful when you talk with your employer. If you messed up, admit it with a good explanation. If you lie to your employer during an investions, you will be fired, even if you didn't do what was alleged.

Good luck.

Wow, I don't know where to start with a person/troll like you, but I do know where to finish. Just to address your comments:

Now go back and draw blood, take a temperature, get a urine sample, so the Doctor can actually see the patient and take care of them.
And that's where I'm finished with you. Not a lot of good will come from what I've said because you know it all and are a real man and I'm just a weak man PR guy. I do hope you give things some thought so you can lead a happier life, because it really shows that you're a very unhappy and angry person, just by the fact that you spend so much time trying to make people here feel bad about what they do.

Obviously people with a vested interest in this (drug rep) profession feel a need to defend it, however if you have any business acumen at all you cannot really believe it will be a viable career in Five years and certainly not ten so if you are in your 30's you better start thinking. A 'Virtual Rep' app on your iphone would probably be just as effecacious in keeping docs up to date on company products - especially older ones - as well as acting as a sample conduit. In fact it would probably increase market share more as the message could be strictly controlled, and the doc could access it on their time. A live person is really only needed for perhaps the initial stages of a new product launch. Whether a pharm rep is a sales job or not is irrelevant, the only thing relevant is that it is a profession soon going the way of the secratarial pool.

Something that is sticking in my mind is the fact this statement has been bantered around here for at least SIX years...

"you cannot really believe it will be a viable career in Five years and certainly not ten so if you are in your 30's you better start thinking."

or something along those lines.

Guess what -- drug companies are STILL hiring, and drug companies are STILL growing. Sure there are fewer reps (there needed to be) -- for crying out loud, enjoy your ride while you have it -- and I hope you have it for a long long time.

Something that is sticking in my mind is the fact this statement has been bantered around here for at least SIX years...

"you cannot really believe it will be a viable career in Five years and certainly not ten so if you are in your 30's you better start thinking."

or something along those lines.

Guess what -- drug companies are STILL hiring, and drug companies are STILL growing. Sure there are fewer reps (there needed to be) -- for crying out loud, enjoy your ride while you have it -- and I hope you have it for a long long time.

it may be ok, but there are better options out there, like food sales or construction sales or starting a business.

If they show the docs their sigs and they do not recognize them as their own, you will be gone in a hurry. IF not, several things could happen: 1) you have been a rep in good standing with no other problems, they could just let it drop, 2) if you have had other problems, they could put you on record with sample accountablity and watch you like a hawk for a while, 3) they could fire you on general principles rather than go to the time and trouble to investigate you. I would wish you luck, but you have admitted you do not deserve it. And, NO, not everyone does it.
Yes, Everyone does it on occasion, but not all the time. Once HR gets involved, You will be let go. It could be 4 months or so though.,The counterpart who told on you 100% has done that on occasion. The companies force people to when they expect 8 calls a day, and many times it takes 6-8 hours of driving just to get to one acct. They literally force you to. They don't allow you to put drive time in.