How is the new Biotronik US leadership doing?


Managing basic business goals: budget, profit, gross sales?
How about planning, products, and people?
Goals, expectations, and implementation?
What about any culture change, spirit, enthusiasm?

At issue is a change in how business is being done. As with other CRM franchises we are being investigated by the OIG and DOJ. Pretending to be ignorant while being complicit with our independant sales force is quickly and hopefully quietly coming to an end.

Those who refuse to change will be forced out. It's simple business. Many independants, like those in St. Louis, Southern FL, etc., will end up costing us more than the revenue they bring in.

There is no doubt a huge fine is coming. Preparing for it can only help our cause. It will also bring legitimacy to our sales force. Our products are good. They can definately be sold on an even playing field.

Our job is to take contol and manage out problems.

At issue is a change in how business is being done. As with other CRM franchises we are being investigated by the OIG and DOJ. Pretending to be ignorant while being complicit with our independant sales force is quickly and hopefully quietly coming to an end.

Those who refuse to change will be forced out. It's simple business. Many independants, like those in St. Louis, Southern FL, etc., will end up costing us more than the revenue they bring in.

There is no doubt a huge fine is coming. Preparing for it can only help our cause. It will also bring legitimacy to our sales force. Our products are good. They can definately be sold on an even playing field.

Our job is to take contol and manage out problems.

LOL Ignorant. Your products are not equal. You are behind in CRT severely. The lead and delivery system is weak. All these MDT losers who can't sell without "Big Blue" behind them will realize that there lifestyle is going to change as the huge guarantees dry up. They will pack up shop and leave. There is no loyalty there for sure. And when Germany realizes just how much money they have shelled out for nothing, management heads will roll at all levels. On top of this OIG investigations, hiring freezes, and new leaders everywhere some with no CRM experience. Oh and wait we have that one device that went Boom, but then again it was only one.

Executive Vice President, Sales & Marketing
Privately Held; Medical Devices industry
March 1998 – December 2009 (11 years 10 months)

The EVP is responsible for building and developing the US Sales and Marketing operation of BIOTRONIK, Inc. BIOTRONIK is a German, privately owned company engaged in the sale and distribution of Cardiac Rhythm Management products including pacemakers, ICD's and accessories. BIOTRONIK, Inc. is the US division of BIOTRONIK, SE located in Berlin,Germany. Since joining BIOTRONIK my team has grown the US operation from zero US market share to 4% US market share. As a private company, the specific revenue growth is privlidged information. Our field representatives have grown from 70 reps in 1998 to approximately 500 reps in 2009. We have grown from 1 field sales manager to 14 Regional Sales Directors and two Area Vice Presidents of Sales. The EVP has full responsibility for sales, marketing, training and education, distribution, technical services, field clinical engineering. BIOTRONIK, Inc. is the fastest growing CRM company in the world with US growth averaging 20% per annum over the past 12 years. I elected to step down from the EVP position at the end of 2009 to move back to Atlanta where my wife and family have lived over the past twelve years while I lived and worked in Portland, Oregon, our US headquarters.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha! We're so privileged to hear from you Tom. Did your responsibilities require you to lie and design and execute shit for brains decisions. Biotronik has less than 400 reps as of June of 2010, I'm looking at the rep list. Would you care to advertise your insane decision to bring over the BSX management team in the northwest that as of June 2010 had not generated $100,000 in sales since they were hired. Your decision has crippled a 5 state region that will probably lead to a court battle for Jake. Your like the mortgage lenders that came along at prime time for a great ride and then left your mess for everyone else to clean up. You suck!

The NW is a prime example of just how hard it is to sell Biotronik compared to the big 3. Those were very successful reps at Boston, and not so much now. Even in Biotronik's backyard nothing is happening.

The NW is a prime example of just how hard it is to sell Biotronik compared to the big 3. Those were very successful reps at Boston, and not so much now. Even in Biotronik's backyard nothing is happening.

Keep dreaming up your shit boys... Biotronik USA including the Northwest team that you are disparaging is up 28% this year. As for the 400 rep comment well you must only be looking at direct reps because we now have over 1000 field personnel (Direct and Independent Reps and FCS) in the US Market.

Flame away but the truth will always be what I just told you and you can't change that.

Keep dreaming up your shit boys... Biotronik USA including the Northwest team that you are disparaging is up 28% this year. As for the 400 rep comment well you must only be looking at direct reps because we now have over 1000 field personnel (Direct and Independent Reps and FCS) in the US Market.

Flame away but the truth will always be what I just told you and you can't change that.

That is the biggest lie ever.Y ou are nowhere near 1000. Not hard to be up 28% on 100K

Biotronik is nowhere near 1000 field employees. Not with $300 million in sales. SJM has 1700 and they are selling 4-5 billion a year. So keep up your lies.

We have 1000 people and the ICD explosion didn't happen. BSX employees made it up and we told them to stop talking about it but they won't.

Whats the purpose of such an outrageous lie. As of June 2010, the field list printed from the company directory has less than 400 employees. Thats everyone, direct and independent. Kenyan Wells, Bob Koop, and yes Ceasar Fonte and all of his team. Less than 400!!!!!!! As of June 2010, Biotronik was not on pace to hit 300 million in sales. I don't know where they are now, but the hard cold truth is that the Northwest territory is a disaster with legal issues ahead I have been told. If sales are up 28%, it is because of the original team there, and the BSX newbies have been of almost no help. It's a disaster that Tom Brown created and is responsible for. This is what he will be remembered for after 10 years of leadership.

Bio reps lie. But don't blame them for repeating the lies told to them. Hell they were never even shown pictures of the exploding ICD. They were just told about an unfavorable case study. So with these lies come more lies and convoluted lies and pretty soon they are a billion dollar company with 12000 field employees in California alone.

Biotronik is nowhere near 1000 field employees. Not with $300 million in sales. SJM has 1700 and they are selling 4-5 billion a year. So keep up your lies.

We have 1000 people and the ICD explosion didn't happen. BSX employees made it up and we told them to stop talking about it but they won't.

St. Jude sales of 4-5 must be talking world wide right?

The 300 million is for US Sales and yes we are growing at 28% this year. Total Biotronik sales are around 1.5 billion world wide. No lies just facts. Deal with it.