Hey Riad, Here's My Plan


Wow, really great timing on your "motivational" email. Straight from the Enron, Lehman Bothers, Corporate Crap Heap of blah blah blah.

Here's my plan: 1. That you learn the definition of commitment for the next time you sit on stage and assure a sales force that Merck is the place to be and is committed to whatever therapeutic area will be next to be axed.

2. That Merck can save some money on any of your next trips by not including your oversize ego. I did not realize that the decision to have an award trip was up to you. Thank god you saved us all by allowing it to go on so the massive suck up fest could in some small way gratify you.

3. That you get over yourself in thinking your piece of fantasy could not have gone out June 20. Why not whip up the poor folks that survive? if you actually believe that PLANNING has anything to do with who stays and who goes, then tell it to the good reps that will get cut- yep, the ones that planned their careers, got promoted, maybe even got to go on YOUR trip. You go ahead and tell them all their planning made any difference.

4. That I get a job with Gilead or BMS or any of Merck's competition so that I can make sure the Merck product doesn't get jack for share and that you and your nicely timed, sensitive, realistic emails are out of a job.

Like that plan? I'm taking control.


Ouch. This must be a HCV rep that was in the Behamas. I am an HCV rep that was in the Behamas. Ouch! That does hurt. Gilead is not your Saviour. Please do not trust them, because they do not deserve this misplaced trust. Thankyou Todd.

Ouch. This must be a HCV rep that was in the Behamas. I am an HCV rep that was in the Behamas. Ouch! That does hurt. Gilead is not your Saviour. Please do not trust them, because they do not deserve this misplaced trust. Thankyou Todd.

Yeah, but the Riad in the Bahamas acted like a total stupid idiot on stage and at the team builder. If cuts were impending, he showed not a single emotion of concern or melancholy at all. What a phony company. Upper managment is overloaded, selfish, and arrogant.
Maybe to "save some jobs ", ken should give back 15 percent of his raise and only accept the 1.5 percent that all the top performers got.

Yeah, but the Riad in the Bahamas acted like a total stupid idiot on stage and at the team builder. If cuts were impending, he showed not a single emotion of concern or melancholy at all. What a phony company. Upper managment is overloaded, selfish, and arrogant.
Maybe to "save some jobs ", ken should give back 15 percent of his raise and only accept the 1.5 percent that all the top performers got.

What is the matter - didn't get your second drink on time - whinning fool and lazy ass

Wow, really great timing on your "motivational" email. Straight from the Enron, Lehman Bothers, Corporate Crap Heap of blah blah blah.

Here's my plan: 1. That you learn the definition of commitment for the next time you sit on stage and assure a sales force that Merck is the place to be and is committed to whatever therapeutic area will be next to be axed.

2. That Merck can save some money on any of your next trips by not including your oversize ego. I did not realize that the decision to have an award trip was up to you. Thank god you saved us all by allowing it to go on so the massive suck up fest could in some small way gratify you.

3. That you get over yourself in thinking your piece of fantasy could not have gone out June 20. Why not whip up the poor folks that survive? if you actually believe that PLANNING has anything to do with who stays and who goes, then tell it to the good reps that will get cut- yep, the ones that planned their careers, got promoted, maybe even got to go on YOUR trip. You go ahead and tell them all their planning made any difference.

4. That I get a job with Gilead or BMS or any of Merck's competition so that I can make sure the Merck product doesn't get jack for share and that you and your nicely timed, sensitive, realistic emails are out of a job.

Like that plan? I'm taking control.

I'm entirely with you. I'm jumping ship and I'm going to kick Merck's ass like it's never been kicked before. And Merck has a history of getting its ass kicked pretty badly.

Fool me once. . . . .

The entire HCV team should leave after this. Our management team has proven they are untrustworthy.

Without the relationships the HCV pipeline is done.

OMG Riad is an absolute buffoon !!! That trip was the most embarrassing hoax I have experienced in my 20+ years at Merck.

And, by the way, WHERE was everyone ? Best guess is that half the award winners chose to take the NMIP points and create their own reward.

Riad is a disgrace. The scary part is that since there is zero courage and candor

the fool does not even know it

OMG Riad is an absolute buffoon !!! That trip was the most embarrassing hoax I have experienced in my 20+ years at Merck.

And, by the way, WHERE was everyone ? Best guess is that half the award winners chose to take the NMIP points and create their own reward.

Riad is a disgrace. The scary part is that since there is zero courage and candor

the fool does not even know it

Heard redemption rate of trip was 47% and higher ups were not happy.

Yes, very motivating email yesterday. You actually thought about taking away the already budgeted awards trip then decided to still have it... well thank you???
Then you should answer the question how you will get to next years trip... should we believe we will have that trip in Cabo? WTH

Then to close... work smart and be compliant- WOW, very motivating. Yes, we trust our leaders? We trust that from one day to the next there is poor planning and we don't know which statements to believe. Is Merck having budgeting issues? Are we laying off? Are we hiring? What exactly is going on? Cut backs everywhere? Does anyone know what they are doing? Are decisions being made poorly and quickly that impact the lives of your employees at a moments notice AND the Merck customers and patients. Are you thinking before you make choices or do you just react quickly and scare the entire company?

Merck is a changing company... being lead poorly by greedy upper management. Everyone should be concerned with the poor choices and lack of concern for morale and trust.

Yes, very motivating email yesterday. You actually thought about taking away the already budgeted awards trip then decided to still have it... well thank you???
Then you should answer the question how you will get to next years trip... should we believe we will have that trip in Cabo? WTH

Then to close... work smart and be compliant- WOW, very motivating. Yes, we trust our leaders? We trust that from one day to the next there is poor planning and we don't know which statements to believe. Is Merck having budgeting issues? Are we laying off? Are we hiring? What exactly is going on? Cut backs everywhere? Does anyone know what they are doing? Are decisions being made poorly and quickly that impact the lives of your employees at a moments notice AND the Merck customers and patients. Are you thinking before you make choices or do you just react quickly and scare the entire company?

Merck is a changing company... being lead poorly by greedy upper management. Everyone should be concerned with the poor choices and lack of concern for morale and trust.

OP here- well said, completely agree. Merck remains a primary care mentality with too many silos in a landscape that needs true vision and innovative products. I think Riad was brought in to be the hatchet man, since I have not seen anything else from him in the Specialty arena. My new motto is this: If they are talking, I'm not listening! Could they seriously be senior management and not have seen this coming-at least in HCV?

BTW- Working smart and being compliant is in many ways an oxymoron. Ain't nothing terribly smart about how we are being forced to do things. But definitely slow. Maybe the motto should be to work slow, be compliant, and use lots of words to say nothing. But be sure to plan because THAT'S going to get you to the next trip with Merck leaders. Woo hoo- where do I sign up?

Ouch. This must be a HCV rep that was in the Behamas. I am an HCV rep that was in the Behamas. Ouch! That does hurt. Gilead is not your Saviour. Please do not trust them, because they do not deserve this misplaced trust. Thankyou Todd.

Is this Riad El Dada?
If so, he sold ketchup before joining Merck.
And he never took anything seriously. It was all a big game.

Maybe that's not such a bad way to think.
At least you're never disappointed, frustrated or disgusted.

Does Tommy Behama make pejamas?

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