How goes it over here?


Answer: It's perfectly fine. I came from another company, so this is my second time at the rodeo, so to speak, and it's way better than my first company. We get paid well, have a good work/life balance, and aren't beaten very often. Seriously, though, if you look at any company board here on CP, you'll see the same comments on each one - how senior management sucks, how the pipeline sucks, how they're micro-managed, etc. You get that here, too, but CP is a place for bitching and moaning, regardless of the company. So read some of the other threads here to get the negative perspective, but from my perspective, it's a perfectly fine place to work.

As a company, Novartis is a great company to work at. Unfortunately, sometimes the wrong people get put into management positions as ABL’s, RD’s that bring down the entire area through blatant favoritism and nepotism.

Answer: It's perfectly fine. I came from another company, so this is my second time at the rodeo, so to speak, and it's way better than my first company. We get paid well, have a good work/life balance, and aren't beaten very often. Seriously, though, if you look at any company board here on CP, you'll see the same comments on each one - how senior management sucks, how the pipeline sucks, how they're micro-managed, etc. You get that here, too, but CP is a place for bitching and moaning, regardless of the company. So read some of the other threads here to get the negative perspective, but from my perspective, it's a perfectly fine place to work.

Thank you HR Representative.

Novartis is not doing well at all. The numbers are fake and as usual brought up by the salary gain of those laid off. It is investing large amounts in Digital and not drugs.There is no need to produce here as everyone is engaged in lying low, procrastinating and doing nothing. If you can manage this join the thousands who are stuffing their pockets at the expense of others.

Novartis is not doing well at all. The numbers are fake and as usual brought up by the salary gain of those laid off. It is investing large amounts in Digital and not drugs.There is no need to produce here as everyone is engaged in lying low, procrastinating and doing nothing. If you can manage this join the thousands who are stuffing their pockets at the expense of others.
Those earning more than 175K should all be fired as they do nothing. At least these shits should be assessed for their abilities and performance strictly. They are experts in showing their own shit work as outstanding.

Those earning more than 175K should all be fired as they do nothing. At least these shits should be assessed for their abilities and performance strictly. They are experts in showing their own shit work as outstanding.
What about the lesser earning stooges who push their peers on the side and are in bed with these high earners.

For the people who don't know or have forgotten, there is a pending USA lawsuit against the company. This lawsuit is from New York. It happened while the company was under a CIA.

Hello. I'm not a Novartian, but am thinking of applying for a Rep role, which leads me to the question: How is it here? Great? Sucky? Somewhere in between?
You are a Novartian otherwise how would you know that they are called Novartians. If you really are not, then this place sucks. You need buddies who you are sleeping with and extreme manipulative skills. Do you have these? Then Welcome aboard. Otherwise you will most certainly suffer and suffer like hell.

Answer: It's perfectly fine. I came from another company, so this is my second time at the rodeo, so to speak, and it's way better than my first company. We get paid well, have a good work/life balance, and aren't beaten very often. Seriously, though, if you look at any company board here on CP, you'll see the same comments on each one - how senior management sucks, how the pipeline sucks, how they're micro-managed, etc. You get that here, too, but CP is a place for bitching and moaning, regardless of the company. So read some of the other threads here to get the negative perspective, but from my perspective, it's a perfectly fine place to work.

This was clearly composed from HR. Truth, CP is a place where everyone moans and groans about the "issues" at their own company. Most of those concerns are valid, and some are vicious. The reality here. It IS the most micromanaged company many of us ever worked for. You have no idea where your performance stands until the trimester is over. You have territories that will always do better regardless of the performer you place in them. There are far too many people that take credit for their success and have been promoted when they didn't deserve to be. Conversely, good people get screwed all the time. Work withs every 2-4 weeks and independence is complete stifled. The concept of being Unbossed is bogus. It's a joke. There are a lot of great, talented sales people here that want to do well, but are scared of their own shadows due to micromanagement. We are all forced to fake call averages in Viva and check the box around programs. WE HAVE THE WORST EXPENSE REPORTING SYSTEM that has drained the life out of us. I've cancelled ALL of my LnLs and will not do the. So, if you like zero independence, fake leaders, shitty processes, focusing on shit that doesn't mean anything regarding driving sales, constant ambiguity, constant shifting of strategy, and the list goes on.. Then, this is the place for you..

This was clearly composed from HR. Truth, CP is a place where everyone moans and groans about the "issues" at their own company. Most of those concerns are valid, and some are vicious. The reality here. It IS the most micromanaged company many of us ever worked for. You have no idea where your performance stands until the trimester is over. You have territories that will always do better regardless of the performer you place in them. There are far too many people that take credit for their success and have been promoted when they didn't deserve to be. Conversely, good people get screwed all the time. Work withs every 2-4 weeks and independence is complete stifled. The concept of being Unbossed is bogus. It's a joke. There are a lot of great, talented sales people here that want to do well, but are scared of their own shadows due to micromanagement. We are all forced to fake call averages in Viva and check the box around programs. WE HAVE THE WORST EXPENSE REPORTING SYSTEM that has drained the life out of us. I've cancelled ALL of my LnLs and will not do the. So, if you like zero independence, fake leaders, shitty processes, focusing on shit that doesn't mean anything regarding driving sales, constant ambiguity, constant shifting of strategy, and the list goes on.. Then, this is the place for you..

This person speaks the truth!

CP is good for finding out where's there's smoke there is fire. and here at NVS.... the place is an inferno!

This person speaks the truth!

CP is good for finding out where's there's smoke there is fire. and here at NVS.... the place is an inferno!
Holy crap!! I never write on CP but these words were recently sent to HR by an employee. Exact words used here to malign the employee to make it seem like this person wrote on CP. This one is from HR or someone in management with access to the email. Terrible people. No one has a clue at the very top. They are being fed garbage. Review your managers or HR.

Holy crap!! I never write on CP but these words were recently sent to HR by an employee. Exact words used here to malign the employee to make it seem like this person wrote on CP. This one is from HR or someone in management with access to the email. Terrible people. No one has a clue at the very top. They are being fed garbage. Review your managers or HR.
This is an employee - HR breach of confidentiality. HR, if you are not writing this crap, who in management are you sharing the confidential emails?