GSK-Menveo purchase

I just don't see why gsk would buy menveo or why Novartis would sell it to them.

as stated above, nvd can't count on sales on menveo to ever reach more than a few $100M per year and it is stuck with a sales force structured for at least twice that. and it cost us a large fraction of a billion $'s to get it to this point. does anyone remember when the meningitis vaccine was killed when it was a project under chiron? with this market failure nvd has to pull off a string of vaccine approvals that were, as stated in another thread, equivalent to an inside straight in poker about 12 to 1 odds against, to just begin to break even. the only reason to partner with gsk to co-sell menveo, despite what brent may spin it as, would to begin to get out of the vaccines business as we cuts costs and let the current sales force fade away.

for gsk, it would be a "try before you buy" or "lease to own" type of situation. why else would they do it?

Brush up your resumes my friends....

I don't know what you are alluding to here? After all, Brent said this was only, "an experiment" to generate some "noise in the market".

But this string started on CP in Oct and the rumor regarding gsk originated in another staring in CP way back in the summer sometime so, once again, it seems like CP is the best place for straight answers regarding happenings in nvd. Remember first is was about the move of corp hq to EH 3 months before it was officially announced, then it was Chris F. leaving then Andrin selling his house in the US and then . . . . if it is in CP then it must true.

I for one though, believe Brent . . . . . . "the check is in the mail . . . . . of course I love you. .no, your ass isn't fat . . . no, it's not herpes, it's only a cold sore, . . . . . I promise, I won't cu* in your mouth".

what a moron, bringing up the fact that a date isn't a certain day of the week when the fact that there have been and are currently discussions with gsk regarding menveo because nvd has just barely sold more in almost 3 years of menveo sales than what was budgeted for just the 2nd year in sales while maintaining a sales force structured for yearly sales of twice that. brent just changed all of our meetings in jan to make room for the nvd leadership meeting that was moved up several months. rumor is that is is to announce andrin is leaving, he has been checked out for a whole now, and to introduce his replacement.

AO will only attend the first 2 days of the Jan Leadership meeting as he has another, "conflicting meeting" in Swiss for the last 2 days. Maybe it is where Vasela wll introduce his to his new employer.

I don't know what you are alluding to here? After all, Brent said this was only, "an experiment" to generate some "noise in the market".

But this string started on CP in Oct and the rumor regarding gsk originated in another staring in CP way back in the summer sometime so, once again, it seems like CP is the best place for straight answers regarding happenings in nvd. Remember first is was about the move of corp hq to EH 3 months before it was officially announced, then it was Chris F. leaving then Andrin selling his house in the US and then . . . . if it is in CP then it must true.

I for one though, believe Brent . . . . . . "the check is in the mail . . . . . of course I love you. .no, your ass isn't fat . . . no, it's not herpes, it's only a cold sore, . . . . . I promise, I won't cu* in your mouth".

it was funny when brent began by saying, "some of you may have already heard this . . " bravo to cafe pharma for making such a joke out of nvd that a president of the division has had to, at the beginning of the call, admit to the fact that this has been discussed at length here, in order for anyone to even listen to anything else that he has to say. i really love the part where he explained how we would get credit for the gsk sales in our territories. wasn't it in cafe pharma where it was explained to us that the reason that we get credit for the sales of menveo in our territory by the wholesalers and distributors, was so that andrin and vas didn't have to admit that their entire sales plan wasn't working? when we are getting credit and getting paid for not selling something that someone else did and got their margin how long can this last?

a pharma reps job was always structured around hitting the road hard 2-3 days a week from 9 until 2-3 o'clock and making your numbers but i can't have anything less to do as a vss and still do a credible job making it look like i work. i already spend so much time the starbucks around my territory that the other customers think that i work there. i'd go to dunkin donuts but the cops have all the good seats!

as a note, does anyone else realize that almost everyone now on brent's team in eh weren't any of the original team that were in cambridge when, as he discussed on the call, the announcement about moving the hq to eh? brent talked about the turmoil that this announcement caused in the first of the year when he made it. it was solved by most everyone in cambridge being replaced by a retread from pharma already living in nj who had been previously laid off, temporarily working in cambridge until the deadline to miraculously appearing in eh and being counted as relo'ing for the great opportunity there. that is the kind of slight-of-hand that they are using now to start getting rid of the sales force.

he described this as an "market expansion" - i think that the only things that are getting expanded are our rectal orifices.

what are the odds that 2013 is the last full year that menveo is a novartis branded product?

with brent's recent official announcement it is already obvious that it is no longer a stand-alone brand.

brent was very clear that the agreement was written so that it was very easy to get out of but think of the consequences if someone does - the best contingency is that the cross marketing is successful then nvd will never want to back out and we no longer need our own sales force, if it isn't successful and either party backs out that is, for all intents and purposes, the end for menveo.

in either scenario menveo will no longer be a novartis branded product and that will probably be known by 2014.

so 1 more sales meeting, 1 more year of not having to really work and then this gravy train ends.

happy new year and a prosperous 2013.

what are the odds that 2013 is the last full year that menveo is a novartis branded product?

with brent's recent official announcement it is already obvious that it is no longer a stand-alone brand.

brent was very clear that the agreement was written so that it was very easy to get out of but think of the consequences if someone does - the best contingency is that the cross marketing is successful then nvd will never want to back out and we no longer need our own sales force, if it isn't successful and either party backs out that is, for all intents and purposes, the end for menveo.

in either scenario menveo will no longer be a novartis branded product and that will probably be known by 2014.

so 1 more sales meeting, 1 more year of not having to really work and then this gravy train ends.

happy new year and a prosperous 2013.

Happy new year Martin!

Happy new year Martin!

martin is marketing and reports to brent. (most) of those who negotiated this deal don't work in sales.

has anyone ever read about how big companies deal with negotiations with labor unions? they have strategies that make it in the interest of the most senior members of the union to support union leadership who make deals that preserve their jobs and benefits in any deals with the company at the expense of younger union members or new union jobs. basically, they split the interests of the union between two sets of workers and then offer deals that benefit the company and one set of workers but screw the others. it occurs slowly, over time on a deal by deal basis but it is inevitable.

that is what is happening here. diane and the eds will be the last to go (if ever) so are willing to work with the rest of management to negotiate deals that are in their interests but not necessarily in the overall sale forces'.

andrin, brent and martin may be the faces on this deal but they are not the only ones that will benefit.

Does anyone know when this will happen? I heard from my GSK counterpart today that's a done deal sometime early next year.
What are the bets on what will happen to us?

"Novartis (NVS) CEO Joseph Jimenez, in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, said the pharmaceutical industry needs to spend more money on R&D and less on sales and marketing."

Joe Hates Sales and Marketing - - -

i think that that starting pay for a high school science teacher is about $38,000 per year.