Spot f-ing on! Seriously this is beyond embarrassing that we actually work for a company that thinks we have the intellectual capacity of a third grader. They can spin this shitstorm any way they want. We are going to play their role play games at these emergency meetings this week, and then go into our accounts and do this our way--- which is to blame the company of course.

How can we possibly have the balls to double our price without bacteremia??? We haven't even filed for it yet? This was supposed to happen in June. How can changing to a five minute infusion justify the price? Maybe for OPAT which we aren't getting credit for anyway. I'm going to tell my customers the truth. That marketing didn't make their numbers so they've decided to throw away all promotions of the past 4 years. Empiric use vs vanco and go after dapto that has about 3,000 more indications that we do. They want us to say we are still 30% less than dapto. Guess what my customers will say? That we WERE 65% less! They won't care now if docs convert.

C. Larkin, A. Amory, the entire brand team and any manager buying this bunk and regurgitating it back to your reps.... You can all go suck it!!!

As for me, I made an emergency call to my recruiter this morning. I suggest everyone else do the same.

Yep, do it your way. That's worked out great so far. Bye bye.

allow me to remind you...Actavis will be sold in the not too distant future. These "leaders" will not survive any other company. And due to their reputations, they will not land jobs outside of Actavis/Forest. Just watch it unfold...this can't go on forever.