How about that zero payout?


Thanks for validating that I’m taking a month long vacation Leadership needs to go if they think this shit ok. They made plenty of money off of the injections in my territory. But think it’s ok to pay me nothing, yah, let me help you with that one.

Thanks for the extended vacation..


Thanks for validating that I’m taking a month long vacation Leadership needs to go if they think this shit ok. They made plenty of money off of the injections in my territory. But think it’s ok to pay me nothing, yah, let me help you with that one.

Thanks for the extended vacation..
I’m only annoyed with myself for having so many luncheons planned.

In 25 years NEVER have I ever gotten 0.00. This trimester I “only” got 35 injections, but let’s do the math, Novartis gets $115k. And I get nothing? It’s comical!

Do the math again. Those patients will be injected for the rest of their life. Much more than 115k.

you are optimistic to think patients will stay on leqvio the rest of their life. This drug is and will always be a hassle for drs to order. Once mercks pill comes out and repatha is off patent leqvio is done. The Novartis cult leaders

I’m only annoyed with myself for having so many luncheons planned.

Easy fix. I would cancel all of the appointments. I have my favorite offices, and I’ll be there for them. Otherwise? Why generate new business. They’re about to move to territory goals. You need to minimize your current volume as much as possible, otherwise you’ll see sizable goals when they start.

I’d like to be one of the territories that gets 0-5 injections a trimester. They’re positioning themselves for Presidents Club.

Easy fix. I would cancel all of the appointments. I have my favorite offices, and I’ll be there for them. Otherwise? Why generate new business. They’re about to move to territory goals. You need to minimize your current volume as much as possible, otherwise you’ll see sizable goals when they start.

I’d like to be one of the territories that gets 0-5 injections a trimester. They’re positioning themselves for Presidents Club.

Definitely cancel them. Use what every company does this time of year, “they cut our budget”

Fucking company is so out of touch. The emphasis on field coaching is straight out of 1998

ALL the ABLs should receive zero payout! Most worthless job here and they hide behind smoke and mirrors with check the boxes teams calls, one day pocket meetings to shake our hands and and pointless field rides that bring zero value! When are these companies going to wake up and stop paying the middle mgmt outrageous salaries to do nothing! You are a glorified babysitter.

A special kind of stupid you are. In any industry, business, military, etc., there is and will always be a first line manager. Call em what u want…here they are called ABLs; most other places they are referred to as DMs. Point is they are not middle management….rather first line leaders. Anyone employed will ALWAYS have a first line manager. Get over it

Ooh big talk! Gtf over yourself. You reek of typical “first line” arrogance. Whatever you want to call them abls to not contribute towards the bottom line and 80% are blowhards who live to sell themselves to RDs and other abls on “leadership” calls. Show me one useful ABL who actually is leader and provides impactful coaching and I’ll show you 15 more who get blocked from offices and will tell you with a straight face to say the absolute stupidest sh*t you can imagine as first business words.
Take your first line sh*t back over to Burger King cocksucker.

A special kind of stupid you are. In any industry, business, military, etc., there is and will always be a first line manager. Call em what u want…here they are called ABLs; most other places they are referred to as DMs. Point is they are not middle management….rather first line leaders. Anyone employed will ALWAYS have a first line manager. Get over it

I would agree with you. I’m thinking that Novartis may want to get rid of the Desmond’s of the world, trying to incorporate what you tried at your other company isn’t working bud.

Ooh big talk! Gtf over yourself. You reek of typical “first line” arrogance. Whatever you want to call them abls to not contribute towards the bottom line and 80% are blowhards who live to sell themselves to RDs and other abls on “leadership” calls. Show me one useful ABL who actually is leader and provides impactful coaching and I’ll show you 15 more who get blocked from offices and will tell you with a straight face to say the absolute stupidest sh*t you can imagine as first business words.
Take your first line sh*t back over to Burger King cocksucker.

I’ve been here long enough to see doctors in a whole territory that blocked the “DM” (as they were previously called) from coming into their offices. No self awareness . He has since left pharma, but the guy was a class A jackass. If managers think they're doing full day ride-along with their reps, I’ll guarantee my offices will block them from doing so.

That may have worked pre-covid, but it’s no longer accepted anymore. Don’t have an expectation that you’re going to make a rep do a dog and pony show and disrespect the doctor’s space and time.

Easy fix. I would cancel all of the appointments. I have my favorite offices, and I’ll be there for them. Otherwise? Why generate new business. They’re about to move to territory goals. You need to minimize your current volume as much as possible, otherwise you’ll see sizable goals when they start.

I’d like to be one of the territories that gets 0-5 injections a trimester. They’re positioning themselves for Presidents Club.

Speaking of President’s Club, let’s not forget the territories that went to President's Club and never had one single injection, but were part of the district that had offices fill out FTOs. I heard some of these offices are still sitting on that product. Novartis can take a bow for this mismanagement of resources. If you came up with the idea, or forced your reps to place these FTOs, maybe your job should be on the line too.

A special kind of stupid you are. In any industry, business, military, etc., there is and will always be a first line manager. Call em what u want…here they are called ABLs; most other places they are referred to as DMs. Point is they are not middle management….rather first line leaders. Anyone employed will ALWAYS have a first line manager. Get over it

you are the stupid one. They could easily get rid of more than half of all ABLs and those remaining could approve expense reports and approve Time out of territory. They bring no other value so have them manage 30-50 reps each. Or hire some admin assistants and pay them much lower salaries to babysit. Quit playing the game and pretending the ABL is a worthwhile position

ALL the ABLs should receive zero payout! Most worthless job here and they hide behind smoke and mirrors with check the boxes teams calls, one day pocket meetings to shake our hands and and pointless field rides that bring zero value! When are these companies going to wake up and stop paying the middle mgmt outrageous salaries to do nothing! You are a glorified babysitter.


You must be an ABL or one of the losers who actually thinks more coaching and field rides is going to get us to the top 5 in Pharma companies. Managers need to be partners, helping the reps strategize and find business opportunities. Not telling a rep they have to ask more questions that have already been asked on the 20 other calls the rep has made on a prescriber. Any ABL who has been in the field rep role over the last few years especially since Covid will understand

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