Half the Dan threads removed


Amazing majority of the Dan forcing abortion support on employees email threads have been removed???
I thought this forum was open unbiased freedom of speech.....
Even the thread that Posted CEO Dan O'Days actual email pushing/funding aboetion to company wide employees has been removed.
Whoever did the email post, please repost so the world can see how Dan is pushing his agenda on 70% of ProLife employees

Amazing majority of the Dan forcing abortion support on employees email threads have been removed???
I thought this forum was open unbiased freedom of speech.....
Even the thread that Posted CEO Dan O'Days actual email pushing/funding aboetion to company wide employees has been removed.
Whoever did the email post, please repost so the world can see how Dan is pushing his agenda on 70% of ProLife employees

Oh, shut the hell up you constant whiner. And get a freaking life. IF YOU HATE IT HERE, QUIT. End of story. YOU ARE A LOSER!

Which is fine - but not all of Gilead does. A CEO representing that all of Gilead supports ANY political or controversial position that has absolute nothing to do with Gilead’s business…

That creates friction and is not beneficial.

stay in your lane as the CEO.

Dude has an 87% approval rating on glass door…
Is that with all the haters rating him on cafe Pharma or without?

Gilead has a 3.9 rating on glassdoor. 3.5 with white employees.

That's pretty mediocre.

Company has lost half its value in 10 years.

Zero growth during the biggest economic boom in our lifetime. So yeah, we are doing great.

He is a BLM LBGYQNLMPO far left radical supporter pushing his abortion & sex change beliefs on all his employees .
But reason need to go is he has been all talk from Day 1 and poor action laying eggs. Stock catered & zero morale with his Joannana BFF.
Time for both to hit the exit

Amazing majority of the Dan forcing abortion support on employees email threads have been removed???
I thought this forum was open unbiased freedom of speech.....
Even the thread that Posted CEO Dan O'Days actual email pushing/funding aboetion to company wide employees has been removed.
Whoever did the email post, please repost so the world can see how Dan is pushing his agenda on 70% of ProLife employees

If you think 70% of Gilead is so far right to be Pro-life, you're delusional to have even joined. The culture here has always been liberal on social issues; Always. It still is.
In case you haven't noticed, your paycheck is on the back of a company making money on HIV. Clue in.

Maybe it's you who needs to go.

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