Highest paid device reps by company, division, total yearly comp.
In one year.
In one year.
Dentsply Tulsa Dental. Top reps make 400-600K. Average reps do about 250-350K. In Pesos.
Dynasplint? Please, your base is $42,000 and you "MAY" make close to $60,000 at plan. I was just called about Dynasplint....don't believe the hype!
Well, i left dynasplint after a stellar career of making so much money. But i could not stand the 20 hour work week filled with people i did not even meet, call me with PO's for multiple stocking i upgraded to digging ditches for Mexicans and cleaining out Horse Trailers...granted i am working 80 hours a week, but i quadrupled my salary....anyone have any extra deoderant?
I was taking Provasik until Harrison Ford f-ed it all up...
I've got CRM reps on 120-180k guarantees...they work hard and that ain't that much money...Oh there are some reps who make 6, 7, 800k but they're certainly the exceptions. And they're pretty miserable as people go.