how do you say.....

you are so full of shit. You are not making money. No one at Caris is. the prices we are charging for these tests will never sell. No one will buy. no data, no value, get me to another company. The plan form the supposedly smart LB bitch is messed up. We are all sinking. Did you hear that BS at the NSM during the pricing presentation? Did anyone swallow that shit. Help

it made sense to you?! Who is paying those prices? Are you not aware of the Medicare cpt reimbursement for molecular tests? (or lack thereof). DH has a new favored person who is running the company. He does that and listens to one person only (besides the voices in his head). She is the new guru and full of shit. So if it made sense to you then suck my dick.

Café Pharma removed messages. Caris must have bought them too which is the only way they can get good press. I repeat, there is a HLIC! Caris is goin down brotha. I am not sticking around for the fall. High prices for a test that does not work. down down down and I will laugh all the way.

gfys: I know what that means and also hlic. that is hilarious. but let us stick to the issue. caris is charging too much for the test and also is bending the medicare billing thing with the 14 day rule just too much. whistleblower anyone? I think I will.

The real issue with Caris is that DH is a terrible owner. He does not give a shit about anyone but asshole crapasomes . Molecular Intelligence BS! He is a terrible business man who got lucky on daddy's money and thinks he knows all. He sucks and his staff of loser VPs are all a bunch of suck asses being led by one bitch. Great company by the way. LOL. Holding on until the sale of this dog. Will make some $$$$. God knows there are no commissions. Try selling a 20K test.

While all you say is true, is it necessary to be so vicious? Who cares who runs the company as long as we get a paycheck? I can't sell a costly test like that but plan to keep looking as long as we can ride the wave. It is not important if the management team is a bunch of assholes. We get a paycheck. Stay home and put your resume on line. That is what all my co workers are doing, so should you. DH always selects one idiot and puts him or her in charge. It will blow over. It always does. Remember last year with that idiot CD? So we have another female hitler with no scruples. Again, we get a pay check. Many people are out there who do not. Be appreciative. Don't want to sound like goodie two but who cares. It is their company. F them

Looks like messages with really personal attacks were removed. Also looks like management is changing a lot and the ship is still stinking... I mean sinking. Hope I hit on another job soon, because I can't imagine we'll be in business much longer.

Unfortunately, even with all of the changes in management the company will not survive because it is built on a bed of lies, deceit and treating people with evil intent. The management of Caris is malicious, back stabbing and completely without any morality. You really cannot run a company like that. I believe however, that all the changes have been done to prepare for the inevitable sale of the company so being profitable on very few cases can be shown in the books. That is what is going on. We can count on maybe a year and during that year if we bring in the amount of cases that we are bringing in it will show a profit to potential buyers. There is no intent for us to be in business long term. We all need to have our resumes out so we can have jobs before the market is flooded. Queen Elle Bee thought up this stupid pricing plan in cahoots with the others because the plan to sell the company is a given. Think about it; in this time of health care revision, with the creation of accountable care organizations and bundled payments, we think of a 20 K test? Remember, hospitals, doctors, insurers are forming groups to look at ways to bring costs down and that does not happen with an outlier test priced like ours. It makes no sense except to sell the parts and pieces. Wake up everyone and start to look at least. I am.

Who is Elle Bee? I agree with much of what you are saying but think that cancer may be an exclusion to cost containment especially as it relates to data for drug/biomarker correlation. It would seem that that would save money rather than wasting dollars on drugs that do not work because that patient does not have the "right" biomarker mutation or whatever. However, Caris is f'd up and they are not the ones to make the changes in health care as they will not be around very long. I do believe looking at the pathways and not the lineage is the way to go in cancer but I do not believe that Caris has its heart in it at all.

Again, who is Elle Bee?

Genetic diversity within tumors (also known as clonal mosaicism) is an achilles heel for specialized genetic testing of common epithelial tumors. Next generation DNA sequencing studies (NGS) show that a large colon, pancreas, lung, and breast cancers frequently have greater than 1000 genetically distinct clones. Targeted therapy will only kill a proportion of the tumor cell clones and have a minimal impact on overall survival and disease free survival. Expensive 20K test looking at haphazard druggable targets is essentially useless. Few exceptions with a few special tumors (Gleevec for CML and Xalkori for NSCLC with and ALK-1 rearrangement) but as a general rule expensive cancer tests that are not FDA approved as a companion diagnostic will go unpaid.

I believe this company will go bankrupt before they find a buyer.

It is possible, given the greater fool theory, that a buyer could be hoodwinked into purchasing the turd that is Caris.

That was a reasonable, very scientific, coherent answer which was only made all the more spot on with your last statement of Caris being a turd. I do think some idiot company will purchase Caris however and the stock price will go to .75 (cents).

We should all hang on to make the 10 cents even if it means passing up jobs with stable companies that have really good managers with integrity and morality. Caris is bankrupt financially and ethically and has become an incestuous crockpot of ass kissing liars who do not know shit from shinolah!

stocks are worthless. the entire company is worthless, including the test which really accomplishes nothing. losing my shit to Foundation. what is going on? free vs thousands Duh?