Honest about tenure and pay

R u kidding. This person is even lucky they have a job still. R&D are the suckers of pharma. A regular lab rat is lucky to be making anything close to 100k. Maybe that's why there's no new drugs coming out. Demoralized hearing of reps making close to 200k with all the perks and easy life of a rep.

Unfortunately it will come back to bite all of us soon. Demoralized scientist equals less productivity = less drugs = less sales force.

Yes. Since they can't outsource sales, they will just automate it. That is the plan going forward. Nobody is going to get 100k or more to drop off samples and cater lunch. Only nurses or other certified medical people will be actually selling drug products.

S1 band is $64,000-109,000
S2 band is $74,000-$126,000
S3 band is $89,000-$151,000
M2 and S4 (MAE and CTL) band is $104,000-$177.
Bonus potential are on R&R.
HQ folks make AIP bonus- which is less
Than sales.
Merck salary's target is to meet industry average for salary.
Old days target was to exceed the average.

So a low paid S2 would get a jump if promoted to LER. But a mid to high paid S2 might not see anything, except bonus potential. Which is about $500/month more. But potential to be at the bottom of LERs is high, due to high performing group, so chance of losing some bonus is higher.

The difference between my S2 and S3 salary was only 1%. And yes higher odds of being ranked toward the bottom. Not worth it in my opinion.

Funny, no mention of the munchkins, those itty bitty S1s.....

The view from 10 miles up says if you are an S2, S3 or LER you are likely to have "VALUED" stamped on you. Close up it may be a different story....

Would like to know the proportions of S'ers in each category who are getting canned.

Better off being a NJ school teacher with Masters plus 30 and making over $125, 000 $130,000 summers off, lots of vaca, your own time and get 80% of your salary in retirement; no pharma company will do that for you. Blue Cross Blue Shield and a ton of discounts everywhere and a UNION. And they complain and complain and complain.

S1 band is $64,000-109,000
S2 band is $74,000-$126,000
S3 band is $89,000-$151,000
M2 and S4 (MAE and CTL) band is $104,000-$177.
Bonus potential are on R&R.
HQ folks make AIP bonus- which is less
Than sales.
Merck salary's target is to meet industry average for salary.
Old days target was to exceed the average.

No wonder these people will lie, cheat, steal and continue to weave the charade of pharma sales…Obscene money for doing so little…It just defies all logic, and I don't think there is any other industry in America, that pays base salaries even close to that, for people with powder puff liberal arts degrees from State schools...

No wonder these people will lie, cheat, steal and continue to weave the charade of pharma sales…Obscene money for doing so little…It just defies all logic, and I don't think there is any other industry in America, that pays base salaries even close to that, for people with powder puff liberal arts degrees from State schools...

Their days are over as Merck finally awakened from the dream of overpaying these people. No wonder they are so upset - certainly they are the most vociferous whiners judging by this board. Karma.

Better off being a NJ school teacher with Masters plus 30 and making over $125, 000 $130,000 summers off, lots of vaca, your own time and get 80% of your salary in retirement; no pharma company will do that for you. Blue Cross Blue Shield and a ton of discounts everywhere and a UNION. And they complain and complain and complain.

Too bad you need all those brainless Ed courses on your transcripts.

S1 band is $64,000-109,000
S2 band is $74,000-$126,000
S3 band is $89,000-$151,000
M2 and S4 (MAE and CTL) band is $104,000-$177.
Bonus potential are on R&R.
HQ folks make AIP bonus- which is less
Than sales.
Merck salary's target is to meet industry average for salary.
Old days target was to exceed the average.

Remember.........most reps are S1 and stuck in the mud with lower salaries and bonus.

S1 band is $64,000-109,000
S2 band is $74,000-$126,000
S3 band is $89,000-$151,000
M2 and S4 (MAE and CTL) band is $104,000-$177.
Bonus potential are on R&R.
HQ folks make AIP bonus- which is less
Than sales.
Merck salary's target is to meet industry average for salary.
Old days target was to exceed the average.

You have got to be kidding with these salaries! To sell something that basically sells itself if it's any good. Those of us in MRL would love to be anywhere close to this base pay and we don't get outrageous bonuses on top. No wonder you guys are so upset about the layoffs. You won't make anything near that in the real world.
Better start cutting expenses and downsizing fellas. It's a whole different thing making 50k. I'm glad you're getting a dose of reality. You've been overpaid for a long time.

You have got to be kidding with these salaries! To sell something that basically sells itself if it's any good. Those of us in MRL would love to be anywhere close to this base pay and we don't get outrageous bonuses on top. No wonder you guys are so upset about the layoffs. You won't make anything near that in the real world.
Better start cutting expenses and downsizing fellas. It's a whole different thing making 50k. I'm glad you're getting a dose of reality. You've been overpaid for a long time.

Remember.........most reps are S1 and stuck in the mud with lower salaries and bonus.

These salary ranges are not out of line for sales jobs.

Look at medical sales, transportation sales or technical sales. They all have similar ranges. Don't start pounding the "they don't work" or "it sells itself" drum either. I have done pharma sales and sold insurance, cars and transportation sales. It's all about the same. You cultivate relationships and try to leverage them to your advantage. For some people this is easy for others it's difficult. People always look at sales and they are jealous of the money they make. They think the job is easy, the product sells itself and sales people screw off. There is a thread of truth in that but that is part of the job. If you think it's so easy then quit your MRL job and join the sales department. It's not as easy as you think. I have worked in an office and I see how much time is wasted in the break room, by the coffee pot or water cooler. People always find little ways to waste time no matter where they are. If your in sales and get displaced, I am confident you will find something similar. The pharma industry is evolving and maybe you have to get out of this industry. So what, having worked elsewhere I assure you that you can find something that will compensate you well and you will be doing about the same thing just with a different product.

These salary ranges are not out of line for sales jobs.

Look at medical sales, transportation sales or technical sales. They all have similar ranges. Don't start pounding the "they don't work" or "it sells itself" drum either. I have done pharma sales and sold insurance, cars and transportation sales. It's all about the same. You cultivate relationships and try to leverage them to your advantage. For some people this is easy for others it's difficult. People always look at sales and they are jealous of the money they make. They think the job is easy, the product sells itself and sales people screw off. There is a thread of truth in that but that is part of the job. If you think it's so easy then quit your MRL job and join the sales department. It's not as easy as you think. I have worked in an office and I see how much time is wasted in the break room, by the coffee pot or water cooler. People always find little ways to waste time no matter where they are. If your in sales and get displaced, I am confident you will find something similar. The pharma industry is evolving and maybe you have to get out of this industry. So what, having worked elsewhere I assure you that you can find something that will compensate you well and you will be doing about the same thing just with a different product.

OMG!! you are completely deluded…pharma sales is a joke and the products do sell themselves…just look at how vacant territories often exceed sales of those "managed" by a rep…

"It is not as easy as you think" you spout…seriously??? It is the easiest money to be had in corporate America…

Most reps at Merck do screw off and it DOES NOT MATTER…

Not sure what world you are living in, but it sounds like you spend your evenings sitting around the campfire singing Kumbaya, and roasting marshmallows...

OMG!! you are completely deluded…pharma sales is a joke and the products do sell themselves…just look at how vacant territories often exceed sales of those "managed" by a rep…

"It is not as easy as you think" you spout…seriously??? It is the easiest money to be had in corporate America…

Most reps at Merck do screw off and it DOES NOT MATTER…

Not sure what world you are living in, but it sounds like you spend your evenings sitting around the campfire singing Kumbaya, and roasting marshmallows...

"Most reps at Merck do screw off and it DOES NOT MATTER…"

Speak for YOURSELF.......not everyone here is without work ethics!

Work and what we do at work does matter......its about being an upstanding, honorable person or not. Screwing the employer tells a lot about basic character of a person. If you're the type who screws off, cheats, lies, cuts corners, slacks, backbites and all the rest who are not someone to be admired, valued or retained by any company.......

Plain and simple, its all about your basic character!

OMG!! you are completely deluded…pharma sales is a joke and the products do sell themselves…just look at how vacant territories often exceed sales of those "managed" by a rep…

"It is not as easy as you think" you spout…seriously??? It is the easiest money to be had in corporate America…

Most reps at Merck do screw off and it DOES NOT MATTER…

Not sure what world you are living in, but it sounds like you spend your evenings sitting around the campfire singing Kumbaya, and roasting marshmallows...

Sounds right with someone with your background. Let me guess. You were never a rep? You were a BAD rep? Tell us which was it?

Originally Posted by Anonymous

OMG!! you are completely deluded…pharma sales is a joke and the products do sell themselves…just look at how vacant territories often exceed sales of those "managed" by a rep…

"It is not as easy as you think" you spout…seriously??? It is the easiest money to be had in corporate America…

Most reps at Merck do screw off and it DOES NOT MATTER…

Not sure what world you are living in, but it sounds like you spend your evenings sitting around the campfire singing Kumbaya, and roasting marshmallows...

You are a jealous idiot. Products do not sell themselves. Show me the vacant territory that still performs and I will match you with several that don't. I have been in sales for for over 30 years in several different industries. You obviously have no sales experience and you do not understand how the process works. I could comment about how simple it is to play in a research lab but that would be an ignorant statement on my part. I do not know very much about that process.

As I stated above, sales is about cultivating relationships and leveraging them to your benefit. I can assure you if Merck eliminated its sales force, the competitive companies selling DPP4's would destroy Januvia in that market. Reps don't control 100% of the market, today's environment offers many challenges from MCO and account based integrated systems. However there remains tremendous spheres of influence for the sales rep. You must realize we are talking about medicine, not a commodity like a can coffee. Merck marketing needs to pull its head from its posterior and recognize this. Stop paying the Jerry Accufs of the world for their 70's sales advise, it doesn't work anymore. That is another story.

Merck is not paying its sales people more than other companies in and out of the pharma industry. Someone with a few years of sales experience and a college degree is going to earn a similar amount of money with any other company. Most sales people I have met in my career have a solid work ethic and put in the time and effort to perform. The easiest money in corporate America? That's funny. I have worked in sales for 5 different fortune 100 companies and it's been the same. I have many friends at different companies and it's all the same. My wife teaches and has a MS degree and earns over 100K. She only works 9 months a year and it's not very difficult. I am not sure why it's so tough for you to wrap your head around these facts. Maybe from a financial perspective you made some bad career choices. I don't care, I raised my hand. I can retire now and live very well. I have a 700K home with a mortgage of less than 50K left on it. Wife and I have have in excess of a million in 401K's and that doesn't count my pension. Wife will teach a few more years so my sales career choice has been a good one. Maybe you should look into sales for a career change.

Let it be know, tenure and pay?
12 years in industry 5 with Merck base 108k.

15+ years for me and at an M2 level in a tablet sales division. I just hit 109 base. Much less than most of my tenured reps that I manage. So not all of us "useless" CTLs are overpaid and in Obama's highest tax bracket after bonus.