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High Support High Accountability... Low Reward

If you have a significant benefit such as reduced cost health insurance should you lose your job or choose to retire early the benefit is phenomenal and not worth risking to go somewhere else. When you start over every few years there’s never an accumulation of time off or opportunity for advancement. But to each his own I guess

there’s no opportunity for advancement here! What a joke! They don’t value career development.. they love to put parameters on jobs so that internal candidates have zero chance of moving onto something else. They value external hires and value words on a resume rather than a loyal employee with a great attitude and skill sets.

there’s no opportunity for advancement here! What a joke! They don’t value career development.. they love to put parameters on jobs so that internal candidates have zero chance of moving onto something else. They value external hires and value words on a resume rather than a loyal employee with a great attitude and skill sets.
Yes. Novartis will hire from outside the company and let those inside the company who have proven themselves train the newcomers. Another area where management makes sure we know how little we are valued.

there’s no opportunity for advancement here! What a joke! They don’t value career development.. they love to put parameters on jobs so that internal candidates have zero chance of moving onto something else. They value external hires and value words on a resume rather than a loyal employee with a great attitude and skill sets.

Sadly I have to agree. If you don’t fit into the lengthy job description box they don’t even want to interview you. Never seen anything like this in my career. Nobody is capable of helping reps who have transferable skills to enhance those skills and move ahead. Very sad

there’s no opportunity for advancement here! What a joke! They don’t value career development.. they love to put parameters on jobs so that internal candidates have zero chance of moving onto something else. They value external hires and value words on a resume rather than a loyal employee with a great attitude and skill sets.

I am in the middle of dealing with something like this right now. I have an extensive background in the industry in a variety of different roles. Everything I have done equals the amount of experience they are “requiring” for a certain open role but it’s spread out over the years. I have been told that my experience isn’t “X amount of consecutive years”. If I get passed up for an interview, i am ready to contact Novartis attorneys and the speak up office to file complaints. I am ready and prepared with a dozen people off the top of my head who are in roles or have been in roles they don’t have the “required” number of years of experience to be in. Sick to death of people getting placed into roles because someone likes them but they don’t have the necessary background. Enough is enough Novartis. Consider doing the same if you are being passed up for positions yet know if people who have been hired because of who they know. Anyone’s wife come to mind

I am in the middle of dealing with something like this right now. I have an extensive background in the industry in a variety of different roles. Everything I have done equals the amount of experience they are “requiring” for a certain open role but it’s spread out over the years. I have been told that my experience isn’t “X amount of consecutive years”. If I get passed up for an interview, i am ready to contact Novartis attorneys and the speak up office to file complaints. I am ready and prepared with a dozen people off the top of my head who are in roles or have been in roles they don’t have the “required” number of years of experience to be in. Sick to death of people getting placed into roles because someone likes them but they don’t have the necessary background. Enough is enough Novartis. Consider doing the same if you are being passed up for positions yet know if people who have been hired because of who they know. Anyone’s wife come to mind

The best thing that you can do is get out of this shit hole. Novartis doesn’t care, and management doesn’t care about anything but covering their ass and justifying their jobs. Glint surveys are a smoke screen to make you believe that they actually care what you think. It’s all part of the dysfunctional system that is Novartis. Employees are nothing more than a cog in the machine of dysfunction. You owe it to yourself to get as far away from this dumpster fire as possible. Novartis deserve everything they get.

I am in the middle of dealing with something like this right now. I have an extensive background in the industry in a variety of different roles. Everything I have done equals the amount of experience they are “requiring” for a certain open role but it’s spread out over the years. I have been told that my experience isn’t “X amount of consecutive years”. If I get passed up for an interview, i am ready to contact Novartis attorneys and the speak up office to file complaints. I am ready and prepared with a dozen people off the top of my head who are in roles or have been in roles they don’t have the “required” number of years of experience to be in. Sick to death of people getting placed into roles because someone likes them but they don’t have the necessary background. Enough is enough Novartis. Consider doing the same if you are being passed up for positions yet know if people who have been hired because of who they know. Anyone’s wife come to mind
Imagine you successfully launched Leqvio and continue to carry the majority of the business for your area and aren’t even allowed to interview for a CV2 job.

I am in the middle of dealing with something like this right now. I have an extensive background in the industry in a variety of different roles. Everything I have done equals the amount of experience they are “requiring” for a certain open role but it’s spread out over the years. I have been told that my experience isn’t “X amount of consecutive years”. If I get passed up for an interview, i am ready to contact Novartis attorneys and the speak up office to file complaints. I am ready and prepared with a dozen people off the top of my head who are in roles or have been in roles they don’t have the “required” number of years of experience to be in. Sick to death of people getting placed into roles because someone likes them but they don’t have the necessary background. Enough is enough Novartis. Consider doing the same if you are being passed up for positions yet know if people who have been hired because of who they know. Anyone’s wife come to mind
Imagine successfully launching Leqvio, continuing to carry the majority of the business for your area, and not being allowed to even interview for a CV2 job.

Imagine you successfully launched Leqvio and continue to carry the majority of the business for your area and aren’t even allowed to interview for a CV2 job.

This might seem absurd and unprofessional (because it is), but you'll have the last laugh come Thanksgiving.
75% of Leqvio leads are going to get shutout; at least you'll get a couple of grand for Entresto.
If anyone thinks that C.V. is an irredeemable cesspool now, just wait until November . . .

This might seem absurd and unprofessional (because it is), but you'll have the last laugh come Thanksgiving.
75% of Leqvio leads are going to get shutout; at least you'll get a couple of grand for Entresto.
If anyone thinks that C.V. is an irredeemable cesspool now, just wait until November . . .
True, and then the Entresto leads will be in a bad position for reorganization when generic comes out next spring. CV is not the place to be.