Gulp!!! Amylin contract - Thursday conference call!!!

So in the end, Ventiv, Amylin and BMS f__ked us just like we assumed they would from the beginning. All the BS that they told us along the way were just lies. The pharmaceutical industry should not wonder why there is no loyalty from reps anymore. My guess is that the BMS/AstraZeneca alliance is going to get it's butt kicked by the competition anyway. The synergy team were responsible for most of the sales increases so good luck without them.

Amylin did a good job of making Synergy think they would be rolled in from the beginning. They went out of their way to lead Synergy to believe that we were equal to Legacy sales force in all ways. It is easy to see now how so many Synergy reps feel the carpet is being pulled out from under them. Amylin sure did a good con job. Looking back Amylin was suspiciously, over the top inclusive. People that have been on other contracts can now see the pretty clearly that Amylin management was a master manipulator.

One thing you always need to do is realize that pharma companies don't care about you. You're fate was decided within a week of the acquisition, and their job is to wring the most out of you they can until they decide to part ways on their terms. Of course they're going to tell you anything you want to hear to pump the last few scripts out that they productive is a sales force when they know they are as good as gone? Better to dangle the carrot for awhile, see how many you can get to chase it and execute the plan that you had from the beginning.

Amylin did a good job of making Synergy think they would be rolled in from the beginning. They went out of their way to lead Synergy to believe that we were equal to Legacy sales force in all ways. It is easy to see now how so many Synergy reps feel the carpet is being pulled out from under them. Amylin sure did a good con job. Looking back Amylin was suspiciously, over the top inclusive. People that have been on other contracts can now see the pretty clearly that Amylin management was a master manipulator.

I can understand that the news is tough and you need to vent. But you are way out of line.

Your conspiracy theory is ridiculous. You were treated well, paid to do a job, hopefully did that job well and full time like you signed up for- but Amylin manipulated you. Whatever. You don't get guarantees in life- never mind this crumbling industry.

If you didn't know what you signed up for- you should have not accepted the offer. No one knows if we did better or worse than we did if that would have changed the outcome.

You make the executives realize that if they made the mistake of keeping you, they should have canned the whole group. I hope you get a job somewhere else- pharma doesnt need jackasses that cant see straight.

Just got my call - displaced.

Sorry to hear that. A lot of good people were let go today. Forget all of the negativity on this board and use the next month to get your resume out as much as possible. Stay positive and look the part of the good soldier, you may get placed before you're out. Good luck all.

Agreed that manipulation may be taking it too far, but there are ways of handling layoffs. None are fun, but there are ways to be as upfront and honest as is permissible and warranted by the business. Some may feel like there were promises or assurances made, either at a corporate level or managerial level.....that is there own personal feeling and the way they interpreted the information.

My whole district was displaced. The west and east coasts were hit the hardest because there were too many reps. 220 of the 315 Synergy reps were displaced. A total bloodbath and not even close to what Tom Williams said about over half of synergy reps were placed. That was total BS!!!

My heart goes out to those who were "displaced". I was very fortunate to keep my job but with SOCU now. The Synergy team were a great bunch of reps. Hang in there. Good chance that your next job will be even better. The question I have is ..... how come T. Williams was reluctant to send his presentation sides to us?

My heart goes out to those who were "displaced". I was very fortunate to keep my job but with SOCU now. The Synergy team were a great bunch of reps. Hang in there. Good chance that your next job will be even better. The question I have is ..... how come T. Williams was reluctant to send his presentation sides to us?

I wouldn't read too much into that. It was nothing substantive anyway. Just a tip though, because I have been on these calls before and other webex and live meetings where I either wanted a copy or didn't feel like writing everything down - do a print screen for every slide and paste it into a word doc or even easier, I took a picture with my iPhone of every slide. If anyone had any specific questions, I should be able to answer them or maybe even post a link and put them up on Pinterest or Instagram.

Tom Williams... are you freaken kidding me. I will never thank you or BMS for anything you or they have done.

Secong thought here it goes.

Tom... thank you for not being a good leader. Thanks for not telling us whats going on. Thanks for making us BMS's bitch. Thanks for the crappy insurance.

Bms... Thank you for cutting good reps to keep your own shitty reps. Thanks for making us your bitch. Thanks for allowing us to sell your shitty DPP4 that sux balls.

There was a synergy training class that started on Feb 4 and lasted through the Feb 15th. That's 8 working days after the completion of the class, that the layoffs were announced. 14 of the 19 reps at that class were let go.

Lets see some of you koolaid ass kissers defend this! Many people knew must have known about the fate of these reps prior to the announcement, but did nothing.

I hope karma finds you well