Have You Notice All The Old Farts Love Contract, The Young And Ambitious Hate It.


All the old farts I work with on my contract work at the most one hour a day. They love these worthless jobs because they can do nothing! For the rest of us that want to make a real living and get ahead we realize these are complete career suicide! I cannot imagine being over 40 and a fucking contract rep. Better yet over 40 and defending it like it is a real job.


When you are 50 years old and no one will hire you your options are very limited. That is why there are so many grays doing contract. They never advanced and got the ax. Now they are left with no one willing to hire the ordinary ones so they all take a worthless contract job and have to defend it like it is a real career. Luckily I am only 26 and doing this while finishing Grad school then see ya! I feel bad for all the old contracts I work with they have no where to go and have ruined their options of ever having a real career in this industry again.

When you are 50 years old and no one will hire you your options are very limited. That is why there are so many grays doing contract. They never advanced and got the ax. Now they are left with no one willing to hire the ordinary ones so they all take a worthless contract job and have to defend it like it is a real career. Luckily I am only 26 and doing this while finishing Grad school then see ya! I feel bad for all the old contracts I work with they have no where to go and have ruined their options of ever having a real career in this industry again.

Maybe you should take a class on professionalism so you don't say this kind of stuff out loud. Most 26 yr old are comfortable in being Anonymous, and treated like a baby by mommy. You such a good little boy, I'm so proud of you.

When you are 50 years old and no one will hire you your options are very limited. That is why there are so many grays doing contract. They never advanced and got the ax. Now they are left with no one willing to hire the ordinary ones so they all take a worthless contract job and have to defend it like it is a real career. Luckily I am only 26 and doing this while finishing Grad school then see ya! I feel bad for all the old contracts I work with they have no where to go and have ruined their options of ever having a real career in this industry again.

Sad but very true

Go get'em Tiger and check back in 10 years on how you doing (killing it with job, paying alimony and child support, living back at the condo wearing your old college sweatshirt)..

Agree that contract work is not setting world on fire, but some of those old guys with big 401K, pension, may have figured a few things out too.

All the old farts I work with on my contract work at the most one hour a day. They love these worthless jobs because they can do nothing! For the rest of us that want to make a real living and get ahead we realize these are complete career suicide! I cannot imagine being over 40 and a fucking contract rep. Better yet over 40 and defending it like it is a real job.

There is an old saying..."When I was 25 I knew everything. When I turned 35 I knew enough to know I didn't know everything. When I turned 45 I realized how stupid I was when I was 25."

When you are 50 years old and no one will hire you your options are very limited. That is why there are so many grays doing contract. They never advanced and got the ax. Now they are left with no one willing to hire the ordinary ones so they all take a worthless contract job and have to defend it like it is a real career. Luckily I am only 26 and doing this while finishing Grad school then see ya! I feel bad for all the old contracts I work with they have no where to go and have ruined their options of ever having a real career in this industry again.

Keep telling yourself that your here cause you are going to grad school lol You cant even get a job at a 'real pharma' company that's why you are here. btw Novartis paid for my grad school genius.

Any young person with any ambition that cannot be satisfied by a raise at Radio Shack does not work in pharma. Get a handle on your situation junior. If any of you shits think that ANY company in the pharma field constitutes "ambition" or "professionalism," then you no doubt think that USA Today is a stellar newspaper.


Any young person with any ambition that cannot be satisfied by a raise at Radio Shack does not work in pharma. Get a handle on your situation junior. If any of you shits think that ANY company in the pharma field constitutes "ambition" or "professionalism," then you no doubt think that USA Today is a stellar newspaper.


I happen to be a 50 year old contract rep let go from big pharma. I took one of these contracts and have not had any luck finding anything else. At least I don't have to do too much. It is good pay for a few hours a week.

I happen to be a 50 year old contract rep let go from big pharma. I took one of these contracts and have not had any luck finding anything else. At least I don't have to do too much. It is good pay for a few hours a week.

Exactly. You see it for what it is; just a place to bide time and/or work very little for a decent salary.

Exactly. You see it for what it is; just a place to bide time and/or work very little for a decent salary.

I am not 50 but by no means a 20 something rep. I also have noticed how content the old reps are working as CSOs and I now know it is because they have no option and no future. This is sad as many have college degrees and this is what their career ends like?

I am not 50 but by no means a 20 something rep. I also have noticed how content the old reps are working as CSOs and I now know it is because they have no option and no future. This is sad as many have college degrees and this is what their career ends like?

Anyone who thinks 'career' and Pharma marketing/sales is just naive. the 'young & ambitious' are too stupid to realize their is no future in this game anymore. Some (like me) got a taste of the good life about 10 years ago. Now in 34 and have no marketable skill set that transfers to another industry. Pharma sales isnt even sales, its marketing what someone tild you to market, so cant even get a marketing job. Only insurance companies want me. I have probably 30 more earning years in my life an need to wake up and move on from pharma but it's allowed me to develop such a bad work ethic I'm not ready to go 9-5. So this contract work is what I'll hold on to as long as I can.

Good luck youngins & heed my advice and get out before you end up like me. No where to go but to start over in another industry.

Anyone who thinks 'career' and Pharma marketing/sales is just naive. the 'young & ambitious' are too stupid to realize their is no future in this game anymore. Some (like me) got a taste of the good life about 10 years ago. Now in 34 and have no marketable skill set that transfers to another industry. Pharma sales isnt even sales, its marketing what someone tild you to market, so cant even get a marketing job. Only insurance companies want me. I have probably 30 more earning years in my life an need to wake up and move on from pharma but it's allowed me to develop such a bad work ethic I'm not ready to go 9-5. So this contract work is what I'll hold on to as long as I can.

Good luck youngins & heed my advice and get out before you end up like me. No where to go but to start over in another industry.

Wow you sound like a real winner!

All these old reps have no options so they say they picked it and dont want to make alot of money.

We already made a lot of money. House paid for. Kids out of college with no loans. Vacation home south at the lake. Boat paid for. Why are you on here anyway. Go put that ambition in motion. Oh forgot you are here because you are a loser and it makes you feel better to bash people. But when you go home to your apartment and sit there in the dark by yourself, you know the truth, you are a fn loser.

You are correct. I believe Pharma sales with be almost over within the next 10 yrs. I was in Pharma for 19 yrs and then went on a contract, was off for 4 months and got called for another. This is fine fr me as I do not want to start a new career in my 50's. If I was in my 20's just starting out, I wouldnt go into Pharma.

MOST contract sales reps come from big Pharma with many years of Pharma sales with a great training background. Most of us have introduced newer pharma products that are of a new class of meds to specialists. Our training has been with the Best of the Best, whether with the class of meds, customer sales techniques, increasing market share, team development and etc. many of us experienced reps have been recognized as leaders of the team with the hiring contract company.

Also, we balance a sales team and district with experience and marketed sales success. We contribute to the history of pharma, network markets, managed care and the understanding how to integrate all aspects of the product in order to increase sales and the market share.

We have already been trained by Big Pharma, many of us for 15 plus years and that is why we are valuable to any contract. We can be retired from Big Pharma even under the age of 55.

There is something wrong if you do not understand / get this. I hope you do not work in the hiring process or are not in management. If you do, you must be related to the hiring person or know the person / persons who hired you. B/C it is not in the best interest of the contract or company signing the contract.

You then do not get the reason why we are significantlly valuable to the new contract!

Thank you for the above post Mr. or Mrs. Manager. If you notice 99% of the managers are 5- and older. Coming from real pharma, please. My manager is 57 and can only get a contract position. Real pharma would ea my manager alive. I can tell you that each day I do this job, the less self confidence I have in myself. It is personally degrading.

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