
Where's the "hate?" It astounds me the number of idiots liberals who work in business. Probably an Obama-lover who now is worshiping at the feet of Hillary or Bernie.

hands up, don't shoot! that's right, mo-fo. I got me a free cell from obama and now he's promised to take care of my rent. and, he's moving me out of the inner city into a nice cushy suburb. all paid for by my more affluent brothers and sistas. now you better be nice or i'll cry racism and have AG Lynch come down on you. besides hillery is going to take better care of me than obama. yes siree......i can't wait til she's elected and i can just coast the next 4 years on easy street and not have to do a damn thing. you guys are so stupid. why work? you're looking at it the wrong way. 47% of people like me pay no federal income tax. it just makes me brain hurt when i see so many of you trying to work hard. obama makes it so you guys get punished and guys like me get rewarded. i use my food card to buy steak and some months i sell it for cash and buy alcohol.

hands up, don't shoot! that's right, mo-fo. I got me a free cell from obama and now he's promised to take care of my rent. and, he's moving me out of the inner city into a nice cushy suburb. all paid for by my more affluent brothers and sistas. now you better be nice or i'll cry racism and have AG Lynch come down on you. besides hillery is going to take better care of me than obama. yes siree......i can't wait til she's elected and i can just coast the next 4 years on easy street and not have to do a damn thing. you guys are so stupid. why work? you're looking at it the wrong way. 47% of people like me pay no federal income tax. it just makes me brain hurt when i see so many of you trying to work hard. obama makes it so you guys get punished and guys like me get rewarded. i use my food card to buy steak and some months i sell it for cash and buy alcohol.

you're an idiot

Thank you LM, WC, PR and most of all AA. I have had the pleasure of experiencing the most depraved and business leaders ever assembled by mankind, (women kind for you sensitive types such as LM and AA). See you in Hell!!!

As I have said time and time again...POS such as LM and AA have always existed in any endeavor. They're out there for anyone to see. The real problem is the BOD members and other desperate fools willing to hire morons such as these with just a limited amount of due diligence...frightening for investors!!!!

They're dropping like flies out here. Resignations galore. Huge sales territories after the layoffs, but make no mistake...the biggest reason is AA. Sales leadership? No thanks. But let's do another inane contest that takes time away from selling! That'll turn declining sales around!! Please WC, find a replacement for that guy before it's too late.

Before it's too late? It's already too late for Prometheus to survive...but it's not to be blamed on AA. He's not in a position high enough to truly destroy a company. This has been a long time coming. The seeds of destruction were planted years ago with Joe Limber and Ron Rocca. They were so unlikeable that no pharma company wanted to partner with us...they couldn't even get extended release Entocort in our bag even though the reps revived the existence of Entocort and made it a success. Without a pharma product coupled with burning the bridges with countless regional labs who refuse to even draw Prometheus tests (again, a system set up by RR and JL) there is no hope for Prometheus to survive. ...even the oncology product is not as good as other Tx options...and it's for cancer. I would definitely not want to sell an inferior cancer Tx because, well, it's CANCER! I bet every single rep is looking to get out. If they're not, they are really dumb!