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How long did it take you to see the foolishness of pharmaceutical sales?

Yes, mental illness can make you a babbling idiot. Telling you the truth about your mental illness can be harsh, but it is reality.

Get help, mental boy.

It is becoming more and more apparent who really has the mental problems...

It is people like you that love to watch reruns of Seinfeld, think the Beatles had talent, and think Jack Welch was a great business leader...

You will never make it to the other side until you see the con played on you, your entire life...

I try to wake your dumb mind up, and you want no part of it...

I hope you will thank me someday and I really need to move on from posting here, but when you are in semi retirement like me, its fun to see what the cattle are thinking and remind myself where I was at one point in my vegetative state, the state that you, parrot boy, j.j boy and 99 percent of the world are currently in..

Dont quit your search for truth whatever you do...

And to dismiss me as mentally ill is going to end up a Andover on your part. I am just a messenger sent to help those of you that have been conned.

Good day.

It is becoming more and more apparent who really has the mental problems...

It is people like you that love to watch reruns of Seinfeld, think the Beatles had talent, and think Jack Welch was a great business leader...

You will never make it to the other side until you see the con played on you, your entire life...

I try to wake your dumb mind up, and you want no part of it...

I hope you will thank me someday and I really need to move on from posting here, but when you are in semi retirement like me, its fun to see what the cattle are thinking and remind myself where I was at one point in my vegetative state, the state that you, parrot boy, j.j boy and 99 percent of the world are currently in..

Dont quit your search for truth whatever you do...

And to dismiss me as mentally ill is going to end up a Andover on your part. I am just a messenger sent to help those of you that have been conned.

Good day.

Yes, mental boy, it is apparent that you have a mental proble. There you go again, rambling about tv shows, music, etc when no one else even brought it up. You must be hallucinating now.

You talk about moving on, like you have several times previously, yet you keep coming back because your mental illness takes over. Get help and maybe that statement will finally come true.

Yes, mental boy, it is apparent that you have a mental proble. There you go again, rambling about tv shows, music, etc when no one else even brought it up. You must be hallucinating now.

You talk about moving on, like you have several times previously, yet you keep coming back because your mental illness takes over. Get help and maybe that statement will finally come true.

Yes sir.
I make cardboard boxes for a living now...

And my wife enjoys working with plaster seed.

It is becoming more and more apparent who really has the mental problems...

It is people like you that love to watch reruns of Seinfeld, think the Beatles had talent, and think Jack Welch was a great business leader...

You will never make it to the other side until you see the con played on you, your entire life...

I try to wake your dumb mind up, and you want no part of it...

I hope you will thank me someday and I really need to move on from posting here, but when you are in semi retirement like me, its fun to see what the cattle are thinking and remind myself where I was at one point in my vegetative state, the state that you, parrot boy, j.j boy and 99 percent of the world are currently in..

Dont quit your search for truth whatever you do...

And to dismiss me as mentally ill is going to end up a Andover on your part. I am just a messenger sent to help those of you that have been conned.

Good day.

So...let me understand why we should listen to you......

You are not in pharma but post all over these boards.....ok

Losers watch Seinfeld one of the most successful well written sitcoms ever produced....ok

The Beatles had no talent......ok

You have just proven yourself as a complete idiot.

So...let me understand why we should listen to you......

You are not in pharma but post all over these boards.....ok

Losers watch Seinfeld one of the most successful well written sitcoms ever produced....ok

The Beatles had no talent......ok

You have just proven yourself as a complete idiot.

This section is for vets. So buzz off because you are clearly not a vet...

As for my thought process, it is contrarian. ..so people like you that think Larry david is funny and the Beatles have talent or that casinos cant be beat are my favorite people in the world because you go with the masses worldview just give me more confidence that me and my God are correct...

Sorry for my maturity issues, I am work in on that...

Keep searching because you have a long, long, long way to go.

So...let me understand why we should listen to you......

You are not in pharma but post all over these boards.....ok

Losers watch Seinfeld one of the most successful well written sitcoms ever produced....ok

The Beatles had no talent......ok

You have just proven yourself as a complete idiot.

This section is for vets. So buzz off because you are clearly not a vet...

As for my thought process, it is contrarian. ..so people like you that think Larry david is funny and the Beatles have talent or that casinos cant be beat are my favorite people in the world because you go with the masses worldview just give me more confidence that me and my God are correct...

Sorry for my maturity issues, I am work in on that...

Keep searching because you have a long, long, long way to go.

This section is for vets. So buzz off because you are clearly not a vet...

As for my thought process, it is contrarian. ..so people like you that think Larry david is funny and the Beatles have talent or that casinos cant be beat are my favorite people in the world because you go with the masses worldview just give me more confidence that me and my God are correct...

Sorry for my maturity issues, I am work in on that...

Keep searching because you have a long, long, long way to go.

Me again (the mental boy). I am a vet because I spent a whole year in the pharma business before I was kicked out. That makes me a vet.

You need to be like me and watch more informative shows, like Housewives of LA or the Kardashians. As for music, I prefer classical favorites, such as Slim Whitman or Boxcar Willie. Me and my people at Westboro Baptist will tell what it means to be Christian.

Break time if over, so let me get back to flipping my burgers.

Me again (the mental boy). I am a vet because I spent a whole year in the pharma business before I was kicked out. That makes me a vet.

You need to be like me and watch more informative shows, like Housewives of LA or the Kardashians. As for music, I prefer classical favorites, such as Slim Whitman or Boxcar Willie. Me and my people at Westboro Baptist will tell what it means to be Christian.

Break time if over, so let me get back to flipping my burgers.

Westbr..Bap...another con job by the media to mock Christians...

You are one of those that read the bible once every 17 years, right?

Your games are elementary...you are dealing with a person at a much higher level than you think and one with a spirit that can crush standing armies, so proceed carefully before you talk like a fool.

Westbr..Bap...another con job by the media to mock Christians...

You are one of those that read the bible once every 17 years, right?

Your games are elementary...you are dealing with a person at a much higher level than you think and one with a spirit that can crush standing armies, so proceed carefully before you talk like a fool.

The media did not make up Westboro Baptist and you have done a good job to make yourself fit the image of a member.

Higher level? My 8 year old child operates at a higher level than you and probably has a higher net worth and stronger financial knowledge than you do.

The media did not make up Westboro Baptist and you have done a good job to make yourself fit the image of a member.

Higher level? My 8 year old child operates at a higher level than you and probably has a higher net worth and stronger financial knowledge than you do.

You dont know how the media works and you are naive....

Go have a picnic w j.j. boy, parrot boy and burger boy....

That organization was created and not even a christian group, dummy.

You dont know how the media works and you are naive....

Go have a picnic w j.j. boy, parrot boy and burger boy....

That organization was created and not even a christian group, dummy.

Just because you watch 10 hours of tv per day, that does not make you a media expert. We are all familiar with your favorite "church" known as Westboro Baptist. I am sure they will make you an honorary member. By the way, we know it is not really Christian and the same goes for you.

Just because you watch 10 hours of tv per day, that does not make you a media expert. We are all familiar with your favorite "church" known as Westboro Baptist. I am sure they will make you an honorary member. By the way, we know it is not really Christian and the same goes for you.

Tell me, man of faith, what is a Christian?

I remember in 2003 I started with a contract company, Watson. We sat in a 2hr long seminar from lawyers on how we are nOT able to leverage business for scripts. I rolled my eyes at the whole notion of it all. The managers confirmed our suspicions and nicely reminded us we are PAID TO SELL and move product. Since compensation for a rep does NOT line up with this methodology, what's one to do but throw it out with the bathwater. This speech became a regular distraction at many companies I joined after. Once 2008/9 came the compliance forms began that we were forced to sign immediately, without time to digest or have counsel. Many were let go 'at will' for asking for the business based upon metrics and tracking information that reps are forced to submit to home office. That's when I really checked out of the nonsense which ended in '09 for me. I was caught-selling. My number was up, 41 ys old and time to go.

Regulatory really needs to look at home office and management and how reps are ranked. If expectations don't line up with corporate compliance, it needs to go. Sticking the rep with the blame is ridiculous when the expectations are set by corporate. I hope they do. I lost all respect for an industry that forces reps to sign documents NOT to sell, then terminates AT WILL for selling, as they shove trackers and metrics and rankings down a rep's throats. At the least, a person should be able to do their job without fear of recourse.

Thanks for posting this.
I was considering a move back because the money is so good versus the actual work, which is pretty easy, but your post has reminded me why I hate this industry.

You didn't even mention all the back stabbing from other reps. and jealous mangers, most of who got into management because they can't sell!

Thanks for posting this.
I was considering a move back because the money is so good versus the actual work, which is pretty easy, but your post has reminded me why I hate this industry.

You didn't even mention all the back stabbing from other reps. and jealous mangers, most of who got into management because they can't sell!

We know you have been trying to get back in, but face it. Once you get kicked out, it is like a black mark and, in most cases, you will ever make it back. What is typical is to see responses like yours in which you try to spin a little story about how bad the industry is. Stick to your car sales job because that is all you can handle.