GSK-Menveo purchase


Does anyone know when this will happen? I heard from my GSK counterpart today that's a done deal sometime early next year.
What are the bets on what will happen to us?


Does anyone know when this will happen? I heard from my GSK counterpart today that's a done deal sometime early next year.
What are the bets on what will happen to us?

wtf????? yeah, sure i'm gonna go out there and promote gsk's portfolio....nice work novartis management! how much will your golden parachutes be?????

Does anyone know when this will happen? I heard from my GSK counterpart today that's a done deal sometime early next year.
What are the bets on what will happen to us?

hmmm, let's add this up. novartis magagement gets us to promote the gsk portfolio and then they escape this sinking ship with a golden parachute...nice work guys! sell gsk vaccines, yeah right douchebags!

Does anyone know when this will happen? I heard from my GSK counterpart today that's a done deal sometime early next year.
What are the bets on what will happen to us?

Let's just put it this way....Monday, December 13th, will be a good day for the GSK vaccine sales force and a REALLY BAD DAY for the Novartis vaccine sales force. There will be a lot of reps who left their previous vaccine jobs for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and they will find out that it was all BS. In two months they will find they are out of a job, will have very little severance and face a job market with few pharmaceutical or vaccine job opportunities. For you at GSK, be very quiet about this and play dumb. In two months you'll feel like you just dodged a big bullet. Meanwhile, keep working with your Novartis people and keep focusing on the GSK portfolio. You'll feel a bit bad after all this goes down, sort of like leading an ignorant lamb to the slaughter, but you'll be in a damn good position. We'll have a better package of vaccines to go after competitors and a new contracting strategy to match. 2011 will be a very good year for us.

Let's just put it this way....Monday, December 13th, will be a good day for the GSK vaccine sales force and a REALLY BAD DAY for the Novartis vaccine sales force. There will be a lot of reps who left their previous vaccine jobs for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and they will find out that it was all BS. In two months they will find they are out of a job, will have very little severance and face a job market with few pharmaceutical or vaccine job opportunities. For you at GSK, be very quiet about this and play dumb. In two months you'll feel like you just dodged a big bullet. Meanwhile, keep working with your Novartis people and keep focusing on the GSK portfolio. You'll feel a bit bad after all this goes down, sort of like leading an ignorant lamb to the slaughter, but you'll be in a damn good position. We'll have a better package of vaccines to go after competitors and a new contracting strategy to match. 2011 will be a very good year for us.

Ha, it sounds like you meant to leave this message on the gsk board. I've similar rumblings to this recently, I just want to know what the heck is going on. Management needs to be straight with us.

Re: GSK-Menveo purchasei

Any news on this topic?

there has been a buzz here in holly springs for a few months about out-sourcing menveo to gsk. when I first heard it i didn't believe it but i heard that it was being managed in the sentry quality change control system and since i have access to it due my other responsibilities so i went and looked. with a little searching i found a project that looks like we have been working on it since at least may of this year.

most of the comments here obviously come from sale people and they seem to think that openness and transparency are expected from upper management. where did you get that expectation from and when did you last receive that from them here?

i am new to novartis and holly springs but the atmosphere here in the backroom is toxic with the fumes of cover your ass and don't speak-up. it is a common feeling that instead of doing the right thing and entering something into the quality system that you feel as a professional should be entered you only enter something that you could be held accountable for if you do not. from my education and 10 years plus experience in pharma and vaccines tech ops experience the quality process has been turned on it head here. i don't know if novartis can or ever will be held accountable for this particularly destructive quality culture until a big, dangerous mistake has happened. i would whistle blow to the FDA but until some bad happens what do i say?

when i looked at the time it didn't look like the project was done with any effort to conceal it intentions. it was very explicit with what it intended and had been at the time, hanging there for months with no activity so if the Dec 13th date spoke about above it true then it was there for many months for all of us with access to sentry to see.

hmmm, let's add this up. novartis magagement gets us to promote the gsk portfolio and then they escape this sinking ship with a golden parachute...nice work guys! sell gsk vaccines, yeah right douchebags!

who says that management needs golden parachutes? nvd mgmt just needs the revenue without the expenses of field sales which leads to 2 scenarios both of which lead to the end of the current sales structure, at least in the next year.

first, the sell only the exclusive rights to sell menveo to gsk leaving nvd to manufacture it. that way you still need everything but field sales. so everyone from the ceo on down keeps his job even - marketing. although we all know those buffoons in marketing have done nothing but fuck things up and or obscure the real situation since the beginning. besides, the way that they are getting senior positions then leaving and then the remaining guys promoting their friends to fill those senior positions we will have former admins in sr dir roles there in 2 years.

second, sell the rights for gsk to sell menveo while retaining the rights to sell it at the same time through the current sales force. this would be the smartest play for everyone as it would allow gsk to gradually take over exclusive sales while gradually fading out our nvd sales force. why keep us in the long run when we have only menveo to sell and they have menveo plus there entire portfolio to sell? sure, we can sell both but after we get everyone who will purchase the new bundle signed up to do so who thinks that they will need us or want to keep paying for us when at that point they could simply cut us loose and continue to service those accounts with their current sales force and make an improved revenue. so it they announce soon that we will continue to sell menveo while gsk does so as well, it will just give us a longer glide path to use to exit this shit hole.

either way, we are on the extinction list. it has been apparent since the first 6 months after the menveo launch when the reality of it's mediocre commercial success was apparent. i came here because of the senior people in sales who had already joined and then hired me but many of those have already left and the ones that stayed are the survivors that, like the cannibals in the movie, "The Road" would eat us all alive and raw if need be.

FLUCELLVAX is approved! So the ~ $1B (the US govt has got ~ $B.5 skin in that game) Tech Ops Facility in Holly Springs may someday have something to produce that NVD can sell. Ooops, you say that NVD doesn't need us in the field sales force to do that?

Bexsero - no market in US?

Menveo - going to at least share sales with GSK who has ~ $3B in vaccines sales / yr.

Happy fucking Thanksgiving

FLUCELLVAX is approved! So the ~ $1B (the US govt has got ~ $B.5 skin in that game) Tech Ops Facility in Holly Springs may someday have something to produce that NVD can sell. Ooops, you say that NVD doesn't need us in the field sales force to do that?

Bexsero - no market in US?

Menveo - going to at least share sales with GSK who has ~ $3B in vaccines sales / yr.

Happy fucking Thanksgiving

Isn't Flucellvax just the US version of Optaflu? Am I wrong but I just Googled Optaflu and besides it's approval in Europe I can't find that it has ever sold much in the last 4 or so years? So our plan to actually compete in the US Flu market is to replicate Marburg here?

This is such a miserable place to work that I actually hope they do get rid of us. Soon. I would be happy to take a severance and get the hell out of here, but they will undoubtedly screw us one last time and not even offer a package. Let gsk have menveo so it can take its rightful place in the bottom of their bag as the afterthought that it is.

This is such a miserable place to work that I actually hope they do get rid of us. Soon. I would be happy to take a severance and get the hell out of here, but they will undoubtedly screw us one last time and not even offer a package. Let gsk have menveo so it can take its rightful place in the bottom of their bag as the afterthought that it is.

Ironic that the vaccine that this whole idea was built upon would rank at the bottom of their bag when sold by a competitor. Didn't I hear that there was a group of people that got a severance package when they left earlier this year?

Ironic that the vaccine that this whole idea was built upon would rank at the bottom of their bag when sold by a competitor. Didn't I hear that there was a group of people that got a severance package when they left earlier this year?

Heard from someone that gsk will start selling this in jan. should be an interesting poa if we even have one

Heard from someone that gsk will start selling this in jan. should be an interesting poa if we even have one

so, I have a few questions for you or anyone who chooses to weight in:

- what will be the marketing deal if they do and how and who within nvd will it benefit? ex - it's a cross-branding agreement where like in playing dr's as a kid, you show me yours if I show you mine. gsk can sell menveo as part of their offerings as a bundle, like sanofi, and our field sales force can also sell the gsk bundle.

- if the marketing deal in not cross-branded or reciprocal, how does it benefit our field sales force other than keep nvd alive a little longer as they execute a plan to get rid of the field sales force?

- no matter what the final marketing deal, how is this not a total capitulation to the claims for the lack of us commercial validity of menveo (lack of clear clinical superiority and ease of use - failures of Rino) and the entire almost 4 years of work and spend on RNA (Andrin, Vas. et al failures)? doesn't this mean that all these guys have to update their resumes (not only in order to look for other jobs but also to change what they are claiming as sucesses?)

- does this mean that i, as a member of the field sales force, need to look for another job as well?

- if you don't see this a poa that helps nvd while it is a challenge to the viability of the current field sales force, does that make you a marketing lackey and an nvd apologist?

- if we do, doesn't this make nvd just a vaccine development shop for other major vaccine sales orgs that is highly subsidized by novartis?

note - i no longer use the term the antiquated term vaccine solutions specialist but rather the more generic term field sales force since it has become apparent from shortly after the launch of menveo and the subsequent publishing of the future pipeline that nvd was never going to give us the portfolio to sell as a solution to any vaccination needs. ironically, if gsk gets the ability to sell menveo as part of a bundle to compete with sanofi they would then be able to credibly claim that their field sales were vss's.

Let's just put it this way....Monday, December 13th, will be a good day for the GSK vaccine sales force and a REALLY BAD DAY for the Novartis vaccine sales force. There will be a lot of reps who left their previous vaccine jobs for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and they will find out that it was all BS. In two months they will find they are out of a job, will have very little severance and face a job market with few pharmaceutical or vaccine job opportunities. For you at GSK, be very quiet about this and play dumb. In two months you'll feel like you just dodged a big bullet. Meanwhile, keep working with your Novartis people and keep focusing on the GSK portfolio. You'll feel a bit bad after all this goes down, sort of like leading an ignorant lamb to the slaughter, but you'll be in a damn good position. We'll have a better package of vaccines to go after competitors and a new contracting strategy to match. 2011 will be a very good year for us.

Dec 13th is not a MONDAY! BS post

Dec 13th is not a MONDAY! BS post

what a moron, bringing up the fact that a date isn't a certain day of the week when the fact that there have been and are currently discussions with gsk regarding menveo because nvd has just barely sold more in almost 3 years of menveo sales than what was budgeted for just the 2nd year in sales while maintaining a sales force structured for yearly sales of twice that. brent just changed all of our meetings in jan to make room for the nvd leadership meeting that was moved up several months. rumor is that is is to announce andrin is leaving, he has been checked out for a whole now, and to introduce his replacement.

what a moron, bringing up the fact that a date isn't a certain day of the week when the fact that there have been and are currently discussions with gsk regarding menveo because nvd has just barely sold more in almost 3 years of menveo sales than what was budgeted for just the 2nd year in sales while maintaining a sales force structured for yearly sales of twice that. brent just changed all of our meetings in jan to make room for the nvd leadership meeting that was moved up several months. rumor is that is is to announce andrin is leaving, he has been checked out for a whole now, and to introduce his replacement.

I just don't see why gsk would buy menveo or why Novartis would sell it to them.