Highest Paid Device Reps

I have a lot of friends that work for W.L. Gore who I think have the best of everything. First of all it is always in the top 15 for best companies to work for from Fortune Magazine but they have a unique "lattice" structure that lends towards good QOL. All the reps make between $170K and $230K, most ly SALARY. They make the same whether they have a good year or a bad year. BTW, did I mention no quotas, no bosses, no field rides, no reports to do. The reps that go there rarely leave. On top of that, they dump an equivalent of 15% of your income into equity shares that vest in a year. You can build up a sweet retirement account quick like that. If you get the shot to interview with them, you should jump on it.

Damn, that sounds too good to be true. If not, then how do you join?

Damn, that sounds too good to be true. If not, then how do you join?

Getting on board is the tough part. When a job is going to come open, the other Gore reps in the territory start pinging docs and labs for recommendations on who they like as a rep. Then Gore approaches those few reps and presents the opportunity specifically to them. You're not likely to get a call from a recruiter for them.

What's not mentioned here is that it is too good to be true!
Ask any of there Sales Reps or manufacturing emloyees who reached the age of 40-45 and were fired. Over the last 10 years, over 50% of Gore employees (associates) that have reached the 20 year tenure and or the age of 40-45 years of age were dismissed without just cause.

Gore's constant ranking on the Fortune 500 list is also a big deal. Whenever Gore receives a lower than expected rating by it's employees, it begins countless meetings designed to brainwash employees that things aren't as bad as they think and feel they are. I worked there for 20 years and saw this in action many many times. While they "used" to be a good company to work for when Bill Gore was running the company, after Bill's death in 1986 and his son Bob's subsequent takeover of the company, produced many failures. The private stock price which for one share was over $100,000 leading up to Bob's takeover, quickly plummeted to under $40,000 and never quite recovered.
Gore then began heavy recruiting of engineering and offering bloated packages for new employees which further eroded it's stock shares.

Employees accrue stock shares in lieu of retirement. While on the surface it sounds good, the fact you will be dismissed before you reach retirement age leads to heavy penalties and tax fines that quickly eat up your "vested" interest.

Gore is now no different than DuPont in it's mindset and treatment of it's employees. Bob Gore has even said in the past (many times) that any attempts to unionize by employees will lead to dismissal and that he would "close the doors" before he allowed a union to come in. What's he afraid of? Fair wages and fair benefits? Gore regularly advertises to it's employees that there benefits package is equal or superior to like type companies. While this may be true for some of there competitors, it's definitely not true of most of them. 3M for example offers it's employees a much better package and pay scale that accurately reflects workers compensation and contributions.

W.L. Gore however expects you to input new and creative ideas and if you fail to do so, you become blacklisted and eventually removed very quickly. Recently in the last 4-5 years Gore's HR people have begun using a scare technique on it's employees dangling there jobs over there heads like a carrot. This is not a part of the advertised Lattice System they want to talk about publicly but it is VERY COMMON in practice.

I'm not a disgruntled employee "bashing" a good company. The real inside story on W.L. Gore is very privately held with there very extensive "Signed Agreement". In it you can be fired for any type of criticism publicly of the company or revealing of it's trade secrets, the latter part is understandable, the first part is not. Come up with an idea or invention on your own at home outside of W.L. Gore? Doesn't matter. Gore owns the exclusive rights to ANY and ALL of it's employees inventions for up to 3 years after they leave the company.
This is not the revolutionary business model they portray themselves to be.

Fortunately, I was one of the few in the last several years able to retire in time to get my "vested" stock options. Many at W.L. Gore and Assoc., Inc. will never realize that dream.

And now with the economic downturn, they're in talks currently of laying off up to and over 50% of all there employees in the next several months of 2008.

What's not mentioned here is that it is too good to be true!
Ask any of there Sales Reps or manufacturing emloyees who reached the age of 40-45 and were fired. Over the last 10 years, over 50% of Gore employees (associates) that have reached the 20 year tenure and or the age of 40-45 years of age were dismissed without just cause.

Gore's constant ranking on the Fortune 500 list is also a big deal. Whenever Gore receives a lower than expected rating by it's employees, it begins countless meetings designed to brainwash employees that things aren't as bad as they think and feel they are. I worked there for 20 years and saw this in action many many times. While they "used" to be a good company to work for when Bill Gore was running the company, after Bill's death in 1986 and his son Bob's subsequent takeover of the company, produced many failures. The private stock price which for one share was over $100,000 leading up to Bob's takeover, quickly plummeted to under $40,000 and never quite recovered.
Gore then began heavy recruiting of engineering and offering bloated packages for new employees which further eroded it's stock shares.

Employees accrue stock shares in lieu of retirement. While on the surface it sounds good, the fact you will be dismissed before you reach retirement age leads to heavy penalties and tax fines that quickly eat up your "vested" interest.

Gore is now no different than DuPont in it's mindset and treatment of it's employees. Bob Gore has even said in the past (many times) that any attempts to unionize by employees will lead to dismissal and that he would "close the doors" before he allowed a union to come in. What's he afraid of? Fair wages and fair benefits? Gore regularly advertises to it's employees that there benefits package is equal or superior to like type companies. While this may be true for some of there competitors, it's definitely not true of most of them. 3M for example offers it's employees a much better package and pay scale that accurately reflects workers compensation and contributions.

W.L. Gore however expects you to input new and creative ideas and if you fail to do so, you become blacklisted and eventually removed very quickly. Recently in the last 4-5 years Gore's HR people have begun using a scare technique on it's employees dangling there jobs over there heads like a carrot. This is not a part of the advertised Lattice System they want to talk about publicly but it is VERY COMMON in practice.

I'm not a disgruntled employee "bashing" a good company. The real inside story on W.L. Gore is very privately held with there very extensive "Signed Agreement". In it you can be fired for any type of criticism publicly of the company or revealing of it's trade secrets, the latter part is understandable, the first part is not. Come up with an idea or invention on your own at home outside of W.L. Gore? Doesn't matter. Gore owns the exclusive rights to ANY and ALL of it's employees inventions for up to 3 years after they leave the company.
This is not the revolutionary business model they portray themselves to be.

Fortunately, I was one of the few in the last several years able to retire in time to get my "vested" stock options. Many at W.L. Gore and Assoc., Inc. will never realize that dream.

And now with the economic downturn, they're in talks currently of laying off up to and over 50% of all there employees in the next several months of 2008.

Wow, where to begin. I've worked for Gore 10+ years:
1) best place I've EVER worked! (& I've worked @ other Fortune 100 companies),

2) "50% of folks w/ 20 years service time terminated"... 100% BS. Maybe you got whacked because you didn't do jack & your one buddy still works here.

3) "stock price which for one share was over $100,000 leading up to Bob's takeover, quickly plummeted to under $40,000 and never quite recovered" all bogus numbers... my ASOP statment proves it & honestly Gore stock has outperformed the S&P, DJI, NASDAQ, etc. over the past 10 years,

4) fair wages & benefits... Medical, dental, etc. on par, but the ASOP is a big positive.

5) 50% layoffs... it's the end of the year... no layoffs... me thinks you were full of $%@t.... pretty much like everything in your post.

6) back to the O.P. - - Gore's a great place to work if you can get in. Truly solid, capable, hard working & caring people. I highly recommend it!

Overnight successes take about 20 years. I'm almost there, which is nice because I lost everything over the summer. I was able to dig really deep and find an opportunity that's better than what I lost. Looks like I'll recover (and then some) by the middle of next year. Please let us know if anyone finds the easy way; I mean just let me know - the fewer who know the better.

Wow, where to begin. I've worked for Gore 10+ years:
1) best place I've EVER worked! (& I've worked @ other Fortune 100 companies),

2) "50% of folks w/ 20 years service time terminated"... 100% BS. Maybe you got whacked because you didn't do jack & your one buddy still works here.

3) "stock price which for one share was over $100,000 leading up to Bob's takeover, quickly plummeted to under $40,000 and never quite recovered" all bogus numbers... my ASOP statment proves it & honestly Gore stock has outperformed the S&P, DJI, NASDAQ, etc. over the past 10 years,

4) fair wages & benefits... Medical, dental, etc. on par, but the ASOP is a big positive.

5) 50% layoffs... it's the end of the year... no layoffs... me thinks you were full of $%@t.... pretty much like everything in your post.

6) back to the O.P. - - Gore's a great place to work if you can get in. Truly solid, capable, hard working & caring people. I highly recommend it!

Thanks brotha! O.P. of the Gore thread here. I actually got on about a month after I posted. Selling Viabahn and so far, the best device job I've ever had. I plan to stay for a long time!

Wow, where to begin. I've worked for Gore 10+ years:
1) best place I've EVER worked! (& I've worked @ other Fortune 100 companies),

2) "50% of folks w/ 20 years service time terminated"... 100% BS. Maybe you got whacked because you didn't do jack & your one buddy still works here.

3) "stock price which for one share was over $100,000 leading up to Bob's takeover, quickly plummeted to under $40,000 and never quite recovered" all bogus numbers... my ASOP statment proves it & honestly Gore stock has outperformed the S&P, DJI, NASDAQ, etc. over the past 10 years,

4) fair wages & benefits... Medical, dental, etc. on par, but the ASOP is a big positive.

5) 50% layoffs... it's the end of the year... no layoffs... me thinks you were full of $%@t.... pretty much like everything in your post.

6) back to the O.P. - - Gore's a great place to work if you can get in. Truly solid, capable, hard working & caring people. I highly recommend it!

Does Gore work w/ recruiters or do they tend to hire direct? If they use recruiters, who's on that list? Thanks!

Thanks brotha! O.P. of the Gore thread here. I actually got on about a month after I posted. Selling Viabahn and so far, the best device job I've ever had. I plan to stay for a long time!

Hey, thx for the follow-up! Glad to hear things are going well for you. Viabahn is THE BEST SFA product on the market... sell baby sell !!!!

Does Gore work w/ recruiters or do they tend to hire direct? If they use recruiters, who's on that list? Thanks!

Some recruiters are used. But you can go online and see all open sales jobs at:


select "Apply for carrers by region"
select "North America"

Then do a job search as follows (don't worry about the "Tempe" location, that is merely where the sales support function is for our Field Sales Associates)
job function = Sales
location = North America, United States, Arizona, Tempe

Good Luck!

Dentsply Tulsa Dental. Top reps make 400-600K. Average reps do about 250-350K. In Pesos.

LOL, where did you get that information? I was one of their highest paid reps by far and I have several people that i trained that are still there. Don't get me wrong, I had a blast working for them and I love the company and the products but NO WAY, NO HOW are the reps making that money!

LOL, where did you get that information? I was one of their highest paid reps by far and I have several people that i trained that are still there. Don't get me wrong, I had a blast working for them and I love the company and the products but NO WAY, NO HOW are the reps making that money!

I can't believe you dug up a thread that died months ago to post this stupid comment. I know sarcasm is difficult to see when written but you're just retarded.

Poster 18. It is now 2013 and your post from 2010 makes you sound like The Great Prophet. I've been in the business since 2004 and have seen this play out many times over. I have even been guilty at times.

This is still an amazing industry even after all of its dark sides. At the end of the day a 120-150 rep is making more than many lawyers, judges, engineers and CPAs. Hell my neighbor is CEO of a small company and he can only afford to pay himself 200k and he has a lot more headache than me who typically makes 150-180.

My advice to the new guy on the block: Be thankful, avoid debt and keep your expenses low and make friends everywhere you go.

I work for a small/family medical device company...a few products but they pay from dollar one....first year $140k, $240k last year and on pace for $310k this year. Most reps don't make it past a year and even some tenured reps only making 100-130k. I am very lucky I have not fucked up or missed an opportunity yet. Best paid reps are in major CE, HIT, Software (cloud,enterprise saas), aerospace, financial and even large media. It's not what it used to be but neither are most of the reps.