How long in pharma?


I've been in pharma for 4 years and have been interviewing outside of the industry. My question is how long or how old is too late/old to get out and find a legitimate sales job?


You are asking a good question. My advice would be to get out as soon as you can. I have been in WAY too long (20 years) and it has been nearly impossible to even secure an interview outside of the industry. But, there are worse places to be.

You are asking a good question. My advice would be to get out as soon as you can. I have been in WAY too long (20 years) and it has been nearly impossible to even secure an interview outside of the industry. But, there are worse places to be.

Answer yourself again and again sad pathetic lonely little creeper Abbv Troll

I agree, there are worse places to be. If you can cope with the lack of job satisfaction in exchange for ridiculously high pay, I say ride it as long as you can. You need to understand though that with every year that passes, you become less and less marketable to a real sales organization. Your role here as a "brand ambassador" has little real value on a resume. Save as much as you can, while you can.

Been in for almost 30 years. I say do the best you can and people will want to hire you.
I get calls from other companies still, because they know I work and do the best I can.
Plus NEWS FLASH: I'm not tied to my phone, in fact I have a basic phone, and don't call someone unless I want to know something.

Got caught up in the January 2012 layoff, and it was the best thing that has ever happened to me! Seriously folks, I work in medical device, and will make about $300K this year. I work extremely hard, at a REAL sales job! Pharma sales is definitely not real selling when compared to device. I put in far more hours than the average pharma rep. I don't mind the hard work, because the reward is so great.

My advice is to make it a full time job networking, especially if you know any device reps. Lots of time jobs are not posted, and are filled in the "who-you-know-world". I make more than any AZ RSD would ever hope to make. AZ has got to be close to layoff with all the patent expirations. Don't waste time, because time is running out.

Got caught up in the January 2012 layoff, and it was the best thing that has ever happened to me! Seriously folks, I work in medical device, and will make about $300K this year. I work extremely hard, at a REAL sales job! Pharma sales is definitely not real selling when compared to device. I put in far more hours than the average pharma rep. I don't mind the hard work, because the reward is so great.

My advice is to make it a full time job networking, especially if you know any device reps. Lots of time jobs are not posted, and are filled in the "who-you-know-world". I make more than any AZ RSD would ever hope to make. AZ has got to be close to layoff with all the patent expirations. Don't waste time, because time is running out.

I've been in pharma for 4 years and have been interviewing outside of the industry. My question is how long or how old is too late/old to get out and find a legitimate sales job?

You are such a moron. Do your job. If you do it correctly, you are selling, idiot.

Other "sales" jobs (especially in corporate) are not difficult. Pharmaceuticals (when done correctly) is more difficult. I can say that because I have sold payroll, DME, food, and vitamins, and pharmaceuticals (again, when done correctly) was more difficult. The reason is that we are talking to the most intelligent customers.

You just aren't good at what you do. Move back to payroll…that is probably your speed anyway.

and one more thing…grow up and get a clue about life.

Got caught up in the January 2012 layoff, and it was the best thing that has ever happened to me! Seriously folks, I work in medical device, and will make about $300K this year. I work extremely hard, at a REAL sales job! Pharma sales is definitely not real selling when compared to device. I put in far more hours than the average pharma rep. I don't mind the hard work, because the reward is so great.

My advice is to make it a full time job networking, especially if you know any device reps. Lots of time jobs are not posted, and are filled in the "who-you-know-world". I make more than any AZ RSD would ever hope to make. AZ has got to be close to layoff with all the patent expirations. Don't waste time, because time is running out.

What do you do?
Bang the doctors on the side?

Assuming you are not lying:

300k total comp. after taxes is still only 150k, and you work about 80 hour week…vs…pharmaceutical rep at 120k total comp for 40 hour week, which is about 80k after taxes….

so you are still making less per hour, and you have to deal with major r***** customers.

But, we know you are lying. Good try though! Loser!

You are such a moron. Do your job. If you do it correctly, you are selling, idiot.

Other "sales" jobs (especially in corporate) are not difficult. Pharmaceuticals (when done correctly) is more difficult. I can say that because I have sold payroll, DME, food, and vitamins, and pharmaceuticals (again, when done correctly) was more difficult. The reason is that we are talking to the most intelligent customers.

You just aren't good at what you do. Move back to payroll…that is probably your speed anyway.

and one more thing…grow up and get a clue about life.

Here is a clue for you skippy. Everyone around you knows that you don't sell shit. Docs, dm, peers, competition...they all know. You are a clown and a distraction that brings Panera once a month. Are you asking the difficult probing questions to get to the root of your customers issues and then producing solutions to meet those needs? Hell no you aren't. You are waiting in a closet for a signature, then waiting in your car to go get the next one. At best, you are phenomenal brand ambassador and that's fine. Just think about it, and own it. Down walk around with some delusional idea that you are changing the world of medicine, you aren't.

By the way clown, we'd like hot wings next week...and bring extra so we can take leftovers home to feed the kids.

...and don't forget desert!

Here is a clue for you skippy. Everyone around you knows that you don't sell shit. Docs, dm, peers, competition...they all know. You are a clown and a distraction that brings Panera once a month. Are you asking the difficult probing questions to get to the root of your customers issues and then producing solutions to meet those needs? Hell no you aren't. You are waiting in a closet for a signature, then waiting in your car to go get the next one. At best, you are phenomenal brand ambassador and that's fine. Just think about it, and own it. Down walk around with some delusional idea that you are changing the world of medicine, you aren't.

By the way clown, we'd like hot wings next week...and bring extra so we can take leftovers home to feed the kids.

...and don't forget desert!

Got out of the industry 8 years ago. I'm doing fine outside and no longer in sales. Tried to get another Rx job and was unable so now working for self. Started making almost as much as at AZ about 2 years ago, but no benefits, and it was really difficult. Working harder but it is real work and no one profits from my work except me and whomever I pay to help me.

I think I was never a salesperson, i was a PR man, or as the quoted poster wrote, a brand ambassador. I never thought I was anything else, really. Now, in my position, if some pretty rep in a suit interrupted my day at work with probing questions, trying to make me think towards his hidden agenda, maybe I'd talk to him or her, and maybe not. If I did, I'd ask back, "Why are you asking me all of these questions? What's on your mind? Is there something I can help you with, or there something you want to help me with? Why not put it on the table and stop beating around the bush?

Here is a clue for you skippy. Everyone around you knows that you don't sell shit. Docs, dm, peers, competition...they all know. You are a clown and a distraction that brings Panera once a month. Are you asking the difficult probing questions to get to the root of your customers issues and then producing solutions to meet those needs? Hell no you aren't. You are waiting in a closet for a signature, then waiting in your car to go get the next one. At best, you are phenomenal brand ambassador and that's fine. Just think about it, and own it. Down walk around with some delusional idea that you are changing the world of medicine, you aren't.

By the way clown, we'd like hot wings next week...and bring extra so we can take leftovers home to feed the kids.

...and don't forget desert!

Speak for yourself, sparky.

Its not a coincidence that every territory I go into (lived all over the USA) get healthy in 6-12 months.

YOU just suck at selling and don't understand it.

So, F off.

Amazing to me that someone who posts anonymously takes a negative response personally. it happens frequently: I suspect the person so offended is a fucking liar from the get go. Got it dude? You lie.

Got out of the industry 8 years ago. I'm doing fine outside and no longer in sales. Tried to get another Rx job and was unable so now working for self. Started making almost as much as at AZ about 2 years ago, but no benefits, and it was really difficult. Working harder but it is real work and no one profits from my work except me and whomever I pay to help me.

I think I was never a salesperson, i was a PR man, or as the quoted poster wrote, a brand ambassador. I never thought I was anything else, really. Now, in my position, if some pretty rep in a suit interrupted my day at work with probing questions, trying to make me think towards his hidden agenda, maybe I'd talk to him or her, and maybe not. If I did, I'd ask back, "Why are you asking me all of these questions? What's on your mind? Is there something I can help you with, or there something you want to help me with? Why not put it on the table and stop beating around the bush?

You fucking piece of shit! The doctor mentality is bigger than you, they expect a challenge, that's why they became doctors.

You will remain in your low position, the AZ reps are doing the right thing. You are not and everyone can see that clearly by your own words.

Docs want to be mentally challenged ? uh, yeah , guess you're on to something there, 4th time in their office this month not to mention counterparts..yeah, sure the doc is just waiting for me to give them a real brain teaser question....being a rep is just like they said a 'brand ambassador' nothing wrong with that...but after 3-4 years its time to move on if you want to ... or just try to ride the wave as long as you can...its a free country.

Docs want to be mentally challenged ? uh, yeah , guess you're on to something there, 4th time in their office this month not to mention counterparts..yeah, sure the doc is just waiting for me to give them a real brain teaser question....being a rep is just like they said a 'brand ambassador' nothing wrong with that...but after 3-4 years its time to move on if you want to ... or just try to ride the wave as long as you can...its a free country.

The majority of medical sales jobs in corporate are brand selling positions, good point.

Our industry is still a good one, but will continue to downsize, as doctors are having to spend more time with patients for proper documentation, and don't have time for Ken and Barbie.

One thing I have noticed is that the best sales people mostly work for no name companies, and that have never changed. AZ is just a joke, as are over 95% of all pharmaceutical companies.

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