Hiring Freeze, Layoffs?

HSBS is the backbone of a district. They know what’s going on before anyone and know which way to steer the ship.
Laugh all you want- they are the advisors to FPM and up.
Now they are invited to the table to force rank divisions and help identify the good apples. With careful coordination with KAM / FPM and Senior leaders- the new Go 2 Market or Go Home will be established. Best time to sell and put some numbers on the board team!

HSBS is the backbone of a district. They know what’s going on before anyone and know which way to steer the ship.
Laugh all you want- they are the advisors to FPM and up.
Now they are invited to the table to force rank divisions and help identify the good apples. With careful coordination with KAM / FPM and Senior leaders- the new Go 2 Market or Go Home will be established. Best time to sell and put some numbers on the board team!

HSBM here. This post is BS. Some jank stirring the pot.

HSBS is the backbone of a district. They know what’s going on before anyone and know which way to steer the ship.
Laugh all you want- they are the advisors to FPM and up.
Now they are invited to the table to force rank divisions and help identify the good apples. With careful coordination with KAM / FPM and Senior leaders- the new Go 2 Market or Go Home will be established. Best time to sell and put some numbers on the board team!
HSBS REPS are going to be involved with decisions that have HR implications? Riiiiiight...

Soon they will not need any of us. BI will have remote reps! Which, by the way we should promote to the docs. Okay doc please dont make time to talk with me but do talk to the remote rep because they can say more than me.

Seems like some territories are getting moved around in Q2. Think it might be hospital territories around the country. Not sure if that would just be HSBS or what it means. There are so many rumors flying around right now. This needs to get worked out very soon. No one is operating at full potential when there's this much crap floating around. I have no clue what is going to happen, but I do believe that Q2 something is going down here.

Seems like some territories are getting moved around in Q2. Think it might be hospital territories around the country. Not sure if that would just be HSBS or what it means. There are so many rumors flying around right now. This needs to get worked out very soon. No one is operating at full potential when there's this much crap floating around. I have no clue what is going to happen, but I do believe that Q2 something is going down here.

By now it is obvious, something is likely to happen at least once per year. "Go to Market" is a process. If you are scared then you better start looking for a new job. If you can handle the uncertainty then keep your head in the game and you MIGHT be rewarded. Whining is pathetic.

By now it is obvious, something is likely to happen at least once per year. "Go to Market" is a process. If you are scared then you better start looking for a new job. If you can handle the uncertainty then keep your head in the game and you MIGHT be rewarded. Whining is pathetic.

As far as i can tell you're the only one whining. The others seem to be trying to get an idea of what is happening so they as best prepared as possible.

Who really cares if there is a hiring freeze? Call us the hell of primary care. Reality is we have crap products for today. Pradaxa dying and less than what 2% share, every other company but BI recognizes respiratory is dying space in 2019 - many generics coming, and this leaves the crown jewel Jardiance - me too in space of many. Let’s go have fun and sell! Wait we have an emerging pipeline - oops missed on that too.

Who really cares if there is a hiring freeze? Call us the hell of primary care. Reality is we have crap products for today. Pradaxa dying and less than what 2% share, every other company but BI recognizes respiratory is dying space in 2019 - many generics coming, and this leaves the crown jewel Jardiance - me too in space of many. Let’s go have fun and sell! Wait we have an emerging pipeline - oops missed on that too.

Primary care will be completely dead in the next couple of years. There’s absolutely nothing in the pipeline for PC.
Resp reps have about 2 years and then it’s over.

Respiratory crapped the bed with indecisive leadership and lack of foresight. Look at the market it’s easy to see other companies have better vision and resources. It’s obvious when senior leaders leave.
Rest in Mist respiratory

Primary care will be completely dead in the next couple of years. There’s absolutely nothing in the pipeline for PC.
Resp reps have about 2 years and then it’s over.

This seems pretty accurate. COPD is way too overcrowded, everyone begging for a smaller piece of the pie. Nothing to truly differentiate one product from another. We stupidly never got a triple which would have differentiated us. Spiriva off Patent, Pradaxa off patent. Just make the changes, people can focus on the future.

New territories, teams, and TBMs’ team assignments are being finalized this week. Skype cc invites (with little to no details) will come out just when no one is expecting it. Major announcements will be made just prior to Thanksgiving. Good luck to all.