Check work email!
What does this mean for us?
What does this mean for us?
It means nothing unless you opted in
You can now make a claim with the department of labor. Just go to their website.
Are we all automatically opted in? Does anyone remember getting something that asked us to opt out?
You had to be in New York or California to opt out, because in those states you were automatically in. In other states you had to opt in. I bet some reps do not remember one way or the other if they opted in (in the other 48 states).
The 5th section of the above post also implies that reps that don't fit the first 4 sections will be included. In addition, either this post or one other recent post does say something about the settlement affecting 7,000 reps, so maybe all employees who worked during the specified time period will be entitled to something.
It is unclear if the 99 million is before the attorney cut is taken out. If indeed 7000 would get some compensation and that compensation would be the same for all and it would be taken from a 99 million dollar pool, each of 7000 would get something like $14,000 each. If there are attorney fees taken from 99 million, figure about $8000 each. If let's say it is only California and New York reps plus those that opted in, maybe only about 20% of reps (out of the 7000) will get a check, about 1400 people, so checks could be about 5x higher per person vs. 7000 getting settlement checks or about a max of $70,000 per rep.
Perhaps it can be even more accurate with compensation being based upon total time worked during the period looked at. If that were the case and only about 1400 reps are looked at (California, NY, and "opt-in" reps) some would be getting checks well into 6 figures.