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HDs Mostly from MCCO- What happened to diversity?


On the Operating Principals call they discussed the Operating Principal, "I am Inclusive", and described how diversity encompasses many things in addition to what we typically think of. Diversity also includes diversity of background, experience, personality type, point of view, etc. Yet, looking at the list of recently announced HDs there does not seem to be much diversity of work background, or personality type. The majority of HDs (with the exception of AB) are Type A personalities from MCCO many of whom have a reputation for making power plays, taking credit for other people's work, stepping on people to get to the top, and are known for not working cooperatively with others. Where is the diversity? How are those personalities going to work well leading ecosystems? I imagine it being like the Hunger Games with all of them competing with each other to show the HEDs how fabulous they are all while taking credit for work the TAMs do. If you value diversity Genentech, then actually hire diverse teams not clones.

They decided long ago that sales experience is not needed, or at last needed in only TAMs for the most part.

Don't believe for a second that there is any commitment to "diversity". That is a distraction so they can lay off 70% of the field force, while leadership and Roche enjoys record profits not seen in this company's history.

Like you said, look at who they are hiring. MCCO experience and preferably white.

drill deeper........You must be talking about the RGM team mainly, because other functions of MCCO aren't setting the world on fire. It seems like the NWO (New World Order) values that background. Since HD's will be calling on Health Systems as well as managing. A RGM with management experience would be a good fit. Plenty of DM's getting jobs........Hell a few reps even. Lot's of good people are going to lose their jobs. Sucks.

drill deeper........You must be talking about the RGM team mainly, because other functions of MCCO aren't setting the world on fire. It seems like the NWO (New World Order) values that background. Since HD's will be calling on Health Systems as well as managing. A RGM with management experience would be a good fit. Plenty of DM's getting jobs........Hell a few reps even. Lot's of good people are going to lose their jobs. Sucks.

drill deeper........You must be talking about the RGM team mainly, because other functions of MCCO aren't setting the world on fire. It seems like the NWO (New World Order) values that background. Since HD's will be calling on Health Systems as well as managing. A RGM with management experience would be a good fit. Plenty of DM's getting jobs........Hell a few reps even. Lot's of good people are going to lose their jobs. Sucks.

disgusting I like to do the drilling around here MM

Genentech leadership should be thanking their lucky stars for COVID... it gave them a pass this year on the field design and horrible implementation. How can the people that thought up this design/implementation be held accountable now? Oh, sales are down 20% for X drugs... well, COVID caused it... Oh, Look, sales are up 20% for tpa/Actemra...look how awesome I am (thanks COVID)....

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