He is still blistered from not winning PC when we were territory DM's in Kentucky. I won and he had to sit home!
Your ridiculously long blah blah blah emails say 3 things:
You are desperate and don't know how to communication or motivate; you love to hear yourself talk. Every word is so calculated.
You are trying soooo hard to impress CR just like a child.
Your ego screams me me me, I am important.
Only Forest would let DW get away with this crap. How could they not understand that all of those worthless emails just demotivated everyone? Don't read them and you will be better off. what a tool.
time to move on.....
Time to die loser
Once they get into upper management they have so much dirt on everyone they all try to keep each other around as much as possible. And they all have similar shells ofs souls....lie to your face without a second thought. Self preservation....screw you if you get in my way. Users unite.
It's a love story!
Once they get into upper management they have so much dirt on everyone they all try to keep each other around as much as possible. And they all have similar shells ofs souls....lie to your face without a second thought. Self preservation....screw you if you get in my way. Users unite.
It's a love story!
Yeah, but Dan is suppose to be this big bible thumper. Hope he is praying for forgiveness, because he doesn't think twice about fucking people over. It all about him.
Yypical of most Forest Dms
Looks like his days in the ATL are numbered. There will be news before long.
I hope not! I just like looking at him! Yummy!! And the way he walks around at company meetings! Wow! He's got a lucky wife!
I hope not! I just like looking at him! Yummy!! And the way he walks around at company meetings! Wow! He's got a lucky wife!
I just wuv Danny!