How long can this last?

Lets be honest. How is this company still in business? The last earnings report showed $408,000 in sales for the qtr. Are u kidding me? No one prescribes opioids anymore. The new DeterX technology is a joke. I give this place 2 years tops and then bankruptcy.

I am being real and I think you are very misguided. The technology of this product is far superior to other ADF's and albeit the launch has been a bit slow, this company is poised for success and will continue to grow due to the excellent contracts managed care has garnered!
Prescriptions are starting to really grow on a weekly basis and it is a steep trajectory. Bankruptcy is not in this companies future. You should probably leave though because you neither believe in the product nor have been able to get results so you should just move on!

I am being real and I think you are very misguided. The technology of this product is far superior to other ADF's and albeit the launch has been a bit slow, this company is poised for success and will continue to grow due to the excellent contracts managed care has garnered!
Prescriptions are starting to really grow on a weekly basis and it is a steep trajectory. Bankruptcy is not in this companies future. You should probably leave though because you neither believe in the product nor have been able to get results so you should just move on!

Ok...I do admire your enthusiasm and I do hope you are correct in your optimism. However, our sales compared to projections are beyond dismal. It costs 10X our earnings to keep us and the company afloat on a quarterly basis. Over 90 % of our reps do not even get close to their quota and lets face's only going to get tougher. If anyone thinks having some coverage wins will magically get MDs to write....all i can say is ive been in this market for a long time...and it's just not the case...not with the obstacles in our path and the reluctance of even the most seasoned MDs to write anymore. But good luck to us all in 2017...let's keep trying to make this work!!

Doctors will always write opioids! The number of doctors who are willing may decrease, and end up being mostly specialists, the doses may decrease but opioids will always get written and especially when you have coverage and an ADF. It is a shrinking market for sure but the opioid pie is a multi billion dollar market and it's not going away anytime soon!

"always be around"...Perhaps but in much smaller quantities. Pharmacy Limits, Formulary restrictions, CDC guidelines, The FDA will and is making sure of that. The number of MDs writing these products has dwindled in the past year and will continue. Only loose cannons and specialists will write and it will be in limited quantities going forward. The future of chronic pain ( short of Cancer treatment ) is elsewhere. Good luck to us all "growing" from where we are now...which is basically a fraction of where we are projected to be to begin with...

True. Projections need not be based on comparisons to other products! This Market has changed dramatically and will never be anything like it was and expectations should be seriously downgraded! All the reasons stated abive are having large impact!

Rumor, if there are no additional sales at all, there is enough cash to get through 2017. So each month of sales adds a fraction of a month in 2018. It's getting tight so don't expect any big launches when other products hit in the next year or so.

The sheer fact is that if you are worried about Managed Care dictating your sales message then you are doing it wrong. Getting MD's to write Xer has been the easiest part of our job. Working with the staff to get the PA's through is the difficult task. If you can form those relationships then growth is eminent. The fact is we will never go bankrupt. The product is superior to all out there & if the ship for some reason starts to go down (which it won't) we will be sold. Produce & you're probably safe with whom ever purchases us.
The sad part is that those on here complaining about the market are the same people who refuse to take any blame for their poor results. Be willing to try something different. When the game better as well. The weekly sales results I see clearly show it is possible to succeed. Micro managing is only a concern if you arent willing to change. It's managements way of forcing a change you weren't willing to do yourself.

I know this may sound like a "kool-aid" drinker post, but i still firmly believe in Collegium cornering the market with Xer & products coming in the future. Just stay the course.

Yes thank you for that massive dose of koolaid! It's not about people changing in order to get results.its the current environment that is changing doctors desire to write these type of meds and fight for them with the insurances who don't want to pay for them. Many have given up the fight. The new CDC guidelines and DEA regulations are turning doctors off on treating pain and writing schedule 2 drugs. Those willing to write are a small population. Reps not having great results can be a product of their environment and area. I know many who are working very hard and the results just aren't happening to the extent the company wants. when pharmacies wont order in the product and doctors don't want to write it and won't put in the effort to get it that makes it hard!

This poor sap will be downsized within the quarter

QUOTE="anonymous, post: 5817269"]The sheer fact is that if you are worried about Managed Care dictating your sales message then you are doing it wrong. Getting MD's to write Xer has been the easiest part of our job. Working with the staff to get the PA's through is the difficult task. If you can form those relationships then growth is eminent. The fact is we will never go bankrupt. The product is superior to all out there & if the ship for some reason starts to go down (which it won't) we will be sold. Produce & you're probably safe with whom ever purchases us.
The sad part is that those on here complaining about the market are the same people who refuse to take any blame for their poor results. Be willing to try something different. When the game better as well. The weekly sales results I see clearly show it is possible to succeed. Micro managing is only a concern if you arent willing to change. It's managements way of forcing a change you weren't willing to do yourself.

I know this may sound like a "kool-aid" drinker post, but i still firmly believe in Collegium cornering the market with Xer & products coming in the future. Just stay the course.[/QUOTE]