Hey Dan Wells,

Word is that everything has gotten so much better in the Atl. Region. Folks are finally happy and love their job. Dan finally had an epiphany and stopped being a dickhead. Right? LOL

I get that he's some higher up that nobody likes, but I would like to get more insight on this. I read so much about this guy and how everybody hates him. Why? Is it because dude micromanages and makes you accountable for your work so you actually have to work to prove him wrong? Is it because he's a manager ala "Office Space" filled with mindless dribble or unmotivational long-winded talks? Seriously, what gives with this guy? What is his role in the company? What is the general consensus on why all these reps hate him?

I'm interviewing with Forest. I can read past the bitterness/BS on these boards regardig Forest or any company on here for that matter so spare me the "run for the hills from this company" bs. I hear that enough on every other board from disgruntled employees. I just want the nuts and bolts of who this dude is and why everyone hates him...summarized for an outsider.

Thanks in advance for you honest opinions.

I get that he's some higher up that nobody likes, but I would like to get more insight on this. I read so much about this guy and how everybody hates him. Why? Is it because dude micromanages and makes you accountable for your work so you actually have to work to prove him wrong? Is it because he's a manager ala "Office Space" filled with mindless dribble or unmotivational long-winded talks? Seriously, what gives with this guy? What is his role in the company? What is the general consensus on why all these reps hate him?

I'm interviewing with Forest. I can read past the bitterness/BS on these boards regardig Forest or any company on here for that matter so spare me the "run for the hills from this company" bs. I hear that enough on every other board from disgruntled employees. I just want the nuts and bolts of who this dude is and why everyone hates him...summarized for an outsider.

Thanks in advance for you honest opinions.

Go fuck yourself. No one interviewing would write this.

Dan Wells- hey mole do you want to go for a beer and do me in the but one more time before we get laid off? But nole one thing...only do me in the but because you want to do it not because you feel like you have to do it...

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