
Maybe if Prometheus would learn to train people professionally, instead of their half-assed methods they call "training," they wouldn't have to lay people off. Their unprofessionalism is their own worst enemy.

It has nothing to do with training and everything to do with the cost of our tests.
You bust your ass to convince someone to order and then you hold your breath and wait for the other shoe to drop.

Incredibly f'd up business model

Interestingly, I just ran into former Promethean, Jeff Douglas. I had no idea he was a transgender. By the end of the year he wants to be known as Jenny Douglas. It all makes sense now. I wondered why he was such a little bitch ...

Don't blame AA and LM. The real blame falls upon the Sr Mgt and BofD that would approve placing these pathological idiots in charge of anything. There is a long track record of malfeasance and ineptitude for both that are readily available to anyone willing to look beyond their resume's and the kind words of their executive recruitment reps. Idiots!!!!

Agreed. LM has at least 10 yrs of easily obtainable background info that would easily preclude her from being employed anywhere, much less in a position of authority. AA is much more insidious, similar to a remora attached to a shark. The remora did not do a thing except hang on for the ride. Except in this case, the remora has convinced employers that he is the shark.

Agreed. LM has at least 10 yrs of easily obtainable background info that would easily preclude her from being employed anywhere, much less in a position of authority. AA is much more insidious, similar to a remora attached to a shark. The remora did not do a thing except hang on for the ride. Except in this case, the remora has convinced employers that he is the shark.

That AA...gotta hand it to him. He is a trip planning MF'er! You need a trip planned, he's your guy. Need him to be out of the office, he's your guy. Need him to be handing out gifts, he's your guy. Need him to be encouraging people through give aways, he's your guy. Need him to be driving sales, not your guy. Need him to understand leadership, not your guy. Need him to make smart decisions, not your guy. Need him to understand the business, not your guy. Need him to lead this sales organization to greatness.....um...not your guy. Warren, wake up. You can do better. We can all do better than AA. Do him and all of us a favor. Allow him to go plan trips elsewhere. We'll be fine.

Have you ever spoken with Warren? leave aa alone he knows his role ...Warren has been riding that first "great turn around year" for past 2 years. f that guy.

Yeah he knows his role. Douchebag extraordinaire. What trip are we going to go on next? Not...what are we going to do to increase sales? But where can we go next on the company dime? AA is a loser and sales will continue to drop. Even more so, now that you've bailed half of the sales force. Not that he knows how to arrest the fall regardless.

This is what happens to companies when they do not perform due diligence themselves when hiring executives vs. relying on recruiters....extremely embarrassing and quite unnecessary.