Hillary email probe comes to an end...

Not everyone is like you and Goofy Grin who can’t read and can’t think for themselves.

Any honest observer knows there’s been a double standard which lets Democrat’s off the hook for their crimes.

It was established that she mishandled classified info on her against regulations, if not outright illegal home-brew server.

The thoroughly corrupt Obama DOJ let her skate by reading intent into the statute when it wasn’t there. You don’t have to be an attorney to understand that Hillary clearly broke the law and others who did the same thing she did served jail time.

She’s guilty as sin, but for a variety of complex political reasons is going to be allowed to skate. Now, I being a good rational American find this legal double standard appalling. You apparently support the idea of an untouchable political nobility who can clearly break the law and get away with it. This is why you have no credibility on Trump and impeachment! Case closed.

So Trump yaps in a very loud voice into an unsecured cell phone in a crowed restaurant in Kiev where those next to him can hear him--not to mention that the cell phone carriers in Ukraine are owned by Russians-- and you can't quit bitching about Hilary's emails???? Can you possibly attempt to analyze yourself?? Hilary derangement syndrome.
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So Trump yaps in a very loud voice into an unsecured cell phone in a crowed restaurant in Kiev where those next to him can hear him--not to mention that the cell phone carriers in Ukraine are owned by Russians-- and you can't quit bitching about Hilary's emails???? Can you possibly attempt to analyze yourself?? Hilary derangement syndrome.

Wrong! Just fact based analysis.

Hillary committed crimes. Case closed!

Wrong! Just fact based analysis.

Hillary committed crimes. Case closed!

Can you possibly pull your head out of your you know what and move into 2019???? Hillary is old news and just a fox and right wing propoganda talking point. She is just a retired grandma now!!! All of the BS about her and Bill is just old news. They were the target of Russian propoganda and you fell for it. So who is the idiot??

Can you possibly pull your head out of your you know what and move into 2019???? Hillary is old news and just a fox and right wing propoganda talking point. She is just a retired grandma now!!! All of the BS about her and Bill is just old news. They were the target of Russian propoganda and you fell for it. So who is the idiot??

You are! If Hillary has gotten her way she would currently be president. That’s hardly old news, but beyond that she conspired with the Russians on th phoney dossier on Trump!

LMFAO - she's now been cleared, no crimes committed. If so, the GOP controlled the House from 2012 to 2016 nd as we know, the House initiates these hearings. They had 2 years controlling the House and Senate w/ a Dem president and then 2 more controlling the House, Senate with a Republican president. All they do is piss and moan and make innuendo saying the same old shit without a shred of evidence or anyone in their group who has the balls to bring charges.

Never has a president been surrounded with such corruption: Flynn, Manafort, Cohen, Stone, it goes on and on......

It's time to take him down even if it means Sixpence. :cool:

Via the corrupt FBI,under Barry.
Nov. 9 it’s all coming out, only this time it will be truth vs Dem lies, fairy tales, butt buddies covering earache other.