How long to get fired?

That is correct.
And those who learn how to play the game and deliver good numbers will makes lots of money, be happy at what they are doing, and have plenty of free time in their personal life. You give the company and especially your manager what they want so they look good. That includes hitting call reach and frequency by including "service call" type presentations. That's the only way to make numbers in offices with multiple docs where you can only get one sig for samples. Everyone does it or they will get questioned on it.
Those who don't learn come here and whine and say that pharma sales isn't "real" sales.

lots of money! woo. that is what life is all about to most of you, isn't it?

first, pharm reps do good, but they don't make lots of money. second, it is a PR job and not a sales job, so get over it.

your other observations are spot on, as you are correct in stating you have to kiss lots of butt to get anywhere here.

enjoy your lives in pharma. I did it for about 2 years out of college and quit without a job because it was not sales, and I just got sick of kissing DR butt and manager butt and useless field rides and POA nonsense and role playing and I could go on and on.

I guess that is why so many real men are not in pharma, and we have left it to the weak men and pretty women who can't sell to go off and do thier thing and destroy a once proud industry.

Why are you quoting someting that wasn't said? "...grammar and sentence structure errors"

HCP my ass

Really? I'm a practitioner - why don't you visit Dr. Dave's site and review the thread about data mining. I took a course on medical informatics so I'm well versed on the topic. I'll be posting plenty of threads to support Dr. Dave. I think that he is a great MD.

If you are the one getting fired for faking calls then you deserve that punishment. I don't know if that is true but it is unethical. I was a rep. before and never faked any calls. The medical community is disgusted about how you all talk about us.

Why are you quoting someting that wasn't said? "...grammar and sentence structure errors"

HCP my ass

Really? I'm a practitioner - why don't you visit Dr. Dave's site and review the thread about data mining. I took a course on medical informatics so I'm well versed on the topic. I'll be posting plenty of threads to support Dr. Dave. I think that he is a great MD.

If you are the one getting fired for faking calls then you deserve that punishment. I don't know if that is true but it is unethical. I was a rep. before and never faked any calls. The medical community is disgusted about how you all talk about us.

The medical community is disgusted...yup it shows...they are so digusted that they eat the food and take samples from reps. We are all whores with different roles.

Wow, I don't know where to start with a person/troll like you, but I do know where to finish. Just to address your comments:

lots of money! woo. that is what life is all about to most of you, isn't it?

Yes, that is what life is about. To make lots of money to live in a nice house, take nice vacations, eat at nice restaurants, send the kids to good schools, etc. Otherwise I wouldn't work and live a trailer next to you.

first, pharm reps do good, but they don't make lots of money. second, it is a PR job and not a sales job, so get over it.

Wrong, I make lots of money. If you are a NP or PA I guarantee I make more than you do, have more free time with my family, have a better quality of life, and am happier with my career.

And as far as your narrow-minded view of sales, you are in sales-yes real sales-you have to sell a patient on taking meds, lifestyle changes, coming back for an appt, same for doctors, pharmacists, lawyers, and the guy who cuts my grass. So your view that unless you walk away with a piece of paper for an order you're not in REAL sales is just fucking stupid. But I'm sure you'll keep thinking that you are correct and the entire pharmaceutical industry is wrong. Whatever, call me a PR guy but I still go out and SELL to physicians.

your other observations are spot on, as you are correct in stating you have to kiss lots of butt to get anywhere here.

Once again like with your "...grammar and sentence structure errors"
quote, I never said I kiss ass. I do what is expected of me and more. I make my boss look good which makes her boss look good. If you call that kissing ass. I'm sure a big D1 jock like you never kisses your doctor's ass or the office manager's ass, now do you? Right, you are a STRONG man aren't you?

enjoy your lives in pharma. I did it for about 2 years out of college and quit without a job because it was not sales, and I just got sick of kissing DR butt and manager butt and useless field rides and POA nonsense and role playing and I could go on and on.

I do really enjoy my life a a Pharma salesperson. You left after 2 years because you couldn't make it as a salesrep. You failed at it. Get over it.
Right, you don't kiss doctor's ass as a "practitioner" now do you?
And I actually enjoy when my manager works with me, and I actually enjoy meetings, and I actually learn from role playing.
Like I said, you failed. Probably because you are so narrow-minded.

I guess that is why so many real men are not in pharma, and we have left it to the weak men and pretty women who can't sell to go off and do thier thing and destroy a once proud industry.

There you go again with your "weak" man bullshit. You obviously have some sort of deep-rooted issues to say something as stupid as that. But then you are a real tough guy who was D1 but not pro(another failure) and a REAL man working in a woman's world. Yes, woman's world since other than the doctor, 99% of the office staff are WOMEN. I guess in that setting you really do feel like a REAL man, don't you?

Now go back and draw blood, take a temperature, get a urine sample, so the Doctor can actually see the patient and take care of them.
And that's where I'm finished with you. Not a lot of good will come from what I've said because you know it all and are a real man and I'm just a weak man PR guy. I do hope you give things some thought so you can lead a happier life, because it really shows that you're a very unhappy and angry person, just by the fact that you spend so much time trying to make people here feel bad about what they do.
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Wow, I don't know where to start with a person/troll like you, but I do know where to finish. Just to address your comments:

Now go back and draw blood, take a temperature, get a urine sample, so the Doctor can actually see the patient and take care of them.
And that's where I'm finished with you. Not a lot of good will come from what I've said because you know it all and are a real man and I'm just a weak man PR guy. I do hope you give things some thought so you can lead a happier life, because it really shows that you're a very unhappy and angry person, just by the fact that you spend so much time trying to make people here feel bad about what they do.

Proves my point that this industry is left for weak men and silly women!


To quote Jared from Storage Wars (regarding the pissing match here)

My truck is bigger

Na uhh...My truck is bigger...

Oh yeah my wife is bigger

No way, My wife is bigger

One ups on cafe pharma are really lame. Bragging about money on cafepharma is hillarious. The irony is my roommate in college is now worth 5 million dollars and in his early 30s and nobody but me knows. Learn something from my friend. Shut up and look classy.

Wow, I don't know where to start with a person/troll like you, but I do know where to finish. Just to address your comments:

Now go back and draw blood, take a temperature, get a urine sample, so the Doctor can actually see the patient and take care of them.
And that's where I'm finished with you. Not a lot of good will come from what I've said because you know it all and are a real man and I'm just a weak man PR guy. I do hope you give things some thought so you can lead a happier life, because it really shows that you're a very unhappy and angry person, just by the fact that you spend so much time trying to make people here feel bad about what they do.

Mr answer man 4 every thing: If you ever say I'm a a nurse or otherwise you are making a huge error. I'm a female AND not an angry man like you. I don't care about your money or how rich you have become. I see patients and actually the MDs ask my advice. I've been a PA for a long time and you need to back off.

Our office won't see reps nor do we participate in any speaking programs. I did quite a few for that company and the thanks I get is that I wasn't prescribing enough of there medication. In our practice we feel STRONGLY that it is wrong on so many levels. You are a negative and horrible individual. That is why many practitioners will not see reps. Do you blame them?

I didn't write any of that other those other posts. The only one I wrote was about about being Practitioner. For someone with all the answers you don't have a clue who I am - if you did then you would know the right answer. Why don't you review Dr. Dave's board about data mining?

Mr answer man 4 every thing: If you ever say I'm a a nurse or otherwise you are making a huge error. I'm a female AND not an angry man like you. I don't care about your money or how rich you have become. I see patients and actually the MDs ask my advice. I've been a PA for a long time and you need to back off.

Our office won't see reps nor do we participate in any speaking programs. I did quite a few for that company and the thanks I get is that I wasn't prescribing enough of there medication. In our practice we feel STRONGLY that it is wrong on so many levels. You are a negative and horrible individual. That is why many practitioners will not see reps. Do you blame them?

I didn't write any of that other those other posts. The only one I wrote was about about being Practitioner. For someone with all the answers you don't have a clue who I am - if you did then you would know the right answer. Why don't you review Dr. Dave's board about data mining?

you are just such a moron i dont know what to say

To quote Jared from Storage Wars (regarding the pissing match here)

My truck is bigger

Na uhh...My truck is bigger...

Oh yeah my wife is bigger

No way, My wife is bigger

One ups on cafe pharma are really lame. Bragging about money on cafepharma is hillarious. The irony is my roommate in college is now worth 5 million dollars and in his early 30s and nobody but me knows. Learn something from my friend. Shut up and look classy.

Hate to break this to you (because I did like your post) but...

A. A lot of people are worth 5 million.

B. Paper money is really not worth much, when you break it down.

C. Dollars are vastly over-rated in the world (learning how to grow food, for example, is much more valuable).

Ok, that's it. Go back to watching the tube, eating frozen dinners, and "organic" food.

Mr answer man 4 every thing: If you ever say I'm a a nurse or otherwise you are making a huge error. I'm a female AND not an angry man like you. I don't care about your money or how rich you have become. I see patients and actually the MDs ask my advice. I've been a PA for a long time and you need to back off.

Our office won't see reps nor do we participate in any speaking programs. I did quite a few for that company and the thanks I get is that I wasn't prescribing enough of there medication. In our practice we feel STRONGLY that it is wrong on so many levels. You are a negative and horrible individual. That is why many practitioners will not see reps. Do you blame them?

I didn't write any of that other those other posts. The only one I wrote was about about being Practitioner. For someone with all the answers you don't have a clue who I am - if you did then you would know the right answer. Why don't you review Dr. Dave's board about data mining?

What makes your post so silly is that you (PAs, doctors, etc) actually think you provide such a great service to people and the community.

You are just practitioners, giving a diagnosis and prescribing a treatment for medical condition.

In other words, you are not special.

Many, many, many Practitioners are corrupt, money gubbing people. And you can't deny that, can you?

So, stop with the more "holy than thou" attitude, especially since the majority of your "treatment" for your patients comes from the drugs that corrupt pharma provides!

Mr answer man 4 every thing: If you ever say I'm a a nurse or otherwise you are making a huge error. I'm a female AND not an angry man like you. I don't care about your money or how rich you have become. I see patients and actually the MDs ask my advice. I've been a PA for a long time and you need to back off.

Our office won't see reps nor do we participate in any speaking programs. I did quite a few for that company and the thanks I get is that I wasn't prescribing enough of there medication. In our practice we feel STRONGLY that it is wrong on so many levels. You are a negative and horrible individual. That is why many practitioners will not see reps. Do you blame them?

I didn't write any of that other those other posts. The only one I wrote was about about being (a) Practitioner. For someone with all the answers you don't have a clue who I am - if you did then you would know the right answer. Why don't you review Dr. Dave's board about data mining?

My question: how did you get a 4 year degree and complete a 2 year PA program with such horrible grammar, writing and typing abilities??
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My question: how did you get a 4 year degree and complete a 2 year PA program with such horrible gramma, writing and typing abilities??

LOL - it is grammar not gramma! This is a blog not an English class. I dictate frequently in my car. Dragon speak does not pick up some errors. That is why I have my transcription reviewed. Have you all looked at your spelling mistakes on all boards?

Content of a message is what is important. If you want to talk about medicine great. Otherwise, don't respond. Go back and play in the sand box.

Dr. Dave makes spelling mistakes all the time. He is very knowledgeable and from now on his board is the only one I'll be posting on. Have a great day. Guess who I'll be voting for? Funny considering I'm conservative.

LOL - it is grammar not gramma! This is a blog not an English class. I dictate frequently in my car. Dragon speak does not pick up some errors. That is why I have my transcription reviewed. Have you all looked at your spelling mistakes on all boards?

Content of a message is what is important. If you want to talk about medicine great. Otherwise, don't respond. Go back and play in the sand box.

Dr. Dave makes spelling mistakes all the time. He is very knowledgeable and from now on his board is the only one I'll be posting on. Have a great day. Guess who I'll be voting for? Funny considering I'm conservative.

No, this is not a blog, it's a message board.
You dictate in your car for messages to post on Cafepharma?
Yes, content is important and your content is totally worthless.
Yes, get the fuck off our boards and go talk with Dave about data mining.
There is really something wrong with you.

It's been 2 weeks since you started the thread. And you're still with the company? I'd say if they're gonna do it, it'll be within the next month.

Quit worrying about it and get on with your life. By now you should have gotten your resume' in order and sent out to at least half a dozen companies. If you haven't, well then, you're kind of _______. I'll let the others fill in the blank.

Please answer my question!!! Stop this silliness! How long to get fired? What will the do next. I need to be prepared for anything.

Your question has already been answered. If they don't get you this time, they will. If they can't prove you didn't make the calls and they can and will everything from calling the office to checking sign in lists, they will get you another time. Just know you are on the list now. I'd take out the partner while I'm at it though and keep a log of all her questionable and fake calls because everyone and I mean everyone makes them.

LOL - it is grammar not gramma! This is a blog not an English class. I dictate frequently in my car. Dragon speak does not pick up some errors. That is why I have my transcription reviewed. Have you all looked at your spelling mistakes on all boards?

Content of a message is what is important. If you want to talk about medicine great. Otherwise, don't respond. Go back and play in the sand box.

Dr. Dave makes spelling mistakes all the time. He is very knowledgeable and from now on his board is the only one I'll be posting on. Have a great day. Guess who I'll be voting for? Funny considering I'm conservative.
Thanks for pointing out the elided letter in my post. It has been corrected. Another Teflon poster: not their fault, Dragon Speak did it, it was a transcription error and I am so important I have my transcriptions reviewed by others who are smarter and more adept at the English language that I am, I dictate while driving so my dictation and my driving BOTH suffer.

A mistake is one thing but what you posted was atrocious, especially for a medical "professional". I apologize to Dr Dave for forcing you to stay on his site.

Re: How long to get fired? Ask WE

Thanks for pointing out the elided letter in my post. It has been corrected. Another Teflon poster: not their fault, Dragon Speak did it, it was a transcription error and I am so important I have my transcriptions reviewed by others who are smarter and more adept at the English language that I am, I dictate while driving so my dictation and my driving BOTH suffer.

A mistake is one thing but what you posted was atrocious, especially for a medical "professional". I apologize to Dr Dave for forcing you to stay on his site.

You were one of my favorites at one point. When I dictate I don't type in the car. Do you understand how practitioners dictate? Ask one of the MDs you hold in such high esteem and they will tell you.

Go troll the PDI website because I responded to your post. Don't apologize to Dr. Dave as he was berated by multiple reps! He approach the webmaster and they cleaned up the thread he posted on. Enjoy your day and enjoy any other hobby then CP. How were my two posts "atrocious"? LMAO!

Re: How long to get fired? Ask WE

You were one of my favorites at one point. When I dictate I don't type in the car. Do you understand how practitioners dictate? Ask one of the MDs you hold in such high esteem and they will tell you.

Go troll the PDI website because I responded to your post. Don't apologize to Dr. Dave as he was berated by multiple reps! He approach the webmaster and they cleaned up the thread he posted on. Enjoy your day and enjoy any other hobby then CP. How were my two posts "atrocious"? LMAO!
I understand dictaion of handled by a transcriber. Maybe you need a better transcriptionist or just need to review the printed matter they hand you