Hey Bill, Amy, Andy, and Mike


You really think any of us are buying what your selling through the patronizing emails? Please don’t continue shoveling the bs about how much you care. Bottom line is that you are all pathetic disingenuous people that can’t see straight. You seduced us to this garbage company, used us, and now are disposing of us. Why don’t one of you step up and talk straight?

We are in the middle of the most successful launch in Genentech history and you mensa midgets are going to bring it to a screeching halt. You really think anyone will be motivated now after you all revealed your true character? Those that survive will be pirated by Novartis and other companies, and will willingly jump ship as soon as possible.

To all my fellow Ocrevus Peeps in the field. Good luck next Wednesday, and remember all these “Leaders” care about all of us.


You really think any of us are buying what your selling through the patronizing emails? Please don’t continue shoveling the bs about how much you care. Bottom line is that you are all pathetic disingenuous people that can’t see straight. You seduced us to this garbage company, used us, and now are disposing of us. Why don’t one of you step up and talk straight?

We are in the middle of the most successful launch in Genentech history and you mensa midgets are going to bring it to a screeching halt. You really think anyone will be motivated now after you all revealed your true character? Those that survive will be pirated by Novartis and other companies, and will willingly jump ship as soon as possible.

To all my fellow Ocrevus Peeps in the field. Good luck next Wednesday, and remember all these “Leaders” care about all of us.

I second that! Amy’s email was pathetic just like her fake cry on stage in Chicago. It’s frightening how fake and disingenuous people can be. I’m sick. Amy- you are pathetic. I’ve never been impressed by you. Many of us watched as you practiced your speech on stage prior to the Chicago meeting. It was a joke to watch and just confirmed how everything is rehearsed and nothing true to the heart. Your little fake cry was a huge embarrassment and probably the worst piece of acting I have ever seen. We are supposed to cry for you taking a promotion to Sweden while so many people are losing their whole livelihood?

I second that! Amy’s email was pathetic just like her fake cry on stage in Chicago. It’s frightening how fake and disingenuous people can be. I’m sick. Amy- you are pathetic. I’ve never been impressed by you. Many of us watched as you practiced your speech on stage prior to the Chicago meeting. It was a joke to watch and just confirmed how everything is rehearsed and nothing true to the heart. Your little fake cry was a huge embarrassment and probably the worst piece of acting I have ever seen. We are supposed to cry for you taking a promotion to Sweden while so many
people are losing their whole livelihood?
What do you expect from a career Roche loser?

AVB has fooled a lot of people. How she was valued so high at Roche AND at Genentech is mind boggling. She was Tom Klein’s food taster and somehow just kept moving up the ladder. She has NO background to be in the position she is in. Just Genentech pushing another woman to the top. She is one who cares ONLY about herself.

AVB has fooled a lot of people. How she was valued so high at Roche AND at Genentech is mind boggling. She was Tom Klein’s food taster and somehow just kept moving up the ladder. She has NO background to be in the position she is in. Just Genentech pushing another woman to the top. She is one who cares ONLY about herself.

Pretty accurate comment. Not too different from G Paulsen. Hopefully AVB loses her passport over there and can't get back here to mess up anything else. Then again, she could land in Basel and really "F" up the works under D O'Day.

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