How did everyone answer the question....


You don't put yourself in that position to be around unethical people, that's my answer.

What you wrote is all well and good, except that's only half the battle.

There are times when you cant control who comes at you. What if an unethical person lands in your lap? Suppose it's your DBM that unethical... then what do you do?

What you wrote is all well and good, except that's only half the battle.

There are times when you cant control who comes at you. What if an unethical person lands in your lap? Suppose it's your DBM that unethical... then what do you do?

Like poster 5 says, this question is a trap. There is no good answer, the more you talk about this question, the more likely you are going to get weeded out of a job. I was given a similar question like this at an interview, I did not get the job. When I asked about feedback from my interview and why I did not get the job, they told me they did not agree with the way I handled a shady partner. That was their only negative feedback for me, oh well lesson learned, do not reveal anything that involves ethics in future interviews.

Like poster 5 says, this question is a trap. There is no good answer, the more you talk about this question, the more likely you are going to get weeded out of a job. I was given a similar question like this at an interview, I did not get the job. When I asked about feedback from my interview and why I did not get the job, they told me they did not agree with the way I handled a shady partner. That was their only negative feedback for me, oh well lesson learned, do not reveal anything that involves ethics in future interviews.

So how would you answer the question?

So how did you answer the question? It does seem like a trick question. I think managers for the most part don't want drama or BS to deal with. If you say I brought it (whatever "it" was) to you managers attention, that might be a turn off if they don't want a tattletale. If you dealt with it directly, that may be bad because you did not report thus excluding the micro managing DM. If you say you never witnessed unethical behavior, they would think you are a moron who is either naive or blind.

I stated that I was fortunate to never witness unethical behavior as a pharmaceutical representative but I did have some life experiences I could speak to. I than shared 1 story and how I handled the situation. You can always go the route of I took the proper protocol. For example if your referencing an experience at another company Simply state what the company wanted you to do in that situation and than state what you did. I dont see this as a trick question since being in pharma there are a Ton of lawsuits and being unethical can lead to a giant fine. If I were a hiring manager I would want to know that if something was happening I could count on that rep to do exactly what the company asked of him in that situation. Nothing more nothing less.

It was said in an interview by a Regional when with another company that if you ever witness unethical behavior. . .it is everyone's responsibility to bring it to the company's attention because that behavior puts the company at risk.