Hey laid off Cluster 2 reps from a year ago.....

Saw a couple of postings in my area as well. Does this division work in pods?

Sort of.... Some do and some don't. I guess it's the DBM's or RSM's call.

Either one primary care rep shares primary care docs and specialists with a specialty rep, or shares just some specialists with the specialty rep.

OR.....the primary care reps only call on primary care docs and the specialty reps only call on specialists. Now some primary care reps may share some overlapping primary care docs with another rep, and the same goes with the specialty reps sharing specialists.

In my district we all call on primary care docs and specialists equally, so being a specialty rep means nothing except for more bullshit work, forced to exhibit leadership for naught, travel more into more territories and getting a small bump in salary.

We usually have one specialty rep share docs with 2 other primary care reps located in two different territories.

Sounds complicated, huh? Welcome to Pfizer.

Sort of.... Some do and some don't. I guess it's the DBM's or RSM's call.

Either one primary care rep shares primary care docs and specialists with a specialty rep, or shares just some specialists with the specialty rep.

OR.....the primary care reps only call on primary care docs and the specialty reps only call on specialists. Now some primary care reps may share some overlapping primary care docs with another rep, and the same goes with the specialty reps sharing specialists.

In my district we all call on primary care docs and specialists equally, so being a specialty rep means nothing except for more bullshit work, forced to exhibit leadership for naught, travel more into more territories and getting a small bump in salary.

We usually have one specialty rep share docs with 2 other primary care reps located in two different territories.

Sounds complicated, huh? Welcome to Pfizer.

But it's working! We are kicking ASS with Viagra, Lipitor, and Zithromax, and my cluster A counterparts are killing it with Zoloft, Celebrex, Bextra, and, Zyrtec! With Mr McKinnell as our CEO, our pipeline is robust, we are #1 for the foreseeable future. Why else would a huge company like Pharmacia went to partner with us to promote their drugs? Shoot, I heard that we're adding ANOTHER new division (named after Steere?) soon. From that last expansion, I see that anyone that can drive and chew gum at the same time gets an RM, DM or training spot.

Gotta go, a new episode of Seinfeld starts in 5 minutes. Yadda yadda yadda.

Based on the numbers the hiring manager said, the rep did well. Over 100k total take home for a cluster 2 territory. 2 products.

I am going by what I was told at interview.

For primary, the max the previous rep was probably making was in the low 100k figure. Even if the rep did really well, pfizer sets a cap on your bonus. So as the previous poster said, get the highest base as possible bc if you don't, you can short yourself and your pay will not be at 100k. For cluster 2, I would walk away if you're not taking home over 100k. Too much headache to deal with for anything less.

Cluster 1 still Rules!

We will see if you still rule by the end of the year. A comment like that shows either a complete misunderstanding of what's going on in Pfizer (and the industry in general); or you have your head buried so deep in the sand that you are totally oblivious. Either way-keep ruling.

Cluster 2 rep here:
Banked the severance after 2012 layoff ($50K after taxes)
Went into diagnostic sales and now make $200K

Thanks for asking. What are your plans after this fall? I knew mine way ahead of time

Cluster 2 rep here:
Banked the severance after 2012 layoff ($50K after taxes)
Went into diagnostic sales and now make $200K

Thanks for asking. What are your plans after this fall? I knew mine way ahead of time

I love this. I, also, was severed and find myself in a great position. Enjoying life much more now.

So for the OP, keep plugging away and good luck with your severance this fall. The good jobs are hard to come by

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