High Turn-over

Coming Back to Conmed

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I wonder what SM thinks about this post? He does read cafepharma. In a perfect world he would realize that what he is doing is wrong and reflects more poorly on him than it does the people he is writing up.
The turnover has reached epidemic proportions. When you have no leadership, no direction, weak GPO contacts, and good but stale products, you resort to blaming the sales reps. I've seen this before--ES management is in survival mode: write up amd fire the sales reps so that you can show you are "turning around" the division, therefore buying yourself time. How do you defend this when such a small percentage of reps are at or above quota? How does it look in the eyes of the customer when they see a new sales rep every 8-12 months? All things being equal (which they are not) people tend to shy away from a company in turmoil. They have chased away (or fired) so many good tenured reps, they should be ashamed of themselves. If you are considering taking a position with ConMed ES, take a good long look, and ask the tough questions. Don't rely on recruiters--they lie, even the "good" ones. Call other sales reps in the Area (region) and find out why there is no representation. You can fool yourself that these postings are all "sour grapes" or you can do yourself and your family a favor and pass on this one. There are better companies out there which actually value the sales representative.
These posts are all true, which is a rare for this message board. SM is going to drive this company into the ground just like he did his past company. Why DM would instill such faith in SM is baffling. What does GF think of all of this? Does he have any say?
GF is a lame duck and will be gone soon. If JC can make an executive decision, DM and SM won't be around in 2010. This current heavy handed strategy of intimidaton and threats will fail. When you have only about 4% of the salesforce at or above quota, it has to be the sales reps, right? Get rid of them and find the next superstar--sounds like a good plan. If management thinks the new vessel sealer is going to save the Division, hey, I could also win the Power Ball. IF and WHEN it ever launches, ES will be nine years late to the game in a crowded market. If you think there is pressure to sell an over-priced smoke pencil, what do you think the environment will be like for the vessel sealer? It would not be a huge surprise if this division is sold; to either to Ethicon, Gyrus or Megadyne.

God Bless the founding fathers for the 1st ammendment!
Hate to tell you this, but SM and DM are not going to be the only one's not around in 2010, the division will be done by that point. I can confirm the info from above, the manager of the $464,000 deal got written up for a second time... Imagine that, you sell that much and get written up. SM will send him on his way very soon so that SM doesnt have any competition for GF position... Why else would he write up all the managers... hmmmm is there a law at Conmed where you cant get promoted for 1 year after a write up... Guess that leaves just SM to interview... Good luck on all your firings SM, I hope one day you realize that in order to run a successful operation, you have to care about more than yourself. At least this will be the last company that you will be able to run in the ground, nobody else will hire you after this.
He came back because he ran that company into the ground and was about to lose his job... Dont you know how he got the job at Conmed,,, backstabbed everyone of his friends (managers at Conmed) and now is getting rid of them... SM only cares about himself, not the company...
The pole doesnt make since. It's not whether it was smart or not that he came back. Realistic, it was the best move he could make since his other empire was crumbling. SM is a terrible leader, and has no respect from anyone other than DM... His managers are leaving and the sales reps will soon follow. He will bring in a new era of sales reps, only there is one problem... With all the good guys gone, who will teach them... Oh ya, there are no good sales reps, its the sales reps fault that every manager is below 80% of plan... Just remember SM, you are not the only executive looking at these boards, you are making a very bad name for yourself in this industry...
It doesnt matter if the pole is a sm or other reps, the fact of the matter is, the only people that would come to work for this sinking ship are people laid off in the recession that just need a job and are happy to make $70,000.
I am interviewing with endo. technologies so I have been checking out some of the threads to get an idea of what this company is like. I read that ConMed often gives reps the boot within 6 months of hiring. Any truth to that? I have had a phone interview and a face to face, but I really don't know where I stand at this point. Waiting to hear back. But after some of the stuff I have read, I am wondering if I would be making a big mistake to continue on, that is, if I get to the next step.

Some feedback would be helpful. Thanks.

Endo has it's problems! Conmed usually gives a sales reps a year to get things going. Problem with Endo is Ethicon has 80% plus market share and Conmed has horrible backorder issues on the Endo side. Mgmt is ok on that side. Stay away from ES and PC. Mangement is clueless!
You guys posting, are still with conmed? Strange.

I think everyone that has ever had anything to do with Conmed is posting right now... Maybe you should start logging on with different computers and answering the polls yourself so you can make it look like someone wants to work here Sean. Good luck with all your firings, hope it makes you sleep better at night.

And by the way,,, you are lucky it's a recession and nobody is hiring right now, because with the amount of money I am making this year I will be lucky to break $90,000... And dont go saying its the reps fault because 90% of your reps are not going to make $90,000 this year...
I think it's great that SM is the king of overpromising and underdelivering. I've heard him tell TM's that it's a 150k job. Reality is prob only 1-2 TM's make that kind of money let alone AD's.
He should be more honest with his people and certainly himself. He's an okay guy but more concerned with checking the stock ticker/portfolio than actually leading a sales force. I think he may have the potential to be a good rep somewhere. A leader, not really confident about that.
Rule#1 a good leader always UNDER promises and OVER delivers. Bad shit.