If there is any way that you can show that you affected your business through the things that you have done, it is possible.
There are ways to set yourself apart from all of the rah rah "OWN IT" B.S., the mind numbing tedium of working around your idiot counterparts, the games you have to play with your manager to justify their jobs, the overbearing political correctness in this hell hole, and state direct outcomes of specific things that you do with your customers and the resulting business growth.
If you have a few good years and can explain how you did it, you can jump to another growing industry that involves selling something tangible to the customers you have built relationships with (back when you could actually do that without having to work around all of the incompetent and worthless dead weight that tries to take credit for everything you do nowadays)
Take the time to plan your exit and find out what is in your area.
Please tell us how we can show how we affected the business? These industries outside of pharma have been exposed to our cast-offs for almost 10 years now. They know full well that we had 4-6 counterparts selling the same damn drug. They know Viagra sold itself from the start. They know that we used to pad the pockets of high-prescribing docs with those preceptorships or ghost speaking engagement honoraria, or wined and dined people into writing best-in-class drugs like Lipitor. How can WE show that WE (and not our counterparts or our expense accounts) affected business?
I ask because so many friends let go from here tell me the horror stories they hear from recruiters or if they're lucky, interviewers.