

Now that the CTAM's are being pulled into the sales fold and calling on some of our key targets, I'm getting layoff vibes. The TAS training for Breyanzi has been atrocious, almost like they don't care. They just want us certified to give the marketing message. With the CTAM's in the field now there is no need for 2 TAS reps also promoting. Bispecifics are taking from CAR-T market share too. Tick Tok.


They renamed the reps TAS's. No one cares. Some people are even Executive TAS's..What a waste! I mean people put that on their development plan and work towards that as a goal. Unreal.
I can't believe the level of insanity it takes to get to an "executive" TAS at BMS. Find a new sales rep gig and you will get 20 grand more than any stupid role change at BMS will bring you. Be smart drug reps. Change companies every 2-4 years. You will make so much more money and do the same crap..

Now that the CTAM's are being pulled into the sales fold and calling on some of our key targets, I'm getting layoff vibes. The TAS training for Breyanzi has been atrocious, almost like they don't care. They just want us certified to give the marketing message. With the CTAM's in the field now there is no need for 2 TAS reps also promoting. Bispecifics are taking from CAR-T market share too. Tick Tok.

Of course it is atrocious. You see the trainers in Onc never sold in Onc - especially hematology. They are all diversity hires, or friends of diversity hires.


Of course it is atrocious. You see the trainers in Onc never sold in Onc - especially hematology. They are all diversity hires, or friends of diversity hires.

Really? Don’t you have anything better to do than race bait? In fact, please go do YOUR job instead of criticizing others. And if you are so good, why aren’t you a trainer?

Now that the CTAM's are being pulled into the sales fold and calling on some of our key targets, I'm getting layoff vibes. The TAS training for Breyanzi has been atrocious, almost like they don't care. They just want us certified to give the marketing message. With the CTAM's in the field now there is no need for 2 TAS reps also promoting. Bispecifics are taking from CAR-T market share too. Tick Tok.

Why the fuck are all the CTAM positions going to solid tumor reps. They literally created two positions in Seattle and northern cali for two its peeps with no posting or interviewing for the spots. Wtf?

Interesting about the solid reps in Cali getting the CTAM roles. I was told a solid rep was getting the CTAM role in my region…this was the same day the expansion was announced.

Interesting about the solid reps in Cali getting the CTAM roles. I was told a solid rep was getting the CTAM role in my region…this was the same day the expansion was announced.

yup. It’s happening all over the country. It was explained as part of “Omni channel bs”. If you are in heme don’t bother to interview for these spots. My guess is an onc realignment. Opdivo and yervoy go off in 2026-2027. They are just moving people over or as I call it the BMSification of Heme!