Hmmm- how long will Takeda survive?

Takeda will settle once they see the continuing pattern of losses, despite reductions in damages. Even then the company has had one dog after another since the launch of Rozerem - instead of developing novel drugs they have launched "me-too's" and crappy combos. That is not a recipe for success - it is a desperate cry for help, clinging to the little life that it has. In the wild that is called an animal ready to die and just waiting for scavengers to eat it down to the bones.

The good news - it often takes executives way too long to read the writing on the wall. Everyone will have at least a couple of years before all this reaches overload again and they dump people. When that happens - good luck to everyone (actually congratulations - who in the world truly enjoys being a pharma rep anymore? It will be a release for most and for the few delusioned souls you can continue living in your own pipe dream).

So now that you have dipped your ass in the reality pool go back out there and do nothing - enjoy it while you still can.

you sir, sound like a really positive and upbeat individual. small wonder that you haven't had much sales success with a poor attitude like that. maybe you should go seek some professional help. It could be the best thing for you, my young son. god bless you.

It's gotten to the point that the minute I see the phrase G-FORCE in any of the posting, I immediately move on to the next thread since I know it's not worth my time reading

It's gotten to the point that the minute I see the phrase G-FORCE in any of the posting, I immediately move on to the next thread since I know it's not worth my time reading

Takeda went down hill when they dismantled the G-FORCE. Things started to unravel when this happened and Takeda never seemed to be able to rebound. We are the G-FORCE! The proud, loyal, humble, honest, caring, ambitious, educated, charismatic, funny, intelligent, dedicated, ethical, organized, and polite! We are the G-FORCE and don't ever let anyone tell you anything different!!!!

It's gotten to the point that the minute I see the phrase G-FORCE in any of the posting, I immediately move on to the next thread since I know it's not worth my time reading

Takeda went down hill when they dismantled the G-FORCE. Things started to unravel when this happened and Takeda never seemed to be able to rebound. We are the G-FORCE! The proud, loyal, humble, honest, caring, ambitious, educated, charismatic, funny, intelligent, dedicated, ethical, organized, and polite! We are the G-FORCE and don't ever let anyone tell you anything different!!!!

Takeda is the worst salesforce ever

The funniest thing is that we can only have one rep at a program, we have to have programs in a private room, we can have no receptionists (even though there are part of total office call) at dinners, we have to escort anyone out of room that god forbid ask an off label question, the doc has to sign his life away for a lunch, have to attest to the stupidest and most redundant compliance training etc., etc. but the powers that be can commit any unethical practice they choose. Where in the hell is OEC in all of this? Oh I know..they are practicing their lines for the dtc commercial for the next class act suit they are representing. Sickening

The funny thing about those who sold their souls and stabbed their counterparts in the back is now they are the only ones left. They were so good pointing their fingers at someone else as they ran to their DMs like little rats, that now management can only look to them to trim the fat. Hope it was all worth it! I hear Publicis is hiring....60k + car allowance. Better start saving for a reliable vehicle once you gave to give the Takeda minivan back!

Reps ratting on reps - Reps ratting on DMs - DMs ratting on reps - RSDs ratting on Reps - RSDs ratting on DMs. All in the hope of being viewed as better than someone else in the event of another RIF.

Do you realize how shallow this is! What a fun place to work :-( Sounds like one big cesspool!

People like Greg C. and Jen J. created this in the South. One of them actually got promoted because of it.

Reps ratting on reps - Reps ratting on DMs - DMs ratting on reps - RSDs ratting on Reps - RSDs ratting on DMs. All in the hope of being viewed as better than someone else in the event of another RIF.

Do you realize how shallow this is! What a fun place to work :-( Sounds like one big cesspool!

People like Greg C. and Jen J. created this in the South. One of them actually got promoted because of it.

Its great for business!

Reps ratting on reps - Reps ratting on DMs - DMs ratting on reps - RSDs ratting on Reps - RSDs ratting on DMs. All in the hope of being viewed as better than someone else in the event of another RIF.

Do you realize how shallow this is! What a fun place to work :-( Sounds like one big cesspool!

People like Greg C. and Jen J. created this in the South. One of them actually got promoted because of it.

who is greg c.?

Soon, very soon the promotion of Oseni will end! H
It can't happen soon enough for me!!! This is the worst drug our company has brought to market!!!

That is really saying something considering all of the DOGS/ME-TOO'S that have been launched since 2010!They are all "worst in class" replicas of existing drugs.Takeda and its drugs are all very laughable,and very soon all of Takeda will be a distant memeory!

Trust me when I say this....your time would be better spent applying and interviewing for another job, than wasting semantics and time commenting on a company that ruins peoples lives. And yeah I should listen to my own words.....guess misery loves company though I feel sorry for the reps that are left cause management, Japan and HR could give a crap about you.

Trust me when I say this....your time would be better spent applying and interviewing for another job, than wasting semantics and time commenting on a company that ruins peoples lives. And yeah I should listen to my own words.....guess misery loves company though I feel sorry for the reps that are left cause management, Japan and HR could give a crap about you.

VERY WELL SAID! Most people remaining are only holding for the next severance, if there will be one.

Employment rate announced today and opportunities are increasing to get out.

That is really saying something considering all of the DOGS/ME-TOO'S that have been launched since 2010!They are all "worst in class" replicas of existing drugs.Takeda and its drugs are all very laughable,and very soon all of Takeda will be a distant memeory!

At least we had ME-TOO's. Now we've got NOTHING. Contrave-failure. Gout XR-Be serious. Then there's...crickets. It's game over for all of us. That's why we're converting over to the contract sales force. If you don't leave while you can-you're an idiot.

Soon, very Soon you worms will be history and I will enjoy every minute of it. What a bunch of low lives and back stabbers you deserve everything that is coming your way, Scum Bags

Soon, very Soon you worms will be history and I will enjoy every minute of it. What a bunch of low lives and back stabbers you deserve everything that is coming your way, Scum Bags

Because you didn't work and your partner ratted you out, you want everyone else to loss their jobs??? Hahaha there is a reason why you are having a hard time finding work.