How is the Krystexxa launch going

No what is more pathetic is that you felt the need to come on our board and post this. That is really really really fucking sad. Please go away and play your penny stock games somewhere where people give a rats ass!! Why are you so infatuated with this? There are lots of questions about this company and its product, leadership, and future. It is not a shock that a fucking person or people would be questioning this company and drug. It is very possible that this poster that you are stalking did manage quite a few current employees here, but who fucking cares. This is a small industry and when you factor in buy and bill it is very small. We all know each other- we know the RBD's who are full of shit and got pushed in due to politics and we know the reps that could not sell ice to eskimos who have no business being employed as well. In the end, we don't care we just want to make a decent bonus and have some job stability for a year or so and then move on. Stop posting on our board and your infatuation with this poster is friggen creepy. Get a hobby dork!!

Uh, wouldn't it be hard to sell ice to Eskimos?

No what is more pathetic is that you felt the need to come on our board and post this. That is really really really fucking sad. Please go away and play your penny stock games somewhere where people give a rats ass!! Why are you so infatuated with this? There are lots of questions about this company and its product, leadership, and future. It is not a shock that a fucking person or people would be questioning this company and drug. It is very possible that this poster that you are stalking did manage quite a few current employees here, but who fucking cares. This is a small industry and when you factor in buy and bill it is very small. We all know each other- we know the RBD's who are full of shit and got pushed in due to politics and we know the reps that could not sell ice to eskimos who have no business being employed as well. In the end, we don't care we just want to make a decent bonus and have some job stability for a year or so and then move on. Stop posting on our board and your infatuation with this poster is friggen creepy. Get a hobby dork!!

"our" board ? get a life loser. It's a public board for anyone anybody from anywhere that may have some kind of interest in the company, at whatever level, as an employee, investor, disgrubtled candidate etc.

you want your own forum? start one then. this is all public. for anyone. get a life.

OUR ? you make me laugh. no one even knows who you are. nor cares.

Is your RBD making you come on here once a week to post this crap success story bullshit? I do not buy it. It was not a great day today. You are lying. If you do not play his game, what happens, PIP, Letter of Concern, managed out within a few quarters. The way this group rolls in middle mangmt. at sav you either drink galloons of the fruity kool aid or you are worked out in a heartbeat. I hear the launch is a disaster. Reps with wrong addressees, no access policies, no sees at the hospitals, and that the doctors the comp. told you to super target when nothing to do with this price tag. Sound about right? How is old TC doing these days, did that washed up poon hound make the job as RD or did they put him in a rep role? I know a bunch of these guys, they were mostly out of work or were laid off from SAv a few years back and had so little going on that they waited for SAv to get their shit together and were unemployable by real pharma and I hear TC is back in the midwest up to his old tricks. Fucking unreal.

It's funny that I accuse you of being BioTekChamp22 and Pharmalegd, and then you use words that only they use on the Savient message board. WHAT A COINCIDENCE! Or, not. Are you still denying that you're the same person, or have you given up on that yet?

Maybe I am way out of the loop, but who cares about bioteckchamp who cares what his dude posts on yahoo? have you ever seen a group of more fucked up, little childish games in your life? this guy has a hard on for a yahoo poster who fries the fuck out of anthing Sav related and you come on CP looking for him and cut and pasting his posts. What do you think this is bubba? Nursery schoool?

WE do not give a shit about what people post about this company, we just want to make our promised bonus checks and deal with as little bs as possible along the way. We know what the is job is, we know that management is piss poor in certain areas, we know that K is a hard sell and a relationship sell. We get all that now go fuck your hand, sneek down and get your popcorn and give your daddy a quick rub and tug and get back to bed little junior. Nobody cares what is being posted on Yahoo, get that through your tiny little skull shit you are fucking so gd pathetic. I hope that guy who blows this company out on a dialy basis hog ties you to a tree and pisses savient all over your face and craps down your throat with a cleveland steaming deuce. you come on here again "tedulllia" and we will have surprise for you. You were not hired here, we shot your ass right out the door, we needed someone with a full set of teeth and not 100 lbs over weight. now go shit on your mom, she likes tht and hit here with the golden shower, you screams for this down at the snake pit on Alligator Ally.

Maybe I am way out of the loop, but who cares about bioteckchamp who cares what his dude posts on yahoo? have you ever seen a group of more fucked up, little childish games in your life? this guy has a hard on for a yahoo poster who fries the fuck out of anthing Sav related and you come on CP looking for him and cut and pasting his posts. What do you think this is bubba? Nursery schoool?

WE do not give a shit about what people post about this company, we just want to make our promised bonus checks and deal with as little bs as possible along the way. We know what the is job is, we know that management is piss poor in certain areas, we know that K is a hard sell and a relationship sell. We get all that now go fuck your hand, sneek down and get your popcorn and give your daddy a quick rub and tug and get back to bed little junior. Nobody cares what is being posted on Yahoo, get that through your tiny little skull shit you are fucking so gd pathetic. I hope that guy who blows this company out on a dialy basis hog ties you to a tree and pisses savient all over your face and craps down your throat with a cleveland steaming deuce. you come on here again "tedulllia" and we will have surprise for you. You were not hired here, we shot your ass right out the door, we needed someone with a full set of teeth and not 100 lbs over weight. now go shit on your mom, she likes tht and hit here with the golden shower, you screams for this down at the snake pit on Alligator Ally.

Holy tweak out. I'd say you give a shit pal, waaaay to much. and really did you need to use 'gd' for god damn after all of the other raunchy shit in your post? Afraid of getting struck by lightning? Yikes.