Hawthorn Sales Reps

This is the first time I have gotten onto CafePharma in years and I am sorry that I took one little peek.

Well, I am DG. I do not appreciate negative comments regarding my performance or there lack of at Hawthorn. If you knew me, you would not say that i was "not performing" like I was before. You would know the circumstances under which I work and would have an understanding as to why my numbers may be lower than they were when I first started with Hawthorn. Believe me, I MISS winning awards, trips, car, etc. However, at this point in my life, the miscellaneous mentioned earlier is not as important as my family and having a balance in my life.

You also must understand that product offerings and medicaid/ insurance coverage have a GREAT deal to do with the performance of a territory. If you do not have kind words to say about me or anyone else that I know or work with, please keep it to yourself.

God bless!
This is the first time I have gotten onto CafePharma in years and I am sorry that I took one little peek.

Well, I am DG. I do not appreciate negative comments regarding my performance or there lack of at Hawthorn. If you knew me, you would not say that i was "not performing" like I was before. You would know the circumstances under which I work and would have an understanding as to why my numbers may be lower than they were when I first started with Hawthorn. Believe me, I MISS winning awards, trips, car, etc. However, at this point in my life, the miscellaneous mentioned earlier is not as important as my family and having a balance in my life.

You also must understand that product offerings and medicaid/ insurance coverage have a GREAT deal to do with the performance of a territory. If you do not have kind words to say about me or anyone else that I know or work with, please keep it to yourself.

God bless!

Hold on, hold on. Wait, wait.....WHAAAAA quit talking about me....Get over yourself. You had your time in the sun but obviously your not giving it 110% anymore. Do your job or I'll find someone else to do it for you at 1/2 the salary I pay you. AC, CS, JS, and MD
Hold on, hold on. Wait, wait.....WHAAAAA quit talking about me....Get over yourself. You had your time in the sun but obviously your not giving it 110% anymore. Do your job or I'll find someone else to do it for you at 1/2 the salary I pay you. AC, CS, JS, and MD

What does DG mean by the conditions she has to work with? Talent, personality, charm, looks. I wish I had to work under those conditions. the truth here is that she does a better job with less territory than most of our reps do with twice the dr population to call on. check the standings when you get your sales reports. She sells more than you. It's a numbers game you do better with more sick people and better coverage. Why would you comment and try to look like your somebody your not. if max or Chris was going to fire or threaten to fire a rep would they put the previous statement in writing. listen loser keep your post on focus. cafepharma is for making fun of people, making jokes about where to poop in the field and how to get through a conference call, and laughing at other dorks who come here looking for real advice about pharma jobs
that last post was very smartly written and seemed right on point. the person who wrote that must be very smart talented witty mature and most likely handsome and willing to share his wealth of knowledge. I wish I knew who that was. I bet my life would be better just spending 10 minutes with him or her, I mean you don't know who it was because it's all anonymous on here
I love you DG and TS! I think whoever wrote about DG is a complete idiot! DG is one of the most hardworking reps I have ever seen and you claim she isn't giving 110 percent ? You have no idea what you are talking about! If you have been here long enough you would know that a lot of changes happened out of any reps control and I can bet you have never even come close to her numbers then or now. You should think about what you say and how it could hurt people. DG is one of the most wonderful people I have ever known and only a very jealous or insecure person would write something negative about her. Tell you what if you feel so strong about her not doing what she used to why don't you ask her yourself and let her know who you . I am guessing you won't and you will just keep taking cheap shots at her. You make me sick and your a freaking coward!
Poster #36, this is #35. I do not (and have never) worked for Hawthorne. I have no axe to grind with Hawthorne or its management. I have, however, worked in this industry for similar companies.

Here is the honest truth: those great jobs you hear about in pharmaceutical sales might exist, but they don't exist with Hawthorn or other like companies. Hawthorn's products have no brand recognition and offer little to no value above that of generic products very similar to them. Insurance companies and Medicaid do not like to pay for their products, and in many cases won't pay for them or will charge a high co-pay to the patient.

Doctors may nod their head all day and say that they will write scripts for Hawthorn's products, but if the patient gets to the pharmacy and has to pay $40 for the Hawthorn drug when they can get something almost identical for $10 -- what do you think they will do? And if the pharmacist even bothers to call the doctor and ask to substitute (in most cases, they will just sub the product anyway), 9 out of 10 times, the doc will say "okay."

The base compensation and benefits are low for the industry. You may be promised all kinds of "uncapped" commissions, but the scenario above will make it very difficult, if not impossible, to ever earn those commissions.

Hawthorne may well beat the newspaper industry at this point, I will admit. As I said in my previous post, if this is your best option, give it a try. This will be your entry into the pharma industry where you can gain some experience and leverage it to a bigger and better company. Just go into it with your eyes open and realistic expectations.

DG rules! This poster is a loser. You don't work for Hawthorn and you are commenting???!?!?!? NERD
Everyone is too emotional and judgemental here. I left hawthorn last summer for a better pharma job for me. I met DG and she seems to be a great girl who works hard! Yes, hawthorn pay is low, you will run your car into the ground and lose credibility "trying" to stock pharmacies. However, expectations are different for each person. But for some people they have found the right place for themselves. Stop being critical of other people and let them be happy where they have chosen to be. Let it be! There are too many people who cannot find work right now in any industry.