Hiring freeze

We are in a hiring freeze because they are evaluating the size/shape of the salesforce for the anticipated launch next year. Who knows how many will be kept or what our new territories will look like? I am not even sure what products we will still be representing.

Prediction. Lotemax goes generic - 2 products left in the bag. Besivance is sucking and Zylet at only 15-18% of portfolio, therefore not a huge money-maker for Valeant. Where does that leave the Blue team? I'll tell you. Out of a job. Outside vendor "evaluating" the sales force with the product launches NEXT year. Do you honestly think Valeant will allow 100 reps to walk around with 2 products until that happens? No. Layoffs will happen Nov/Dec which will be a boost to the 4th Qtr numbers. You MIGHT get called back when the product launches. Territories are being evaluated with the thinking that there are too many reps with the few products we have...