which territory are you covering? I guess every RHU is different.
No you miss the point, most rheumy do not treat chronic refractory gout, they refer this to the specialty rhuems at the big clinics ( i have like 2 major hubs in my territory) they get all the difficult to treat cases with RA and chronic refractory gout. NO office based RHeumy is going to infuse Krystexxa, they are going to filter to a specialist and you better hope that hospital is willing to play ball with yet another new infusion with a high price tag. They learned the hard way with the influx of biologics over the last 5-7 yrs. You seem to not understand this market and that very few territories are actually going to have rheumatologists who are ever going to be seeing or treating these patienats, thats just not real dude. not at all.. I think this board has been infested by the yahoo clowns i was reading about in the other threads, you people are lightyears away from understanding this. Please stick to the "investor boards" not Cafe Pharma. I hope your investment pays off, for all of US- we are in this together in a sense. You make your money, we keep our jobs. Quid pro quo.